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Posts posted by killatopak

  1. My posts are all kinda about my problems building these third party kits now :lol:

    Might as well add another one.

    I’m having trouble assembling the Jiang Gao Sazabi. Specifically the torso and the hips.


    The peg and the slot are both diecast so it’s super tight and I can’t connect them in fear of forcing a plastic to break while doing so. Can I lubricate them or something to make it easier to connect? What should I do in these types of metal to metal connection?

  2. Anybody here built a Wuming or MC freedom? I can’t seem to find the port for the stand. Also I have troubles plugging in the MC back skirt its driving me nuts. 

    edit: managed to plug in the back skirt. Only problem I have with it is the slot for the stand which I can’t find.

    Had problems with the MC Destiny as well. Mostly the side skirt which was tight. I still can’t plug in the weapon rack though. Those things are tight and the wings are getting in the way.

    edit2: well crap. I think I found out why I can’t find the slot for the stand. It seems they molded over the stand slot itself. That blue square part that juts out below the backpack should be where the peg hole for the stand is supposed to be. I’m so disappointed over this. B273A0AA-B0F9-4A68-A425-87E698A64DB2.jpeg.b960db2498afb52e69da0afc9978cfd3.jpeg

  3. Well just got notified my MC Destiny and MC Freedom will be coming in a few days.

    Actually decided to compare WuMing and MC Freedom. I find that MC generally looked better for me but I really prefer WuMing’s take on the extending Balaena cannons. It doesn’t actually extend but more like open up while MC still retains the original bandai extension instead of following the Infinite Dimension extension. Freedom Concept 2 basically does the same and I like both of them for not diverging too much from the source material.


    As for the MC Destiny, the only thing that I’m worried about is the paint job. I’m looking at my Bandai Destiny Heine and its paint kinda sparkles a bit and I really like that. I’m hoping it would be the same for the MC version.


  4. Hmmmm......

    Do I buy Metal Kingdom Strike or the Bandai one?

    I kinda want to go Bandai but I really want to know if the other packs are compatible with MK Strike before I make my decision. The bandai version stands for the Sword and Launcher pack look great.

    Also hoping for MK to release a Perfect Strike version. 

  5. 16 minutes ago, Alphahorizon said:

    ShowZ cancelled my pre-order for:


    And cancelled all for this one specifically.

    But haven't cancelled my Pre-Order for (see below)



    And they still have Metal Club 1/100 ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam Original Color Scheme, but now it doesn't come with the Wings of Light. So I think the fact they have some of thier supplies is a good thing.

    My PO for that blue Destiny was also cancelled. I didn’t know it came with the Wings of Light though. That’s a damn shame cause Bandai WoL is expensive.

  6. Can you use a standard Metal Build stand on the Jiang Gao Sazabi? Does it even have a port for stands? I realize that it’s a copy of the Infinite Dimension Sazabi which is based on the official Ver. Ka from Bandai but I just want to make sure it fits and a stand could actually support its weight considering how big it is.

  7. On 2/6/2020 at 10:49 PM, FattyMoBookyButt said:

    Assembling the metal joints (arms and backpack attachments) will take fortitude and dexterity with all the little sharp bits getting in the way of the super tight tolerances. Seriously, you will need to stretch your finger muscles and mentally prepare yourself the peg vs port throwdown.

    Well, I got nothing else to do due to the lockdown in my place so I finally decided to assemble this thing. Holy crap you weren’t kidding about how tight the peg and the port is. crap even the stand was tight when I tried disassembling it since I didn’t want to continue building the thing.


    Any tips on loosening rubber to metal joint in these figures for assembly without compromising the tightness when completely built? I’m too scared to break it since I won’t be able to get replacements due to the situation.

  8. 23 minutes ago, Alphahorizon said:

    Don't get me wrong, that's not too mean I don't like it. I just question the design intention of it when they were at the drawing board.


    Maybe they didn't have enough financial resources to make it fully similar to something like poison toys or metal bear. Maybe if this one sells good enough the next one that comes out from a Moby little better.


    Small things like complete hands

    Their previous release, the Dragon King Barbatos, had better packaging but I always felt the figure itself didn’t have the same quality as it’s contemporaries but even that was much better quality wise. 

  9. 1 hour ago, sqidd said:

    I'm a designer/engineer by trade. My company deals with completely different product though.

    I'm itching to a do a toy some day. It will be years though. I'm really busy. I want to do a 1/35 (or bigger) VF-1S in all aluminum (maybe  few plastic bits and bobs). Right now the plan I have floating around in my head is tension adjustable joints to deal with the weight. So adjustable that they can actually be locked down once in position. To me (at least right now) that seems like the best solution.

    Wouldn’t a metal ratchet joint do the same thing? Forgive my ignorance cause I’m not familiar with how a tension adjustable joint works or what it consists of. 

    Also good luck in your endeavors. I wish I had the skills to do the same. I had seen a single person design and even mass produce a transformers figure and it made me wish I could do the same engineering wise. Though it wasn’t without major flaws it still shows the potential one man could do by himself. I think it was Bold Forms Gladius Megatron.

  10. 8 hours ago, slaginpit said:

    Actually I have the konami and even that one isnt all 100% metal. Its actually quite stupid to have it all metal I had a CMs Chogokin ( I think that is the name) of a figure I took out of storage the entire armor was metal. It so floppy and just broke into a million pieces. The plastic frame and joints just crumbled. There goes 200 plus dollars. Scratch marks everywhere. Yeah no thanks I dont mind some metal here and there and a little bit in the inner frame but generally speaking Diecast all over a figure is not a good thing. I did see the sign POM and PVC so is it the inner joints or the armor. As the one below was all plastic on the inside and metal on the sheel


    Oh wow. All metal armor sounds awesome in paper but if that is what happens that’s just a disappointment waiting to happen. 

