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Posts posted by s001

  1. Not sure if I feel really guilty about it, but I love The Runaways movie and the band too. Plus now I got a thing for blond women, but that's Dakota Fanning's fault. :p

    My brothers give me a hard time 'cause they say is chicks music, but I don't care. They were really badass. Real rocker girls. And they pulled off the bad girl attitude in a way today popstars just can't.

  2. I think it's not a big deal. You collect robot stuff, you're a geek. Who isn't these days really? My older brother have thousands of dollars on vinyls. One of my younger brothers collects electronics and the other collects nintendo games and consoles. They say that togheter we are the perfect nerd. :D

    I just feel a Little bad saying NO NO NO to my two little nephews all the time. But then I remember most of my stuff isn't really meant for kids anyway.

    So relax. Nerd is the new cool.

  3. Finally got my first renewal 25.

    As an accuracy freak, I looove it. But daaamn!!! Aren't these things delicate?!!! Just one transformation and I already chipped off a little paint.

    Probably getting another one because the hip attachments are kind of loose and that bugs me a lot since gerwalk is my fav mode. I suspect is from the very first batch. Is that a common problem with first releases? Or I just got a deffective one? Thank's.

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