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Posts posted by RED WOLF

  1. 32 minutes ago, danth said:

    It's an internet forum for mecha anime fans, of course we're going to critique mecha toys.

    I'd like to point out the absolute hypocrisy of your take, too. If you don't like critical comments, you don't have to read them. And if you don't like hearing the opinions of mecha toy fans, you don't have to hang out here.

    Where did I say I don't like critical comments or hearing others opinions? Exactly I didn't. I actually said the complete opposite by thanking Squid for giving his opinion (scroll up).

    Therefore there is no "absolute hypocrisy".

    There are quite a few people on this forum and others that hang out and bash the IP talked about for various reasons.

    I WILL hangout wherever I choose to 😃

    If you want to further discuss this please DM, I dont want to derail this thread of Mospeada any further.

    Thank you!

  2. 6 hours ago, Podtastic said:

    Whatever happened to the old adage, "quality costs nothing"?

    If you make toys that break easily, people will eventually stop buying them.

    Whatever happened to the old adage, "be grateful for what you have"?

    If you feel Sentinel or any other company is not offering you a quality product for your dollar then simply do not buy their products.

    Not sure why anyone that does not like the product that is being offered would hang around in a forum dedicated to that product (there are quite a few in here)?

  3. 4 hours ago, sqidd said:

    As an engineer I have to completely disagree with this statement.

    The design/execution is not good at all (design includes materials choice). At best it's a 4/10. Any product that has frequent breakages, things popping off and or transforming toy that is very, very fragile is a design failure.

    It's not that they were unable to design something that doesn't break, have parts pop off, etc. The technology and materials are there to do it. They chose to say "That's good enough" and sent it on its way. That is a failure in design and the desire for customer satisfaction. 

    And they are grossly over priced (they retail for Bandai DX VF-1 money).

    If any of us bought a house, car, appliance, bicycle, etc, etc designed and built to the same standards we would call it a pile of crap and return it.

    What they have going for them is that they look neat and someone put out almost the whole line of Cyclone's. That's it. If that's enough for everyone, great. I'm happy you're happy.:good: I on the other hand couldn't stomach what you get for your money.

    I appreciate your opinion. 

    Considering all of the R&D Sentinel had to do not to mention two out of the four releases were during a pandemic (prices remained the same) I would say what Sentinel is pricing their toys at are very fair if not a steal (not to mention you get diecast parts along with very nice paint.).

    Could anything be better? Of course they can, but at what cost?

    If you or any other company could make me something better than what Sentinel produced for $160 shipped to my door, please let me know I'll buy a few sets.  ;)

  4. 2 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    From Twitter. According to the OP, he didn't apply any force and it just snapped. He said it felt like some molding defect.

    So it looks like Sentinel really neglected that swivel bar. 4 models in, it's still the same issue.


    That is really a bummer. Out of eight ride armors (two of each) I have had only one breakage (Yellows left mirror peg) thankfully it's not too bad and i can still transform into both modes easily (but I dont, hence two of each).

    This toy is really something special. Fantastic design and execution although it's their interpretation and not 100% cartoon accurate).


  5. 31 minutes ago, MKT said:


    No matter the pink/red hue, seeing the whole team together is worth it! :wub:  Kudos to Sentinel for at least sticking to this..

    Now if only Bandai is that committed to complete a line instead of giving us blue balls..

    Exactly! I'm just happy to have them. All complete with two sets. The design, engineering and overall look is beautiful. 

    My two should be here Monday or Tuesday. Very excited!

  6. 31 minutes ago, seti88 said:

    The emotion i get from this PO attempt so far is, actually i wanted to say frustration, but after going through so many PO's, i realised its more of boredom.

    Waiting to see if it turns to jubilation.:D

    I'm thinking for me it's a bit of both, especially with COVID. The hunt is always  thrilling as well. Once we have it, onto the next.  Since my collection has grown significantly (for me) I often wonder what I'm chasing or searching for.


  7. 38 minutes ago, borgified said:

    Either way is fine with me as well @RED WOLF. ;)

    There are still purists around that if you cross character names, you're going to get speared and burned at the stake as a heretic.


    Ya, I hear you. When you get to the route of this issue that/those individual(s) have the problem and not I/us. When you dig even further there are even deeper routed issues within those person(s) that stem from childhood they never dealt with. Probably some form of control issue. Human beings act out of two basic emotions, FEAR and LOVE. When I see I have gone against the grain with someone I recgonize that they aren't where they need to be, yet. 

    To me it is all LOVE. I welcome all the comments. There are no positive and negative comments. Its all about perspective and how you process information. 

    Great to hear from you! =)

  8. Hey, I associate it how it was presented to me, in Robotech form. I"m in the pit, everyone come in the water is warm! =)

    It's odd because I refer to Stig vs Scott and Yellow vs Lance in Mospeada. Odd.

  9. Yup, NY got me with Max 1A last year. I learned my lesson. I'd rather wait until release day and look for one. I know it wont be $190, but I'm banking on finding one around $250-$300. Which is fine by me. Then only TV Kakizaki and I can close this chapter. Unless they do some of Rick's other vehicles (not the VF1-S; originally piloted by Roy).

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