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Gordon Freeman

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Posts posted by Gordon Freeman

  1. 3 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:




    You sure you're not mistaking Kawamori's involvement in storyboarding for that, because I don't recall seeing him get a writing credit for the series.  Toshizo Nemoto did the series composition (the plot outline) and had two supporting writers doing the actual screenplay with him.


    Ooo... I think I touched a nerve.  The ad hominem isn't helping you either..

    "Depth" is definitely not a property I would ascribe to Macross Plus's story... it's fast-paced, simple, and straightforward.  There aren't any real twists in the story, no deeper meanings behind people's actions, everything is laid out neatly and precisely with the bare minimum necessary backstory to frame the events without getting bogged down in exposition.  That's fine for an OVA, but a series should have a bit more to it than that. 


    Wrong again. You need to find a better source than Wikipedia. Nemoto only did up to Episode 14.


    Calling a writer you dislike a hack wasn't? Kawamori can't write himself out of a paper these days if you want to prescribe the word hack to someone. It's why much of the fandom hates Zero. It was pretentious garbage. That needed another series to fix it's damn potholes. So did 7. This isn't the sign of a good director or writer. Maybe he should stick to drawing and letting a real writer/dictator do the heavy lifting. But Japan gives too much power to the producer/director then he deserves. Because they assume he has talent in anything else when draws good looking pictures.

    Ad hominem- "Youtuber meme because I don't want to explain why I am biased. But praise other garbage."


    Because a deep story has to appeal to the "Edgelords" of the fandom. It's the same complaint people leviee against Frontier and call "Delta" good. Mostly because they won't nothing more than huge explosions. Just because it was different from the formula doesn't mean "depth" wasn't there. Plus pretty much took the cyberpunk approach instead the tired old idol + random formula that Macross DYRL and Macross II rehashed.


    7 hours ago, HannouHeiki said:

    When people use words like: crap, terrible --and then belittle Kawamori, it doesn't exactly make people who feel differently feel welcome here.  There are cleaner forms of criticism.



    Mazinger's pondering of staying off the forums, and a couple other similar sentiments, is indicative of a problem here.  

    A news announcment about a new Macross series shouldn't make MWF remind people of RT boards or encourage people to leave or go into lurk mode.  


    When a post like this is routine, ESPECIALLY in an announcement thread, what's the point in current Macross fans even bothering to come to these forums?  

    As a whole, MWF should be a good steward to the franchise in general.  If you aren't getting what you like, think of ways to demonstrate that you're a viable market worth spending resources on and get your voices heard.  People who belittle and lash out are a zero economic quantity.  

    What current Macross fans? When the latest franchise poorly tries to make Space Nazi's sympathetic? While trying to ripoff the Love Live/Idolm@ster formula. When said show was airing at the same time? Without caring about what made those shows good in the eyes of its fans?

    If Kawamori wants older members of the fandom to tell newer fans to watch it. He needs to make something good instead of being blatant and pretentious with his story.

  2. 34 minutes ago, kajnrig said:

    Whoa, hey now. Trash talk each other all you want, but leave Plat-G and my Rising of the Revengeance out of this, yeah? No one badmouths Revenge Rising without suffering THE WRATH OF THE USA!


    Nope. Just saw Excessive Profanity's live stream. It's QTE seventh gen console garbage. Like every other multi platform game of that era.(mostly due the Xbox 360 sucking in the hardware department) Armstrong is an overrated Villain Stu.

  3. 4 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    ... are you serious? :rolleyes:

    You DO know that Shoji Kawamori didn't write Macross and that Yoshiyuki Tomino didn't write Gundam, right?  They created the core concepts for their respective series and directed (in whole or in part) the shows that came from those concepts, but the screenplays for the shows and movies in their respective metaseries mostly came from other pens.  You could argue neither is a fantastic writer based on their solo writing credits in those franchises (Macross Zero and Reconguista in G respectively), but neither can be credited with the actual writing in most of the titles in the franchises they created.  You can't blame Kawamori for the writing in Macross Delta because he wasn't the writer... Toshizo Nemoto was.

