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Posts posted by Anubis

  1. Got mine in yesterday. It looks wonderful, but mine has a loose left knee and a loose right bicep swivel. Boo for those. Loose joints on a VB-6 and now loose joints on the VF-0. I am very pleased with the tampo printed details this time but I really wish they would try a little harder on the joint QA for this price. My 1/48 VF-1's all have great joints, so I know Yamato is capable of doing joints right, they just don't consistently. If they got the joints right this would have been perfect.

    I would still like to see a VF-0D released. I'd plunk down for one of those, but that's it other than this one.

  2. So far any love for the Gundam pvc Fusion Works series or the gashapons? Those are what I collect since I can have little armies from all the series'.


    I have some of those Fusion Works figures too. Really nice little figures. I have Char's Gelgoog, Zeong, Desert RX-79G, RX-78NT1, blue Z-Gok, Gouf Flight Type, Black Trinity Zaku II, and std green Gelgoog on display. Nice detail, and they all hold their balance well. They work good at least as placeholders with no HCM Pro versions yet.

  3. the RE-GZ? it most likely will.


    You say that now (and so would I) but remember that Shiki is still without his BFG.


    The BWS is an integral part of the design though. There's no way the Re-GZ can be released without the BWS so it can change to wave rider mode.

  4. That's not entirely surprising.... haha.

    I almost bought a HCM Rick Dom last night... and then decided not to bother cuz I was already gertting other stuff... should I have gotten it?  Is it worth 20 bucks?


    The Rick-Dom isn't bad. Usual HCM Pro quality. Mine has no problem holding up the giant beam bazooka. Good joints. I kind of like it better than the Zeonography Char's Rick-dom that I have too.

  5. Wow, if they really release all those CCA suits under HCM Pro I will be so happy. The Jagd Doga looks awesome. Having the other suits too would be awesome.

    I hope too that during this they still take the time to release the Methuss and Dijeh. I really need a Dijeh to finish the Char/Amuro set.

    I totally forgot to post pics of the HCM Pro Hi-Zack. I love it. Very nicely posable and the detailing works well with this MS. Here are a few pics:








  6. Two words: WINGED WHALE


    Something conveniently not mentioned again in the entirety of Destiny. Also only mentioned what, twice in the first series? It would have been nice to touch on what the deal was a little more, but it just didn't fit with that they set out to do with SEED.

    I'm in the camp of keep it humans vs each other. It's the whole point of Gundam. The cruelty of war, overpopulation/pollution of the earth, human evolution that is spurred by escaping Earth's gravity. The AU's take more liberty from there, but at least keep something of that in there somewhere. Even G-Gundam, with the Earth is largely war-torn and polluted.

    If they throw in aliens to fight then it kind of becomes Macross or any other giant robot show.

  7. Stargazer info from Gunota

    SEED C.E. 73 Stargazer site opens

    Info from the official site which opened today:


    Deep Space Survey and Development Organization (DSSD) - A group founded to survey & develop regions beyond the orbit of Mars. The Earth Alliance, PLANT, and neutral powers cooperated in its establishment though it is neutral with regard to the Alliance & ZAFT and has special jurisdiction. The fundamental principle is "The advancement of frontiers": to transcend all countries, organizations, religions, and races, sending that doctrine from the human species out to the far-reaches of space.

    Phantom Pain - A special military force that answers to Logos, Blue Cosmos' supreme governing organization. The unit is a private army organized by Blue Cosmos. Blue Cosmos, thus far not getting the depended on military power from the Earth Alliance, formed the group as a way of directly embodying their personal intentions. Phantom Pain's parent organization is comprised of Alliance personnel & equipment. Notices issued from the Earth Alliance's upper echelon, in situations where goods and personnel are requested by Phantom Pain, are informal but are to be responded to without delay. With that assistance, Phanton Pain can take in provisions and furnishings wherever they go. But only Logos and representatives of Logos possess command authority over them. Even within the Alliance, only a tiny few of its leaders are aware of the particulars regarding Phantom Pain. As a private army, they aren't bound by the armistice treaty entered into by the Alliance and ZAFT. The treaty prohibits both the Alliance and ZAFT from having N-Jammer Cancellers, nuclear weapons, Mirage Colloid, loading ships with Phase Shift armor, and possessing nuclear-powered mobile suits but Phantom Pain disregards that and executes operations using ships that carry such things. And since they are funded behind the scenes by Blue Cosmos, the equipment they get is radical but extravagant.


    GSX-401FW Stargazer - Affilated with DSSD.

    GAT-X105E Strike Noir - A mobile suit specializing in close-range combat deployed by the Earth Alliance's 81st Independent Mobile Battalion (aka Phantom Pain). It's based on the X105 Strike and piloted by lieutenant junior grade Sven Cal Bayan. Integrated performance improvement measures on the unit were conducted by Actaeon Industries.


    Selene McGriff - 28-year-old female Coordinator. One of the engineering staff on the DSSD engineering development's GSX-401FW Stargazer Project. "Mankind must set out to space." Those words are Selene's guiding principle. As is the case with many DSSD staff, she was born and raised in space and her parents are also members. Bright but has a strong tendency to be somewhat egotistical. Once she decides what her goal is, she won't be happy until she achieves it and, that being the case, she won't choose a way of meeting her objectives without great effort. Strong-minded and unafraid of being criticized for her methods. Aggressive at times and, as a result, much of her nature is to disregard her partner's ideas though if someone tries that with her, she'll be reluctant and impassionate. Nevertheless, since the DSSD is an organization with a high ratio of eccentrics and freaks among the personnel, Selene hasn't especially changed.

    Sven Cal Bayan - 19-year-old male Natural. A lieutenant junior grade in the Earth Alliance's 81st Independent Mobile Battalion (Phantom Pain). Pilot of the mobile suit GAT-X105E Strike Noir. Part of a special combat MS platoon with another 2-3 people. Orphaned due to an incident when he was very young. Afterwards, he became affiliated with Phantom Pain as an elite combat member for Coordinator extermination warfare. What's the reason for his intense hatred of Coordinators...and what is the past of this cruel fighting machine?

    Still too little info to even tell what the show will really be dealing with. Is Phantom Pain trying to stop this DSSD? Still too vague.

  8. From Gunota:

    First Gundam ikimaasuuuu!

    Rumors have been floating for the past couple weeks, but it is official now. Sunrise has announced the long awaited Region 2 Mobile Suit Gundam TV series DVD. Details for the DVD boxset and individual volumes:

    DVD-Box 1 (Ep 1-25, 6 DVD) : Dec 12, 2006 - 37,800yen

    DVD-Box 2 (Ep 25-43 5 DVD): Jan 26, 2007 - 31,500yen

    Individual DVD volumes will come out on Feb 23, 2007.

    Rental DVD will come out first on July 28, 2006.

    Early reservation ends on Sep 14, 2006. Customer reserving DVD-Box1 before Sep 14 will also receive 1/200 scale RX-78-2 Limited Version action model.

    The official site will come online April 25.

    Bandai Visual's press release. According to the press release, the Gundam franchise accounts for 20-40% of total sales every year for Bandai Visual.

      ¶ 5:06 AM

    Thursday, April 06, 2006

    Now that the original 0079 Gundam is FINALLY getting a R2 release hopefully they'll allow the other regions to get a proper subbed version after that. I'd love to have an actual Mobile Suit Gundam box set with subtitles.

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