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Posts posted by MrDisco

  1. Just saw a bit of the making of EP3. Some of the fight scenes between Obi and Anakin were completely CG.


    Obi vs Anakin fight is VERY intense. Their sabers become a whirlwind of light and that distincitve saber sound. At one point they engage in a Force duel (you see this in the trailer when Obi has his hands up straining)

    Lucas has also declared there are no more SW movies after this. And he will never allow anyone else to make one either. There is of course the planned TV series for the franchise (we of course already knew this bit)

  2. i totally saw michelle coming back in this manner (though i dont think she`s *that* hot).

    random thoughts while watching the last ep:

    -why is an executive carrying a gun at work?

    -i think paul gets killed off and audrey will blame jack for it

    -keptin the engines canna take any more! she's gonna blow!

    -with the emp bomb jack and co will have to run (or steal a bicycle!) to get out of the blast zone

    -someone needs to give CTU more funding so they can have more agents/red shirts in the field to help jack take down the evil CEOs of the world

  3. 1) If it ain't broke, don't fix it. (Macross is fine and works well as an anime, why run the risk?"

    2) Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. (I could, if I wanted to go out and just start randomly blowing away all the bad drivers I encounter, and there are times I am tempted, but it doesn't mean I will.)

    i think this is a very narrow-minded mentality. if we followed that we might never have gotten LOTR. heck even sailor moon live was entertaining to watch.

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