    Also, that argument lost any real weight it might've had when you tried to pass that hack Hideo "Nanobot Textdump" Kojima off as a writer of any skill... the man is famous for mistaking obtuseness for depth.

    Wrong. Nemoto bailed out after Episode 14. The rest was all Kawamori. That still doesn't excuse them being awful writers. The direction of the series can also be penned at the hands of the director as well. Which they were at the time of airing. So it is fair to the blame them, as well as the writers they choose.


    Did Kojima crap on your Randain world veiw or something? If you can't handle info dumps I have no idea how you would even be able to watch Star Trek before the 2009 movie came along.

    Most Kojima haters tend to FPS fanbois or those with awful taste in anime. Then calling Twin Snakes or Metal Gear Rising the best games in the series. Edgelord garbage (like most anime and japanese media after 2010) isn't depth either. If Komija is a hack so is Ryuhei Kitamura, Etsu Tamari and the writers at Platinum Games. Who are even worse at making a coherent story than Kojima is.

    Macross didn't have any depth what so ever until Plus came along.

  4. 1 hour ago, Seto Kaiba said:


    ... no idea how you got that out of it, especially since the bombing was depicted as an attempt to stop the jerkass woobies from deploying a weapon they didn't understand that could cause a galaxy-wide mass extinction event and the whole thing ended with Windermere's Aerial Knights having a heel realization and turning on their boss.  If anything, the anvilicious Aesop this time was "Nationalism as a response to fears about globalism will make you do stupid crap that will only hurt you and everyone else in the long run".

    Kawamori never was especially subtle about things like this.


    Nah, it was more like "I need to fleece the Fujoshi watching it for the Wind Stus. So I better only kill two of them off by making them go through a shallow heel face turn." Something that happened at the last moments with no build up. Unlike Ranka and the Vajira which was hinted at from the early episodes of Frontier.  Maybe if they wanted to break tradition, maybe they should just disposed the Face Heel Turn trope. Instead of doing what was done since the 80's. The Wind Stus were characters no one but a counting of fingers on one hand cared about.


    Kawamori is no Hideo Komjima or Yoshiyuki Tomino . At least they can get their points across to the audience with some subtly. The main reasons Plus and Frontier are looked at fondly for much of the fandom is because the writers of Cowboy Bepop, Noein and Code Geass were doing the heavy lifting when it came to the plot. On his own Kawamori isn't any good as a writer.

  5. 21 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:


    Macross has never been a franchise that cared overmuch for nostalgia.

    That would have been true until the second half of Delta became "Aw boohoo, the American's bombed us. So we are going to to make our Space Nazis the victim and appeal to Japanese nationalists because our sales are slipping." Nor should we forgot the ripoff of Newtype powers in the last episode.

  6. 5 hours ago, HannouHeiki said:

    To those who are using this news as an opportunity to complain about Delta, yet still purchase Macross merchandise:  Be grateful that they knew how to produce a Macross show that was commercially successful enough to warrant the investment of an entire new series.  I was expecting 1-2 movies.  Instead, we're getting at least another 13 weeks +post show period of marketing and Macross merchandising.  That means more classic Macross goodies sold alongside new designs.  

    To those who are using this news as an opportunity to complain about Delta, but do not purchase Macross merchandise for whatever reason:  You're not part of the business and simply not part of the equation.  Catering to you is just not financially viable, and businesses have to cater to those who those who vote with their money.  If producing a show that is to your liking would induce you to buy official Macross releases, I *sincerely* hope that they produce something that'll get you to join in.

    To call Delta: stupid, crap, or terrible just denies the reality that Delta was successful enough to bring in 17,000 fans to a Walkure concert.  

    Delta was financially successful.  Successful enough for Big West to take their financial winnings and reinvest some of the profit back into Macross.  It's okay to say Delta isn't what you wanted, but to use this news as an opening to "crap" on Delta or Kawamori just flies in the face of reality.

