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Posts posted by hirohawa

  1. Yamato could stay in business just from you two guys.

    Well, I know you are upset for paying a huge amount for the low vis. Me? I may be paid top dollar for 2 of my LVs. Then again I got 2 of them for $90 ack on ebay.  I am sure I evened out.  Still you have to remember this LV is a different scheme.  So you do not have to worry about losing the original scheme. 

    And yes, I would like to see a VF-4 and better yet a YF-19 FP. VF-11 doesnt appeal to me. 

    To tell the truth, I am 1/48ed out. I want something else.

    Well coming from someone who owns 94 (!!) valks I can totally see where you are coming from. :blink: But "think of the children" who do have a specific type in mind and are at the mercy of those evil ebay sellers who will boost the price of an already expensive toy knowing some types are in high demand due to being harder to find. I think in the long run it can only mean good things for fans whether you are new and starting out, or as a person waiting for more different releases. (I personally want them to start some mac plus valks - the yf 19 has got to be a popular mech)

    Seriously though: one of these days you have got to take each and every one of those valks out, transform them into battoid mode for us all to see them, and pose them in a strategic formation as if they were about to march off to fight an army of zentradi, then take a picture of the battle. :D I would like to see a rows of battroid all ready for combat, similar to what you see in the tv series when the destroid are all lined up shoulder to shoulder in preparation for the deadalus manuever before they are about to fire everything. :D

    I just got an idea: I think all LE should be packaged in battroid mode for dramatic effect. I think having the box sitting up tall like the Qrau might make people think it was that much more special. I don't know why but I have always been more a fan of seeing mecha in thier robot form than thier vehicle form. Probably because I like to put them in dramatic poses and stuff. The other advantage of packaging it that way is the head turret will stand out more so it doesn't look so samey.


    Hey I'm not complaining about the new releases specifically. I'm over collecting the current released cannon valks. Just the low vis that I'm not happy about as I paid through the nose for them. Usually when you stamp something with the words LE that's it.

    "Children of the future" eh? What are you listening to Whitney Houston? :p It's great that Yamato have released the Roy's again. And the VF-J Hikaru (well sorta, I was kinda hoping for the Super version <_< ). I would want the toy to get out as much as possible. I'm a collector not an investor, otherwise I'd have made the move to sell out long ago. I had plenty of opportunites, LV drought, FAST Packs shortage, Max VF-1A...the list goes on.

    It just kinda makes my Low Vis feel less special now. I'm sure people like Godzilla would agree. But the point is moot as it should be a different version of the LV anyway.

    Ah good so it technically means the original is still a genuine LE (not like CF release) to not piss off the collectors and ebay sellers with thier outrageous asking prices.

    I wish they would do this to the VB6 monster. Do up a weathered version with different paintscheme. Still haven't seen many custom of this..


    Even if Yamato is intent on making it different from the original, that is still pushing it a bit. <_< Release it all you want, but not if you stamp it with limited edition. <_<

    If Yamato is intent on milking this mod then I'd wish they'd move on to other paint schemes. I mean more like cannon ones. But the stealth one is quite cool.

    To tell the truth, I am 1/48ed out. I want something else.


    1/48'd out? BLASPHEMY! J/K. I am always wanting more. After getting the Macross PLus This is Animiation book, I saw a lot of cool VF-1 schemes. I like the Camo one from the UNS Air Force. I would like to see that on the 1/48s.

    What I really want is the two seaters. Come on Yamato... <Larry The Cable Guy>GIT R DUN!</Larry The Cable Guy> If they released those, I know I will get 4 each at a minimum.


    Same here. But you gotta admit, you really wnat something new too. :D VF-4, VF-9, VF-11, VF-14 and VF-17 etc....



  2. I'm Iranian, born here but have been there a few times. When you are dealing with these fundamentalists, like Hezbollah - I got stopped there for having long hair - they are not just like you and me. They are not average people with universal desires - they are straight up twisted and wear malevolance with pride. This Fundamentalist ideology is based on oppression and innaccesabilty.

    They do not smile and make small talk with foreigners on balconies.

    And spies are cold and calculated, this cooking sensitive spy who questions morality and yearns for his family is completely phony and very TV movie of week. If you read about Mousad and Isreali military in general these guys are hard boiled operatives, especially if they make it to high ranking positions like Eric Bana did in this film.

  3. I think it is one of his worst films.

    Over sentimental and alot of offensive scenes. This guy definitely has a problem with women and sex.

    Everyone is just such a great guy in thsi movie. Even the 11 men who organized the kidnapping at teh Olympics - see fundamntalist terrorists are nice guys that smile and make small talk.

    Last shot of the movie is in offensive, in poor taste and annoyingly predictable.

    Bana and Geoffrey Rush where great but they are always great. Some of the action scenes are incredible and very powerful - but overall this film feels very ordinary - I wouldn't even know if it was a spielberg film unless told.

    Also it is not getting great reviews


    Munich is to other Espionage movies like Donnie Brasco is to Mob Films.

  4. Thanks.

    I will post pics when I get it.

    I bought the first one for a decent price.

    I hope it looks as good as the pics.

    Hmm... decent prices but I think for that amount, I'd rather go with someone in-house like Kurt or Ana.



    You got better than a "decent" price for a totally repainted Valkyrie, taking into account the price of the Super Max, paint and prep materials, and decals. I looks like you weren't charged for labor at this price. Nice score!


  5. The hair and face seem off to me. I like the way the CMS Roy looks as well as the Robotech bust.

    This version doesn't look Anime enough. It is almost trying to look real, which is a mistake. A good reference might also be the 12" Gatchaman figures from Medicom.

    The rest of it looks really good. Helmet needs some work as stated above.

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