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Posts posted by ledakan43

  1. 1 hour ago, charles88 said:
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    So did any delta squadron and Max actually beat Sv-303 during final battle?
    - Max basically slaughtered the 303s with ease. Hayate did too once he went Seed mode with Freyja's song, but since that took too much toll on her they stopped and reverted back to more normal singing. With Mirage commanding Delta platoon, they did destroy some things, whether it be the 303s or their micro ghosts. 



  2. 49 minutes ago, charles88 said:

    I think you misunderstood what Ledakan43 says, he mention that VF-31 are more like mass produced unit,not AX

    He already explain in the movie where 

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     VF-31AX for sure wins against YF-29 is the firepower, since it is much more expandable and compatible with all matter of Ghosts and equipment. It has the new panoramic cockpit that the SV-262 had even without implants and with the Fold reheat system or whatever that is, Hayate did some impressive stuff. Basically Freyja singing, burning her life + Hayate going Seed mode(didn't go Var like in the series) + huge quartz in the 31AX made him see things in slowmo and that performed better than Alto in the 29 I think. Also we see a lot of cuts where the 31AX gets shot and have explosions here and there, but it's still mostly ok, so it is tankier than the YF-29 for sure.


    Then how you explain that Siefgried get stomp by Sv-303 yet VF-31 AX able to match Sv-303?

    - What I meant was actually about the 31AXs, not the regular 31s. We know from official spec and in the show that the performance of the VF-31s are inferior to the 29, and even with the upgrades to the AX, I honestly don't think it surpasses the 29 in overall performance. Upgrading to the AX did not help them beat the 303s, it gave them more of a chance to survive but that's it. What ended the battle was the disruption of Fold waves(since the 303s are controlled by them) and the Siren system being taken offline.


    Did Mirage have good relation with her grandfather?
    - Not as bad as Mylene and Max for sure. Though Max saw through Mirage with how stumped she is and how she just isn't fit to be an ace. No bad blood between them doe



  3. 6 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Wait, the VF-31AX has a...

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    Fold Reheat system, instead of a Fold Wave System?

    - i'd suggest waiting for official materials to really answer this question. In the movie all they said was that they improved the VF-31s using spare parts in Gigasion. Whether it is still the reheat or the system that 29 and 30 has, I don't know. All it did basically just went yellow like what 29 did, also what Hayate did when he turned Var in the series.


    Tho really with how mass-produced the 31 with Armors are compared to the 29, if it performed better than the 29 then there'd basically no more reason to keep the 29 for super aces.

  4. 10 minutes ago, charles88 said:
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    Also how powerful VF-31 AX compared to YF-29 and Sv-303 as currently YF-29 are most powerful VF?
    - In the mock fight Delta platoon obviously lost completely against Max, but this is obviously more due to the enemy being Max more than anything. 
      The thing where the VF-31AX for sure wins against YF-29 is the firepower, since it is much more expandable and compatible with all matter of Ghosts and equipments. It has the new panoramic cockpit that the SV-262 had even without implants and with the Fold reheat system or whatever that is, Hayate did some impressive stuff. Basically Freyja singing, burning her life + Hayate going Seed mode(didn't go Var like in the series) + huge quartz in the 31AX made him see things in slowmo and that performed better than Alto in the 29 I think. Also we see a lot of cuts where the 31AX gets shot and have explosions here and there, but it's still mostly ok, so it is tankier than the YF-29 for sure.



  5. 36 minutes ago, charles88 said:

    Just question

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    To be honest one of the bad things about this movie is how the Aerial Knights got completely shafted.

    What happen to all Aerial Knight other than Bogue as Bogue join Delta squadron after his Drake get shot down?
    - Basically Theo and Xao got shot down(not dead) and stayed behind in Windermere as Battle Astraea came and invaded the place. Bogue had his 262 damaged but when Macross Gigasion came in to rescue the Xaos crew in Windermere, he hopped on aboard as well, and that's why he's the only Aerial Knight in Delta Platoon.

    Are they join final fight against Heimdall?
    - The final fight against Heimdall was such a mess that I don't know how many joined the fight, but the downed Aerial Knights in Windermere did not join in the final fight. Unless you count singing together all as one is joining the fight lol.



  6.  Answering Keith:

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    - What's the resolution? Bad guy corp captured or killed?

    Basically Battle Astrea was destroyed, Ian Cromwell and the Epsilon guy killed. Seems that they are just a part of Heimdall, and they have a lot other sympathisers hiding thruout the galaxy

    - Does the sexy new Yami-Q-Ray A.I. survive?

    During the battle basically Yami Freyja was affected by Freyja's song and actually decided to help Xaos instead. Hayate retrieved the Siren Delta unit but not to revive the AI, but to retrieve the DNA of Star Singer inside of it

    - Does anyone think to steal/save the badguy tech to retrieve the Megaroad?
    Since this involves creating a new Sharon Apply-Mikumo gattai, I don't think anyone would like to do it in the open but surely possible plot for upcoming series'

    - Just how much screen time does Max have?

