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Posts posted by emajnthis

  1. I ran a search and couldn't find anything, so if this is a rehash topic, feel free to delete it. Anyway, I was just curious as to what some of the user name's on here mean, and if there are any particular stories and purposes behind the name. If you haven't figured it out mine is emajn (imagine) this, but there are a few like >EXO< and JsArcLight, that just don't put together for me.

  2. Yeah, only cause its the guy who did Equilibrium will I see it.  I really liked the dramatic plotline and I remember in the commentary that Wimmer wanted the poster to be Bale holding the Prozium pill and not the WOW MATRIX COOL! one that they ended up with.  Trailers always put the whiz!bang! action stuff and leave out the plots, so I'm hopin it'll be story-driven action and not just lookie-at-cool-cgi! *crosses fingers*


    I'm with you on that, when i first saw the Equilibrium trailer, it was right around the Matirx hype, so it gave you the feeling that it was just a Matrix rip off. Then when I actually watched the movie, it was the complete opposite; completely story driven, with great character depth. i'm hoping that the Ultraviolet commercials are misleading in similar fashion to the Equilibrium commercials.

  3. I think the first attraction to the show is definitely the animation style though, which was also my inital draw to the comic. It's not so much that i'm offended by the political agenda's and i understand how each character in the story is a symbolic element, but sometimes the symbolic elements aren't properly executed, so the comedy becomes shallow. The confusing part comes with the central focus, which is different from the Comic to the show, because the comic strip is just Huey spitting his media, while the cartoon tries to give character depth and symbolism. But in terms of it being offensive, i think everything just needs to be taken at face value and understand that for every white joke there are two or more black jokes.

  4. I'm almost positive i know who built that car. It looks like a car built by Callaway who's famous for their Callaway C12 (C5 Vette with all the fixins and a killer body kit) and their Callaway Twin Turbo B2K factory Vettes. This car in particular looks like he sent it to Callaway and had them make him a one off, but it has their signature "gills" behind the wheel wells which highly suggests this as a Callaway car.

  5. All things considered Lambo still is second rate as far as performance cars compared to Porsche (as much as i hate to admit it), though i'll admit Porsche plays their 911 to death, everyone knows if both companies weren't so restricted by their atrocious amounts of pride and their VW partnership, they could crank out some of the meanest supercars on the road. In Porsche's favor, the Carrera GT was a pleasant mishap and a project in research and development for carbon fibre, imagine if they had actually put a full on effort into building a midengine V10 race car.

    Lambo is also under the tight rule of VW, so when you think about it, any arguement against Porsche and Lamborgini is like an arguement against Chevy and Pontiac... they're the same friggin company, what does it matter. I'm personally just angry at VW for taking the great efforts of those companies and canabalizing it for their own gain (gallardo V10 in the new S8, Porsche Touareg), but thus is business and economics.

  6. That car definitely looks like a Ferrari inspired coachbuild C5 vette, very Scaglietti front end and TVR rear end. There's probably not a model kit of the SLR because it really wasn't that great of an achievement as far as super cars are concerned. Uses an off the shelf motor with a very uninspiring body, very lackluster compared to their F1 which is still coveted by many motorheads. Not to mention for less money you can get the more exotic and hotter performing Carrera GT, Ford GT, or F430 Challenge. If you really want a hot Mercedes i'd go for the SL65 AMG, that thing looks amazing and is a real marvel of design and engineering.

  7. A CNC millingmachine costs too much


    My dad owns a flight avionics business and has an industrial milling machine that we put together not even a week ago. He's built a good number of instrument panels and various other things with it just to test it out. If someone could give me the run down on how to apply that to toy/model creation with compatible software, then i could see that as an easy cross over for my personal use.

    Also for FFT don't forget the Robot, Cloud, Beowulf, and the Dragon, so you get an extra 4 "secret" characters.

