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Hikaru's VF-1S

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Posts posted by Hikaru's VF-1S

  1. i wonder if it could be voltron, supposedly this review of early script: http://www.latinoreview.com/scriptreview.php?id=65

    it talks about what the early script of voltron is, and actually does take place in NY, as some drule empire takes over the world in the ONE DAY WAR, and the world is all destroyed and such.

    If it was a trailer for voltron, people saying that it wasnt voltron that was attacking. But maybe it was a ROBEAST, there alive, fleshy, and monsters, and they probably the ones attacking NY. Well just throwing out some ideas. Also seems kinda too conicidence if they are talking about Going to JAPAN... it has to be something japanese made...

  2. lol i applied to merced for next fall, hope i get in.

    anyways, most popular games i see is like DDR, and should get like initial d (4th version if possible) or maximum tune 2 (or 3 when that comes out). ya but also classics are pretty good too..

    definatly get "the simpsons" arcade game and Ninja Turtles: turtles in time machines. thoses are nostalgic =]

  3. wow that legioss & tread looks soo cool. i really wanted a set, hope it isnt too pricey thou. i wonder what the tread looks like transformed and how big it is. well i guess i gotta save my money for this =X

    anyone taking preorders for this? =]

  4. just curious, but whats a good deal for 1 super stealth, im looking into getting one of theses in the near future (only have one 1/48 vf-1 at the moment) and would like another one that looks different from my VF-1S

  5. I could not care less about "toynami vs. yamato" arguments, and I've already mentioned my lack of enthusiasm for the cyclones.

    But this always drives me crazy:

    That is NOT the saying. "the proof is in the pudding" might be far more widely used today than it should, but anyone can see it makes no sense. The saying that applies here is, "the proof of the pudding is in the tasting." I do not know how the original phrase was perverted, but there you have it.

    edit- Erased a seperate comment dealing with shaggy's semantics being clear. I actually don't care that people are talking past each other. More nonsense for us to scroll past, but I don't care enough to involve myself.

    i think "the proof is in the pudding" means that pudding isnt pudding until the end. meaning that u should wait til the end to see what the finale is...

  6. wow that beta looks cool, but i wonder if its just gonna be the blue version only, i dont think all of us have the scott alpha and they go for a lot now. hope they make some shadow chronicle betas like maia's so i can have matching ones =] maybe in one box or something lol

  7. cool, a cyclone finally coming out, but wish they continued the betas. i may be interested in one if i hear good reviews. i wonder when it comes out... also if thats scott's head from orginal series or TSC.

    btw, thoses shadow alphas look nice too, better than the vol. 4 one. i wanna see what maia's alpha looks like in other forms. i wanted hers for some reason. =P

  8. soo... after seeing shadow chronicles, makes me wanna get a alpha again... i use to have the rook's, but sold it a long time ago. now i kinda want a Shadow Alpha fighter (or green or blue one), anyone have one for a really good and cheap price?

  9. hiya, wow finally watch TSC, good movie, got the last dvd at target at 10pm before they closed cuz i forgot it came out today...

    anyways, can someone post some good pictures of Maia Sterling or Ariel? i wanna put one as a backround, plus wanna try to do a fanart of them. =] and if possible, the robot girl too, thanks if u can.

  10. Hiya, well decided to post a couple of pics of my first valkyrie... hehe...



    im thinking of getting a 2nd one, either a Hikaru or Max VF-1A, my bro might get the max and so i might get a hikaru... would i be able also to put a VF-1S head on the hikaru for it? be cool to be able to...

    and if anyone has a hikaru VF-1S head for sale, pm me =]

  11. woohoo, well i finally got myself my first valkyrie, the 1/48 yamato roy vf-1s. it is really cool, been posing it and stuff. now i need to get myself some fast packs for it.

    if i would get another one, probably be the max reissue one =P

  12. woah cool angel birds design... hehe i only showed up for like 2 mins on the show and they make a figure out of it.. which is pretty cool thou, lol

    anyways still waiting for my 1/48 roy vf-1s from laftoys.com which i ordered from... not gonna be sent till monday =(

  13. hiya, well im looking for a cool hikaru vf-1s pic... i would really like a pic of him like flying at the end of dyrl and see him in batteloid mode and image of minmei is on the backround screen that doyzal is watching... hope anyone can find me cool pics, thanks

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