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Posts posted by snowboarder

  1. Heh. Don't you mean "made it possible"? "Allowed" implies legal permission, which is not the reality of the situation.

    The reality of the situation is that most people don't give a hoot about "legal permission". They'll do it because they can and the chances of being punished are almost nill. You have a better chance of being hit by lightning while sitting in front of your computer posting to Macross World.


  2. Macross niche market?!?!?!

    The Macross franchise is a mini empire for Kawamori and those involved. It has generated substantial profits and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. If it didn't, there wouldn't have been anything beyond Flashback 2012.

    Personally, I'm lucky to have a good career that allows me disposable income to purchase what I like. Unfortunately, there are many who don't have this luxury and they're every bit the fan as anyone else on this forum.

    Regardless of whether it's right or wrong the internet has allowed people to download things that they can't afford or don't want to purchase for whatever reason, Macross items included.

    I would go so far as to say that downloading of fansubbed material hasn't hurt the Macross franchise in any way. Numerous Frontier items did extremely well monetary wise when they were released. My opinion, and that's all it is, is also bolstered by the fact that there are going to be two Frontier movies. You don't do this if you're hurting financially.

    While it would be nice for every individual to purchase their Macross items, there are plenty who won't. I also think that the majority of the downloaders are foreigners who can't get items in their native language or at all and most likely never will due to HG and their ridiculous claims to the Macross franchise.

    It seems that the Macross creators only care about the profitability in their domestic market. As long as this continues Macross anime and it's related items will continue to be made regardless of the foreign downloaders.


  3. So the other day I was going through a box that I had kept in storage which contained a bunch of old anime VHS tapes that I had collected when I was a teenager. I found a bunch of cool stuff but my most interesting discovery was a copy of DYRL that I had purchased at a comic/sci fi convention from around 15 years ago.

    The front of the case has Minmay, Hikaru, Misa and the title Super Spacefortress Macross. The top right has the Victor logo. The spine has the title and the Victor logo at the top. The back has a montage of art of Minmay, Hikaru and Misa arm in arm, two pics of Minmay singing, all the credits in English and a bunch of Japanese writing. It says in the top right Color/115min/Mono and at the bottom right Made in Japan 1987 and a price of 14800 yen.

    The movie has English dialog (England/Australia accent) with Japanese subtitles. After the ending credits there's a music video from Flashback with the new animation showing the departure of the Megaroad from earth. After that the opening animation from the TV series plays followed by Japanese commercials from Imai and Bandai for valkyrie toys. The quality of the video is REALLY good for a 15yr old tape.

    The reason I gave a desription of the tape and its contents is if anyone can tell me if this an official release or just a really good bootleg from back in the day. Also, I work in post production as a telecine colorist and I was thinking of doing a complete digital color correction on this to make it look real nice and to clean it up. If anyone is interested in a copy leave me a response in this thread.



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