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Posts posted by dr_vandermeer

  1. dr vandermeer,the guy i talked too,just refered to the alpha as being not worth the $80 price tag quality-wise.he seemed to be very disapointed in seeing the finished product after all the hype.i've always thought southerncross hardware was ugly,so i'm not interested at all.the cyclones are ok,but i sure wouldn't shell out hundreds of dollars for 1.i never tire of vf-1's.there's so many nice 1's from yamato lately. :)

    No worries. Just curious. :)

  2. i haven't seen it personally,but everybody who went to hg's panel at otakon & saw the new mpc alpha told me that it sucks.not worth picking up :ph34r:

    Did they say it sucked because it's small, sucked because of price, or sucked because of quality?

    Because the Alpha we saw at MacrossWorld Con 4 I thought was pretty nice quality-wise. Everything else like price point and size is debatable IMO. :)

  3. Here's an enthusiastic review from alienscollection.com of the Master Replicas motion tracker.

    4.5 out of 5. There's also a little movie that shows how the tracking actually "works":


    The "scale" ringing takes a little getting used to, but it makes sense. Can't wait. :)

    Also (as if it were a tough one to guess), the pulse rifle is CONFIRMED for next year.


  4. How are the gunfights and hand-to-hand combat in this movie? Are they realistic, or typical Hollywood over-the-top nonsense.........shooting two guns at once, held sideways, while jumping through the air in slow motion...yuck!

    Realism is cool IMO. Hollywood's version of martial competence, usually involving lots of wirework, slow motion and unrealistic moves just turns my stomach.


    Nope, pretty realistic in the film. It's actually pretty funny, now that I think back on the film, I actually don't remember too much gunplay action, not that there isn't any. It's a very economical movie, with things happening because they have to, and not as filler.

    I personally like BOTH the over-the-top stuff and the realistic, gritty stuff. The stuff that I can't stand is the middle ground where the action and combat is ho-hum blah. All sound and fury signifying nothing.

  5. 3, i love them both for different reasons.

    4, the i don't care cause i need more, more, more!!!  you make'em, i'll buy'em. 

    So true, so true ;)

    I remember the discussion on the old board about the "mosquito nose" from the 1/60's (people complained it was too thin). But that is what it makes it closer to the lineart than the 1/48's. The canopy from the 1/48's is really messed up (it's too wide and ruins the front view of the fighter).

    Look at this pic then take your 1/60's and 1/48's and judge which one looks closer to the lineart (this view ruins my 1/48's, I never get used to the ultra wide canopy):

    Any one particular piece of line art can be used to support which scale valkyrie is closest. If your preference is a thinner canopy, that's cool. Just as it's cool for people who like it wider. But line art is not the ultimate end all be all judge, as it changes from piece to piece to make whatever form look best. :)

  6. Add me to the list of people who did not like the camerawork. I thought it was jumpier than Blair Witch actually. Too much during the fight in the home and too much during the car chase. If it were dialed down a couple notches, I think those scenes would've been perfect. :)

    I also didn't like how some stuff was resolved, some of it felt clichéd - Brian Cox's resolution being one. But that said, there were other elements that surprised me in a good way. Won't get too into it here. But this series does feel a lot rawer and more visceral than what you normally see in spy thrillers.

  7. NooooooooOOOOoooooOoooo!!! You can't ban him yet! This thread must live on, at least until we discover his true identity.

    BTW, I can see why I might get labeled as an "American" from the way I talk, but what I don't get is why he's continually accusing me of "talking tough" about stuff. I haven't even called him a troll in this thread (yet) and I'm getting these infantile "why don't you go to Iraq and see how tough you are" PM's. Why would I go to Iraq when my country's army isn't even there? Afghanistan, perhaps, but not Iraq. Either way, I'm getting a little old to be humping around the gear that soldiers today have to carry. But like you suggested in your last PM, ValkDeligh-kun, please feel free to drop by my place any time you're in town. To your dismay, you might find out that we Canadians aren't all hockey games and maple syrup.



    p.s If you think I'd give my name out online to some total stranger, you really need to get your head screwed on straight. Even the Jehovah's witnesses that came by my door last weekend know how much risk there is in identity theft. :rolleyes:

    Dammit! He's banned!

    Who was that masked idiot? :p

  8. Sorry to see you go ValkDelight. Your posts were well thought out and articulated. Thank you for logging in just to say goodbye. That was so incredibly thoughtful of you. You were such an important part of the MW community. I will always remember the good times we spent frolicking under the skittles and rainbows in our own little utopia called Asia. Tell everyone in the motherland I said howdy. You will be missed.

    (wipes tear from eye...)


  9. Wait a minute..... This whole time I'm thinking that the kerberos 12" figure in the picture is one of the new figures coming out. It's actually the female version that we were talking about in another thread. Don't get me wrong, I'm definity picking that female version up for sure! :p:D:lol:

    Hey! You're right! My bad! :blink:

    Sorry to mislead anyone, just grabbed what was off the link. And the gun grip pose covered up any boobage that would've given it away. Plus in most of the promo pics we've been seeing, she's posed rather femininely. But it does show Takara's ability that will be applied to the new figures.

    I'm gettin' 'em all too! :lol:

  10. I live in the bay area, and drove down to Frank n Sons when i went to the BotCon convention last month.

    When ever i go to cons i always bring my video camera to film my convention adventures.

    I video taped, BotCon, Wonder-Con, Fanime-Con, and every little collector convention that comes to town.

    But you know what happened at Frank n Beans?

    I was filming for about 2 minutes (just walking around, nothing in particuler) when security came up to me and was yelling at me to turn off the camera.

    I asked why, and that pissed them off even more.

    So anyways, i turned off my camera and said fine, then he said "take the camera outside. You can't even have the camera on the grounds".

    I was shocked and asked if he was serious.

    They said yes, no filming on the property.

    Then I said that i was a tourist to the area, and that i go to a lot of collector shows, and they always encourage filming.

    That seemed to get them mad and they escorted me out back to my car and watched me put my camera back in the car. Only then was i allowed back in to Frank n Beans.

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    Was there a sign somewhere i missed that said "no filming!"

    Grrrr................    :angry:

    Oh well.........  :(

    wow, never heard of that happening before, but then again I never thought about taping anything there. I think they do that to protect their vendors as alot, if not all, sell some sort of bootleg item. So I can see where they are coming from. Anyway, sorry if that left a bad impression about frank and sons. It's not really that bad! :p:D:lol:

    I've never heard of that happening before either, but next time I'm there I'll ask some of the guys why that's the case.

    Hope that didn't leave too much of a bad taste in your mouth and you at least got to do some fine shopping. F&S is pretty cool if you think about it. A wide variety of dealers everywhere every wednesday and saturday, with free parking and free admission. How can you beat that?! :D

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