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Li Qin

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Everything posted by Li Qin

  1. Plus they play better than 90% of current pop bands out there today. If you go to watch Macross 7 for Mecha action you will be dissapointed. If you watch Macross 7 for the music and you can enjoy it then it's not that bad. It also has some great moments to laugh at. I also lump song energy in the Ki/Chi, life energy, force section. And these things do exist in real life, what they really are I haven't seen anything that properly defines them so my guess is it's some senses we don't know, after all there are supposed to be 9 dimensions and we only know of 4.
  2. Well the punch up was from the first time they experenced a culture shock and when they only saw the miss macross show so that can't really be used as a good example. With the inital debreifing yes there was no military information, but that wasn't what the show wanted to focus on at the time, it was after the Zentradi experincing culture shocks and military data which we already knew about would have been a bit boring. As for how good they were as spies, well you can't really say that as they were experincing a completely alien culture that they had noidea of how it worked, or even how the dress sense was. Thats Kamjin, Kaifun was that annoying passafist that was trying to get with minmei. Thats what I was getting at, the main problem with the tatic I suggested is changing the odb to the ppb being how long it would take and in that time what could britai's ship do. Also a LOT of those ships were used to clean the Earth in the Zentradi assult.
  3. They did disco with the bridge bunnies. All I know is that Britai said that the spies said that they had data on the daedalus attack which allowed them to create the counter. Besides they were spies so them infultrating and finding military secrets wouldn't be that hard, and I don't think that the Macross had very good security as a lot of stuff that shouldn't have been know was, i.e. kaifun knowing about the odb going skitz and scorching the earth.
  4. Actually it was becuase of the sipes that they knew how it worked and not the botched shot on Earth. The best way I see for the SDF to destroy Britai's ship (without the main guns) is either to use long range "reaction" missiles or if it's possible, to close in with the odb and then switch to the ppb and use a Daedalus Attack. Without the main guns at a long range fire fight I don't see the SDF winning unless it has "reaction" weaponary.
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