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Posts posted by evirus

  1. ive recently downloaded a different version of the macross frontier episodes (just to get the episodes constant in terms of subtitles and video quality) and I've noticed a few added scenes in the final two episodes, whats the story with this? was there scenes added to the dvd/blueray versions that weren't in the original broadcast?

  2. Npt sure if this is the right thread but waqs wondering if anyone has a screenshot of the "dark bird" from SDFM episode 5, only images i can find are from Mr March's excellant site.

    Images of the viking from M zero would be cool to have aswell.

    If i knew at what point this can be seen in episode 5 ill be able to grab the screenshot, i simply can't find it.

  3. can't wait for the 7 OVA and zero reviews.

    why did the shower water shoot downward when the soda shot upward

    remember that the pipe is connected to the ship, the soda can is free floating.simple Newtonian physics, equal and opposite forces.

  4. I haven't listened to my Macross song collection soundtrack in AGES so I popped it in and remembered how amazing the songs from Macross were. But what was even more amazing was how I had forgotten how incredible the songs from Macross II are. Are you kidding me? Mari Ijima's songs from DYRL are incredible no doubt....but Hiroko Kasahara's songs from Macross II are nothing short of MAGNIFICANT!!!!!! I can't believe how how little attaention Macross II's soundtrack gets. It's way way waaaaaay underrated, and is better than even some of Yoko Kanno's sountracks.

    the songs are pretty good, you could catch a few of them, or at least different takes on them, in macross 7. especially when they introduce the jamming birds.

  5. Try Media Player Classic?

    that program auto closes after it opens and begins playing the file, when it did end up playing(i don't know how i got it to do that) the video was upside down, it only seems to do it with .mkv files, my macross 7 files( .avi's) work fine, still upside down though, but i fixed that in the render options.

  6. last two ones are for mobile phones @_@ to get those you need to live in japan i guess >__<" cause i honestly doubt they're able to download somewhere @_@ ( even illegal copies etc. )

    those box images: game_qr_02.gif reminds me of that new camera phone data essentially acting like a bar code that grabs data from the image. so you might just need a Japanese camera phone.

  7. Actually, the "the truth is inbetween" excuse came before the "movie within a movie" excuse, so I'm not sure your idea really works.

    Personally, I think it's not worth worrying about...it's all fiction, so does it really matter which one is more "valid"? I mean, if you've seen both SDFM and DYRL, you know everything that allows you to enjoy the sequels. I don't really think its an issue worth worrying about.

    That said, Macross Chronicle DEFINITELY falls of the side of SDFM "happening" and DYRL "just" being a movie. So if you really need an answer, there it is. It's unsatisfactory, and raises a lot of unanswered questions, but that's what the magazine says. And the magazine is official and canonical. B))

    could have just been a way of identifying side characters and extras as being zendtradi, remember in macross unless the character is disfigured you really couldn't tell if micronized. in M7 they look a little odd to begin with(grayish skin and what not) so it really helps. but for a well known character like miria she looks totally normal though being a micronized full zentradi, probably because she was an "established character"

  8. Chain of command:

    Players join a squadron under the command of a squad leader (like in BF2). Squadron leader designates primary goal (IE cover Blue Squadron, Bomb Primary target, Defend Sector XX)

    a way to encourage players working together in squads would be to have a player who stays near his leader gain points for how long he does so. give the player more points for completing a squad objective than just doing stuff on their own.

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