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Posts posted by speedjello

  1. I've got one I'm willing to sell. Problem is I'm out of town at the moment. If you are still looking for one after October 12 let me know. YF-19 that is.

    hi, no problem, i am not in a hurry. as long as the price is right ;P

    pls contact me when u get back then. thanks

  2. i would suggest checking out a plaza near MK called In's point(within a 5 mins walk from CTMA mentioned above). a store in there has pretty much all the yamato macross fighters, with reasonable price as well. the store is located on the first floor, its next to a used CD store with tons of simpsons stuff in there....

  3. ok, i pretty much want everthing beside those rice bowls and towels... i live in HK, so i think i will go talk to the toy stores to see if we can work something out. or worse come to worse, i will have many duplicates on the D/E/F/G prizes...

    so whoever are interested in those, do leave me a contact, i can ship those items to u. just original cost + shipping, not asking for any profit ;)

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