    Quite a lot actually. His fight is just the one in the trailer and in the final battle, but basically once he joined the group he was with Arad all the time


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    Why would the Megaroad have any influence over anything while trapped in the deepest darkest fold fault? If they can't get out, and assuredly no one else can get in, that puts the ship (is it trapped with its escort fleet too?) in a serious limited resource situation. Even farming on the ship(s), it's still an issue of entropy. But, how the hell would they fund anything in the galaxy proper? Are they somehow trading on the intergalactic stock market with the crews pensions & Minmay royalties? Why would anyone on the outside trust that they are who they say they are, and assumedly eventually go on to fund Xaos on credit?

    - My impression of this is that Lady M isn't funding anything directly. It's more like she using all the connections she has to make things move around the galaxy, to have Xaos made and some other entity supply money, etc. Max and Exedol mentioned something about them not knowing who Lady M is, just someone in the Megaroad-1. They don't trust them completely, but all her orders have been for good than not so they are following them. 


    5 hours ago, Dressykamila1 said:

    I have few questions

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    Is someone going to die (except Freyja)

    - Nah, just Freyja and the bad guys.  And Johann

    Are the children at the end of the movie Freya's children and do they have anything to do with her DNA? Hayate is a father to them? What they look like, unfortunately, their graphics are nowhere to be found, and I am very curious.
    - My understanding of this is that due to Yami Freyja's getting affected by Freyja's song and actually helping Xaos by the end, this affected the Star Singer DNA in the Siren system and developed a heart-shaped rune on her head like what Freyja has. Hayate is unrelated biologically, just that he is the one raising the kid in Windermere

    Could Astrea be Battle Galaxy?
    - Unknown




    During Max and Arad's earliest conversation, they were talking while eating and there was a beautifully drawn Pineapple salad on the table....instead of the camera showing both of them,  it actually locked onto the Pineapple salad for like 10 seconds. Whatever is that supposed to mean..


  7. Spoiler

    Got this to finally work now so let me try and answer some questions based on what i understood:


    - The main enemy is Heimdall(spelling?), with tech from Epsilon, who is trying to overthrow Lady M since they believe Lady M has been the person controlling the whole galaxy from the background.
    - The SV-303 is a Ghost that is controlled by the Fold Wave of the Siren Delta System.  Instead of micro missiles, the SV-303 is able to send out micro Ghosts. Since Heimdall is sponsored by Epsilon, it is very safe to assume it is Epsilon tech(just like SV-262).
    - The Siren Delta system itself is a next gen version of Sharon Apple combined with the DNA of the Star Singer(which was stolen by the rogue NUNS person, who defected to Epsilon) in baby form. After experiencing Walkure's concert first hand, it created Yami Q Ray as a counter.
    - The mecha looking exoskeleton thingy was disguised as a NUNS engineer, most probably Epsilon tech, that Heimdall sent to intrude in Macross Gigasion. It basically broke Arad and left him out of duty for the rest of the movie.
    - The orange gray Ghost we see in one of the trailers are called Hyper Ghost, and is part of Macross Gigasion's arsenal. In the final battle after Hayate purged his armor(leaving only the back cannon), it gattai-ed with the 31AX ala Lil'Drakkens to provide extra firepower.

    I understand Japanese but not all their Fold tech mumbo jumbo so take this with some grain of salt
    - From what I understood Lady M created and has been communicating with Xaos with some Fold wave communication that is encoded. This communication was intercepted by Heimdall and that's why they are able to find the location of the Megaroad-1 and Macross Gigasion.
    - Basically using Siren Delta System combined with the power of the Protoculture ruins of the Brisingr cluster, Heimdall planned to Fold the Megaroad-1 right in front of it and blast it away with the Battle Astrea's cannons.



  8. Spoiler

    Honestly I don't think the mechs are left out at all in this movie. Hayate gets a lot of good action and Max makes you wonder why all the others were ever needed. All 3 Valkyrie, especially Gerwalk were used back and forth.

    Character development wise, some truly showed growth from the TV series/1st movie, others were just thrown away or like Chuck, relegated as someone to be shot down....


    I'd like to post spoilers/answer questions as much as i can, unfortunately as a new user i don't really know how to post spoilers.

    If anyone can teach me that'd be great.

  9. I just watched the movie today and honestly it wasn't bad but for some reason I'm left feeling somewhat....weird.

    Every action scene was done super duper quickly to the point that it's very hard to tell what's really happening. The action was still a step up from the TV and 1st movie though, and the Immelmann dance is used a lot more and effectively as well. 

    The songs for the Frontier one was awesome and from the Delta side i actually liked Yami_Q Ray's songs more.

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