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Posts posted by Dressykamila1

  1. Information about Sheryl and Alto


    despite of being 8 years in coma, she still did not regain consciousness, and Ranka sang with her through the ruins of Protoculture.  From what can be seen on the trailer, they very much resemble earthly buildings from the Middle Ages (maybe some part of the protocol was mixed up with people? Haha).  According to the descriptions on the blog, Alto does not return, but only a beam of light indicates his location


  2. 5 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Jeśli spoilery są prawdziwe, pisanie jest na tyle złe, że zobaczysz, jak mówię o wiele gorzej, kiedy w końcu dostanę w swoje ręce ten film. Naprawdę mam nadzieję, że scenarzyści wymyślili lepszą fabułę niż to, jak to brzmi.

    Pisanie w Delcie od samego początku było poniżej standardu, ale te miejmy nadzieję, że niepoprawne spoilery sprawiają, że brzmi to tak, jakby powinno zostać przemianowane na Absolute Trainwreck!!!!!!.

    Most Japanese say that it is qualitatively as good as Sayonara no Tsubasa

  3. 16 minutes ago, charles88 said:

    Who are Heimdall organisation and why they want to kill Megaroad 1 and Lady M?


    And who Lady M?


    It was an organization called "Heimdall" that raised the overthrow of oppressors such as Lady M.
     He is the central figure of former Integrated Army soldier Ian Cromwell (a great man who appeared in the first 5 minutes of 29 seconds).
     Another person who appeared at the beginning is Sidney Hunt, who is the person from the Epsilon Foundation who provides the technology.
    Minmay or Misa


  4. translated from my language



    Lady M's M meant Megalode 1, and it became clear that Megalode 1 was trapped in a dimensional error, of which it was a person who only sent advice to Chaos by communication.
     The goal of the hostile organization Heimdall is to pull Mega Road 1 out of the dimensional gap with the protocol system and overthrow it, and every Mega Road 1 will appear!
     The person sending the message from Mega Road 1 was not clearly revealed, but when MegaLode 1 came out, the "silhouette of two people" was briefly visible.  You have to look at it over and over again


  5. Spoiler

    In short, Freyja will join the show despite its crystallization, thanks to which the new enemy (Heimdall organization) loses.  The goal of this organization is to recover the Megaroad 1 ship from the dimensional error and destroy it together with Lady M. They use the Siren system aboard the Battle Astrea for this.  Later in the film, the Siren system develops 5 different personalities, and it also has star singer cells that "match" the members of Walkure.  In turn, Mirage replaces Arad and leads the delta platoon.  Unfortunately, Freyja dies, and with the fusion of cells, a child with a rune is born, who will be raised by Hayate in the future.


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