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Posts posted by Murphy

  1. Hi all, newbie here!

    So I've finally taken the plunge and got myself my 2nd VF (My first Macross toy was the YF-19, can't remember the scale but it's pretty old now).

    So I noticed Yamato hasn't done any of the Macross Frontier toys yet, what's up with that?

    Also while I'm at it, any idea if it's possible to get a VF-25F (Osma or Alto custom) Armored Messiah at non-rape price?

    Looking forward to having discussions and learning from the folks here :D/>

    Welcome to the forums!

    To answer your first question Yamato doesn't have the licensing for macross frontier so they can't make the valks.

    Second your best bet to get a bandai VF-25 renewal with armored parts at MSRP is to build a time machine and go back to when preorders where open. Believe me building a time machine is a lot cheaper than paying for a V.2 VF-25 right now.

  2. yeah I've seen that one and thats a little too high

    What are the prices they are selling it for?

    True, but I bet the ones valk009 seen in stores are probably double the price than that one on ebay.

  3. The better question is, why did that M4 not have BUIS??

    Maybe the soldiers BUIS or optics during the shoot out got shot off? :) But probably the guy in charge of props forgot or didn't care and didn't want to say anything while filming because he didn't want to get fired.

  4. So to raise this topic, Did you guys who collected the 1/48s keep them after the v.2 1/60s or sell them off? Because I replaced most my 1/48s with the 1/60 counterparts so all my 1/48 are just sitting in storage. Since the 1/48 is dead to Yamato I wondering if its worth it to keep them or get rid of them. What did you guys do?

  5. There wasn't any red tape anywhere, just an abunance of yellowish tape holding down the cardboard over the styrofoam. Usually it's just a simple few pieces holding it, but this had tape wrapped all the way around the edge, and folded over the foam.

    Just my speculation about the QC inspection. The outer box wasn't double taped, so if someone did open it, it happened before they put it in the actual outer box.

    I read it to fast and thought you said red tape, cuz companies usually mark defected items with red tape so workers know it should go back instead of out for sale, but yea mine had the extra tape around it also.

  6. I think though, that the main reason for this is that it looks like I actually got one of the ones randomly pulled for QC inspection (ironic, isn't it?) The packaging had a bunch of extra tape on it, as if it had been opened and re-sealed, and it was actually mis-transformed in the box.

    Was the red tape on the outer box, or inside on the styrofoam part? I wonder if NY was able to sell more 25's because they got a hold of all the defective ones?.... Just kidding, just adding fuel to the paranoia pot.

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