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Posts posted by protodeviln

  1. Lonewolf said

    "Overall the 1/60 makes for a good hybrid between the models and toys. Look fantastic in each mode and you don't have to paint & assemble it, but you won't have fun transforming and posing it."

    Ummmmm..........why wouldn't you have fun posing it? :blink:

    I love posing my 1/60's.......the 1/60's imo give great anime poses.

  2. different modes for differing terrain and environments in addition to adaptation to different enemy configurations/vehicles.

    Gerwalk (Ground Effective Reinforcement of Winged Armament with Locomotive Knee-joint) along with Battroid mode - allow for VTOL or vertical take off and landing. It can allow for more tight control in an urban environment - i.e city streets.

    Battroid is just frickin' cool to look at :p:)

  3. I dont think the story would be hard to adapt really. Stretching it out over 2 or 3 movies though would be painful. I hate how now a days everything requires a sequel. It really doesn't. I am sure an excellent writer can cut it down to 2 hours. Make the movie 3 acts, and make each act about 45 to 50 minutes. Between acts show a passage of time to say somthing like a few months have passed blah blah blah blah.... It can be done, hell if i had the funding i would do it myself since i am a filmmaker. But then you come too the problem of releasing stateside at which point HG will get into the mix and screw the whole project one way or another. Long ago i mentioned making a Robotech movie just to have a Macross movie in the states. Basically i stated that if someone took all the great things that is Macross and placed them under the Robotech banner just to make it state side would you macrossworlders watch it. I believe i was chastized for the idea. I understand the hate towards robotech, but honestly a macross saga movie under the robotech banner is the only way a live action movie will be made stateside. Take it or leave it.

    Exactly - would this be an entirely Produced and Directed - Japenese production? A wholly U.S financed film or a co venture? I too believe that any american forays into this realm would most likely be guised under the "Robotech Banner." IMHO I would probably not want to see an American production of Macross - but come the success or failure of Transformers( not that it's release in anyway, is tied with producing macross for the big screen) we still might see Macross come to life, in our lifetimes.

  4. One thing to consider is doing what other mods have done and simply release the mod with the new models.

    New coding can be tested and fixed for the beta release. This way the bugs remain internal and won't frustrate the fans.

    The fans get to play HW2 with the Macross models and that always attracts and inspires help.

    Many successful mods start out this way and grow by simply adding to existing releases making them more popular.

    Frequent updates in the forums, site and mod sites help to let fans know it is not just another abandoned mod floating around.

    Something to consider

    Agreed - been following this for a while - even releasing some type of vid will inspire people and bring in some assistance where and when, need be. Frequent updates and screenies would be great.

    Keep up the good work. - looking forward to installing this :)

  5. Hi everyone

    Loooong time lurker, first time poster. I first want to say, what a great information source you all provide for macross fans around the globe. I hope I can contribute in some small way to a postive community.

    My first macross toy was bought back in 85 - for $55 dollars at the now long defunct, Silver Snail in Hamilton, Ontario. Damn....... that was a lot of money to drop on a toy as a kid back then :) - 1984 Bandai : Hi-Metal 1/55 Strike Valkyrie VF-1S Hikaru Type.

    This toy really sparked a lot of imaginative play and you knew that nothing else was like it - so you would slap your friends wrist for touching it :p

    here are some picks of my strike valk purchased back in 85 and still with me.

    IPB Image

    IPB Image

    Throughout subsequent years, I would pick up items here and there - but not never went full throttle until recently. I have some yamato 1/60's and I'm looking to expand in the 1/48's



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