  8. Seven - Your RX-7 is really coming along nicely. I really like the JDM Aero front end and the CF hood. The factory brakes aren't spectacular but for a car so light they're more than efficient, and i know exactly what you mean about mechanics and shoddy work (especially for the gen 3 RX's). You really cleaned it up nicely, just make sure that everything motor wise is running smooth (get it some quality intercoolers, if you have some money get it some comparable sized ball bearing turbos, and make sure the seals are in good shape), so long as you don't try to get mountains of horsepower out of it, and the motor has a really good cooling and fuel management system, that 13B will last forever.

  9. I've seen both planes the Su-37 and the F22 pull the bell maneuver in videos. Whether or not it was a purposely sanctioned move to pull off is another thing, but my buddies and i at work were bored and wanted to see the limits of the Su vs the 22 and see which one is "better". They both could pull some insane moves, but the Su by all tests had slightly better maneuverability (as inherit in its bird like design) while the F22 could pull the same moves just not nearly as fast, but had more break neck speed than the SU. I'd have to do the research all over again, but I think i could try and find the websites i pulled the info from again.

  10. If you were to get an Elise, you should get the Sun International Elise, you get the K20A2 motor which is better designed for force induction (like A1 had planned to do) as opposed to the Toyota/Yamaha 2ZZ that they put in there.

    Or if you can do what some people have been doing with their 2ZZ's and that's keep the 2ZZ block and take the 1ZZ's crank and rods and create a "3ZZ", a 2.0Liter all aluminum I4 with variable valve timing that is easier to super/turbocharge.

  11. You haven't driven a daytona coupe, well you're in luck because there's a company out there that will make one for you for barely more than the cost of a Viper with about twice the performance of a Viper. In last months... i wanna say Motor Trend, there is a company that will build you a Daytona Coupe to the specs that it was suppose to be built to (they cut corners due to time and money) and also with a good amount of modern integration (better framework, lightened motor, tremec transmission, etc etc).

    You have an option of three motors, I can't recall the cubic inches of the first two at the moment, i just know the best one is the Ford Windsor 7.0liter (427cu.in) OHV 2 valves per cylinder producing 500hp/torque and that without a motor shipped it's something like 70 or 80 grand. The motor and trans with installation run an extra like 20 or so. Bob Negstad (427 cobra chassis designer) and Peter Brock (daytona coupe designer) came together to recreate to their original specifications this brand new piece of art work.

    In the one that motor trend tested, it ran a 0-60 in a little over 3 seconds and a quarter mile in the 11's, also pulling over 1.0g in the skidpad. It comes optional with or without a radio, talk about raw performance, not to mention the car only weighs a smudge over 2900lbs (i'm working from memory, i'll get the printed numbers later). The average driver will still be able to pull a 0-60 in 3.9 and a quarter of 11.9, a great driver much much better numbers.

  12. yup, they were sub 2200lb cars, as for the hard to drive part, it was a mix between gearing for the day (4speed 1:1 final) and a rear gear of 3.73:1 so when you let off the throttle at 6,500 RPM's the torque from the engine would break the rear tires loose in a corner so you would allways have to have part throttle in the corner to avoid the backlash

    I'm speechless, as that is so fraking awesome and it boggles my mind to have a car so wrecklessly powerful. I want a replica now more than ever...


    For the same dangerous thrills, try getting a first gen MR2. Those are pretty sketchy in corners.


    My hardtop turbo gen 2 was the opposite. It would break loose in a straight line, but would completely plant a corner. I could take a curve with more confidence than i could a straight shot, but that was kinda what i liked about it.

    I know a lot of cars of the 60's were so incredibly light, i understand emissions and safety, but you figure with the heavy uses of exotic materials like carbon fiber, aluminum, and magnesium, our modern sports cars would be much lighter than cars nearly a half century old. It seems like the only sports cars on the road that are under 3200lbs are either Inline 4 go karts, or all aluminum space framed exotics.

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