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Posts posted by Ganbare

  1. OK, really confused here... Anyone know how to get the VF-25 super parts? The FAQ says they're at Urthur Race 2, but when I visit Urthur there are no Races at all! I'm in a new game plus on hard mode, and I just got past the Quarter / Sharon apple fight. Still no races.

    Also, I need the VF-19S, but Cleef town's hunter guild only has two quests available, both of which I completed... "5000G bounty" and "orkos operation". Does anyone know how getting quests to post works??

    By completing quest. I can't specify which town since it's been a long time and the guide is in Japanese. Unfortunately to get specific VF, in earlier level, you must complete all quest that available in the chapter you in. You can't jump to other quest since it require previous quest to be done first. Always check town every chapter start or after you complete main quest.

    Sorry if this not direct help you.

  2. Haha, it's the Japanese netizens doing their usual thing. Lots of talk of pandering, characters with no impact... there's even a couple of "SEVEN DID IT!!" posts!! :lol:

    Looks like Delta is getting a rather tepid response overall, but many are indeed saying they will reserve judgement until the end of the month when the episode is released.

    Awww, crap.

  3. To defeat giant guardian (Mission 3-5 and 6-5), Don't too close while attacking the boss, because she got powerful melee and laser beam attack. So I usually use fighter mode and ranged attack. It work in ultimate difficulty too.

    To defeat ultimate difficulty

    Max out pilot, you wingman, and support character. (i'm using Leon as main pilot, Max Millian and Ozma as my wing man. While my support charcater are Ranka for main pilot, and Sheryl and Minmey both for my wing men.)

    Max out your YF-30.

    Use super move everytime you in pinch situation and while facing boss. To max out damage, activate sheryl on wingman. I use super move very often in this room.

    When fighting Rod while escaping from Gurazuheimu Fortress, use missile (I'm using weapon 1 and 2) and blow everything in front of you. Evade Rod attack as much as possible, because this is gonna be long dog fight. Carrying extra heal item and ammo is recommended.

    I defeat Ultimate once btw.

  4. If memory serves, that artwork was originally released as part of a monthly column or article in a modelling magazine, and collected in "Macross Frontier Archives".

    I've translated parts of that book, but I'm pasting the linky for you (and others) for the publisher/date info at the top: http://monkeybacon.mywebcommunity.org/OTMiscBooks/MacrossFarchives.php

    The lineart in your link comes from Pgs. 069 and 070.

    Thank you for the information.

    Every Macross frontier artbook I bought, always showing 3d render of the valks. Latest frontier book is the red and blue book. No VF-25 or VF-171 lineart though :(

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