    It's like a room full of old guys complaining about young people.



    Success via the "Japanese Otaku"crowd means nothing. They'll listen or watch anything as long as it has cute girls. See Sword Art Online, Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei, Gate, or anything written by that right wing hack Kim Dal Young.

  7. 2 hours ago, NBasara said:

    Wonder if it'll be a direct sequel to Delta since it's relatively close in production time(in Macross terms).

    If it is. The opening better involve SMS bombing the crap of the Wind Stus.


    1 hour ago, MikeRoz said:

    It's not like not watching it will be an option. And Delta brought good music, decent mechanical designs.

    It was still not enough to save what ended up a crap show. Delta only has like one memorable song. While the VFs appeared very little. That doesn't make for a poorly written story and flat characters. Robot battles and big explosions are not the primary reasons Gundam is still going strong in Japan.

  8. Something close to this should be said to the red haired Wind Stu.

    To paraphrase Rocket Raccoon.
    "Aww, boo-hoo. My sisters are dead." Everybody's got dead people! But that’s no excuse to use mind control on everyone else in the galaxy.”


    Though even as his worst, Drax is a better person than any of the Wind Stus.

  9. I really do like JUNNA too. I started a thread about her but it sorta died, probably because so little is known about her.

    Re Megumi Nakajima - was Precure 2014 really that bad?

    Yes Happiness Charge did rather poorly. They tried and failed to emulate Heartcatch. (the 2008 Precure season who had Nana Mizuki as the lead)

    Macross Wehraboo seems to be going the same way. Blatantly ripping off a long running franchise such as Gundam in your last episode was only going to end badly.

  10. Is Class worth watching, or should I just skip around episodes until The Doctor or aliens from the main series show up? Touchwood was terrible until Children of Earth, and the only episodes I watched of the Sarah Jane Adventures was when the Doctor appeared.

  11. Not if it's money going to Harmony Gold. However if Sony torched the franchise and said they were going released subbed/dubbed(anybody but Funimation) versions of the real Macross sequels instead. Fans would buy it. For right now its better to just import the subtitled DVD/BDs instead.

    Most are real Macross fans are hoping HG+Sony's movie project dies, or just out right tanks at the box office. Though nobody want's it except for baby boomers and Gen-X nostalgia babies

  12. It really obvious that the Wind Stus are basically poorly written Japanese Wehraboo expies of Zeon. Without any of the story crafting skills, likeability, or legitimate grievances behind them. Hell most Char clones are decent people compared to them. At least Char had a shitty enough life that explains why he why he had a case of Chronic Backstabbing Disorder and for all intense and purposes became clinically insane by CCA . The Wind Stus have no such excuse.

  13. This... Trim Walkure to a duo :p (if you can't erase it completely lol) and bring back Yoko Kanno.

    I'm hoping to see a movie production come out just to see what happens. Would I want it to actually be good? Sure. I think all of us would. Will it actually be any good? Strong reservations.

    Or actually kill off more than two side characters. The Gundam age of Macross had too many for me to actually care. Only Hideo Kojima can pull off "It was Nanomachines" and have character's survive without it being a load of BS.

    Yoko Kanno was pretty much the reason Frontier had the best music of the franchise. But that's the inner Ghost in the Shell fanboy speaking.

    Scaling back the Japanese wehraboo/IJAraboo garbage would also improve the story. It's like they wanted them to be Zeon but failed to/ to dumb to realize what made Zeon good antagonists in the first place. Instead falling back on IRArabbos and Fujoshi to make the Wind Stu's seem justified in what they were doing.

  14. Fire everyone involved at the staff level for Delta and bring back the crew who made the Macross Frontier movies so there will be massive retcons to create a decent story, real character development, some actual Valkyrie action, more then two listenable songs and make the Wind Marty Stus less so.

    Maybe some actual cameos, like that one moment during the Wings of Goodbye.

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