    Based on their work with hardcore mecha, I think it’s safe to say it will only have metal inner frame or at least parts of it and plastic on the outer armor. Their previous work was very Metal Build-esque. 



  11. 27 minutes ago, slaginpit said:

    Its a nice ko of the sentinel 


    But good luck ever seeing it. Week 7 no package yet 


    Sentinel is pure plastic though. This will have die-cast metal which would make it feel much better in hand though it will probably limit articulation just like every die-cast figure. I’d buy it just for the bigger drill and more tiny drills in his body honestly. Hopefully this figure will also be much larger than Sentinel’s which I felt was pretty small.

    Also I’m not quite sure if this will be a KO cause I see some crediting to Gainax and Konami. 



    You can also see the actual size of the figure 22cm or 8 and a half inches. 

  12. 1 hour ago, sqidd said:

    I didn't think to actually look for it. Duh.

    So how tall is that in 1/100? Same size as a MB Gundam?

    I think so. Most list its size in the 15-18 meter so in 1/100 that’ll be around 7-8 inches. Same size as an MB gundam.

    though I did find one youtube video listing it as 5m which is kinda bullshit when you think about it.

  13. 39 minutes ago, FattyMoBookyButt said:

    Plus it has a double ended gun! (Is that a translation error or is there a reason a schwwword is a gun?)

    It’s a common translation error in Chinese to English.

    Early chinese guns looked like an overly long rifles and since there was no word for a gun then and it looked like a spear they just called the gun a spear. Long story short, spear and gun have the same characters in Chinese so they get switched around often. 

    I really only noticed this and researched it cause I read a couple of Chinese novels that always mistranslates gun as spear and vice versa in English.

  14. 9 hours ago, sqidd said:

    You're in good company. We're all pretty weird in one way or another.:hi:

    I personally have been described as an enigma by more than a few people. Basically if you take my hobbies, recreational activities, profession, personality, beliefs and how I look the combination is well.....weird. A lot of what people would consider contradictions. Maybe even oxymoron's!:rofl:

    I wear it as a badge of honor. You should too. Who wants to be "normal"?:good:

    Thanks lol. Maybe instead of calling us weird I’d just call it unique B))

    5 hours ago, FattyMoBookyButt said:

    Haven't had time to put Motor Nuclear Q02 through the full barrage of tests but initial impressions are that it's an absolutely fantastic figure. I'm a masterpiece Transformers fan at the core, but a fan of robots/mechs/droids overall. And I'm a huge fan of well crafted robots/mechs/droids. This Barbatos theme isn't something that normally pulls me in and with the last minute changes to the figure's design, I may have had decreased expectations but this is a hefty and beautiful bot. He has some crazy tight joints and I wish they painted the black bits, but I think I'm more impressed with him than Kampfer (awesome figure, but a little plain in the end) and Sazabi (which would have been close to perfect with a few layers of red paint.)

    They clearly put effort into packaging him securely.


    Everything you see on the base figure is paint besides the metal and black plastic. (With the bare black plastic being my biggest complaint.)

    The entire black shoulder piece looks out of place to me compared with the rest of the figure.


    Assembling the metal joints (arms and backpack attachments) will take fortitude and dexterity with all the little sharp bits getting in the way of the super tight tolerances. Seriously, you will need to stretch your finger muscles and mentally prepare yourself the peg vs port throwdown.


    There's high quality, low profile panel lining throughout.IMG_6258.thumb.JPG.0684e53942c92e2e31895f8d31129ae9.JPG

    A comparison with Metal Club Strike Freedom



    So yea. I like it so far. Haven't transformed it yet, attached the weapons or wings but this has turned out very well and I'm looking forward to spending more time figuring him out and hopefully getting updates on his buddy soon.



    Thanks for the review. 

    Most of the complaints I’ve seen online are about his redesigned shoulders and head which is understandable if you’re buying it for its connection to Mashin Hero Wataru which this figure is based on along with Barbatos Gundam. While I understand the shoulder changes is because of the unnecessary additional claws in the bird mode along with the pheonix motif instead of a wolf/dragon, I really don’t get the head change. Although when I looked at the box/manual it does mention that they’ve copyrighted the design so maybe Motor Nuclear is making their own original line of toys.

    Anyways, Samueldecal posted a picture of this figure with the head and shoulders of the Metal Myth Dragon King Barbatos which looked very similar to the original Motor Nuclear Q02 design. 

    Personally, I think the new shoulders look great. I just can’t say the same about the head.


    The previous designs for comparison.




  15. 13 hours ago, FattyMoBookyButt said:

    And boom.

    It has appeared.

    I don't have time to assemble it right now but packaging and paint look fantastic. So very good first impressions. 




    Nice. I would love it if you can share your thoughts on it.


    I actually have mine on hand as well but it’s still sealed. I wanna wait till I get the orange one before I open them both. Yes, I am weird for waiting.

  16. MN-Q02 (White Pheonix) finally arrived to the store where I preordered.


    Really excited about it but I also kinda wonder when MN-Q01(Yellow Dragon) will arrive. They were announced at the same time yet there’s been no news of it aside from old pics back in October. I kinda worry that they will change some stuff on it like they did on the white one. At the very least include the original head as an alternate head sculpture.

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