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Posts posted by Steve68

  1. Assuming they actually try and stick to the Robotech story how much story is going to have to be edited out for the movie? What plot elements are essential? I seriously doubt it’s going to be 2 hours of Valkyries blowing sh!t up. Although I wouldn’t complain about that at all. B)) I would like to see it given the LOTR treatment and have a couple of movies as it would be better for the story.

    Done right I think 3 movies could be a huge cash cow, but done wrong a money sucking black hole.

    I haven’t read the entire thread, but has anyone thought of Tobey as playing Max?

    That Kevin Smith comment might not be so bad if he were to write the screenplay. I know he wrote one for Superman, but it wasn’t used. At least he is a comic book fan.

  2. No biggie on the thruster pods. I haven't seen the line art (heck I haven't even seen the VF-4 in action) :mellow: I wonder what those little spots are for. It really doesn't make sense for them to be thrusters anyway as there aren't any others anywhere else besides the engines.

  3. :lol: That has to be the one of the best worst P'shop jobs I've ever seen :p

    Did anyone else listen to the interview from Space Station Liberty where Kevin McKeever of HG talks about the RT movie? I think he went a little overboard with the "HG owns everything RT" statements. It pretty much came across as they don't own that much, and he is over compensating by making a big deal about them owning everything.

  4. Actually I'm not mistaken

    This time they approved two working programs which could be very interesting in the coming months and years: the first calls for development of a spec and region map, and the enforcement of region codes for HD DVD video discs -- where there currently is none (much to the benefit of most consumers, and to their advantage over Blu-ray). It's yet to be finalized and pushed through for future revisions of the HD DVD spec,

    If RPC is ultimately approved and incorporated into the HD DVD format, it is unclear how the players that have already been sold will handle it. The most logical solution would be to allow the current handful of HD DVD players already on the market to play any HD DVD. Unfortunately, history tell us that logic is not one of the entertainment industry's strong suits, so it's not outside the realm of possibility that region-coded HD DVDs will cause problems for some early adopters.

    See HD-DVD IS region free unlike BluRay. Both articles make it pretty clear I thought that region coding is something that is being looked into, but NOTHING is finalized. You should be careful with articles like these that are full of words like "could", "yet", "if" etc.

    Actually you are mistaken, they are currently working on the HDDVD codes. - read these:



    Bluray Disc Regions:


    Region code Area

    A/1 North America, Central America, South America, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.

    B/2 Europe, Greenland, French territories, Middle East, Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

    C/3 India, Nepal, Mainland China, Pakistan, Russia, Central and South Asia.

    However, it appears both camps are reluctant to encode the regions until the formats become widely adopted in the market.

    DYRL was a theatrical film released in 35mm, it was indeed widescreen.

  5. Research photos? Hmm... Maybe I missed that part. Crap. <_< How do you take research photos?

    Also did you ever find the key to get in that locked dentist office? I think it said you need Chompers key or something like that. I looked everywhere and didn't find it so I moved on to the next level. I checked the map several times and I hadn't missed any rooms and I'm pretty sure I checked every corpse, ashtray, desk, container, crate, etc.

    The Bouncers do something where the screen goes blurry and it causes you to run slowly. That's usually when they get a big hit on me.

    I just figured out that you can aim better with the guns last night, just like every other FPS. I can't believe I didn't notice it earlier, but it makes the Thompson much more effective.

  6. Started over on medium last night and will say that medium is much easier than hard. I think you get the same amount of ammo and health packs, but the bad guys are just really tough to kill on hard. I just encountered my first little sister. How far after this can you buy an extra slot for a 3rd plasmid? I had to make a choice earlier and drop one of the two you get early on.

  7. I just got my copy in the mail yesterday and played it tonight. I had the demo and played through about a half dozen times on medium difficulty. I decided to start the full version on hard and it's way more difficult than the demo was on medium. The splicers take tons more punishment before they go down. Also I don't think you find as many Eve or health packs. I could be wrong on that one though.

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