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Posts posted by Supernova

  1. The problem I have with this show are all the excess characters and the needless scenes on them. Consider Kanam for example, development with the Messer arc and dropped right back to uselessness after her declaration to Mikumo that she was going to matter. Makes me wonder if there was a deleted scene with them in private where Mikumo put Kaname back in her place with a few choice words and a Mikumo slam.

    I don't think you quite grasped the interaction between Kaname and Mikumo. While Kaname has always showed a cheerful exterior, episode 11 revealed to use that she never thought much of herself, and accepted being inferior to both Freyja and Mikumo. However after realizing how precious her song was to Messer, Kaname grew as a character and reach the pinnacle of her fold receptor value, like Freyja did in episode 8. This didn't mean that Kaname was going to suddenly become apart of the dual ace vocalist of Walkure, as her fold receptor level is lower than Freyja and Mikumo.

    What this mean't for Kaname though was that she was no longer going to sing half heartedly, but always sing to the best of her ability, because their are people out there who appreciate her songs.

  2. IMO, it's an OK ensemble song. My problem is during the chorus, JUNNA's voice really stands out. It doesn't sound like 1 harmonious voice. It sounds like a bunch of voices fighting each other. Back in episode 4 when Freyja and Mikumo were singing "Koi! Halation THE WAR", that felt like a good mix of their voices. Each of their voices were distinct yet it didn't feel like their voices were competing with each other.

    I have a feeling that was the point of the opening song though. The opening song is an octave war, it's basically 4 voices vs 1. JUNNA starts off the song, showing that she can hit low notes like the other girls, then during the second line JUNNA, Kaname's VA, and Freyja's VA harmonize but JUNNA raises her voice the loudest showing her command at hitting strong notes. Makina and Reina are just support for this song. The song itself is a battle between Freyja and Mikumo, with Kaname (and the other two to an extent) assiting Freyja. During the pre chorus Freyja and Mikumo show off what they can do individual but during the chorus JUNNA accelerates with the power of her voice. The opening song isn't really for harmonization but to show the different strength of the voices.

    Ikenai Borderline and Rune ga Pikatto Hikattarra, however show how both Mikumo and Freyja can match each others voice. When JUNNA is the lead voice of the harmonization (Ikenai Borderline), you can hear Freyja's VA lowering her voice to match Mikumo's octaves showing that she can hit strong notes too. This can best be heard at 2:11 - 2:15 of the full version of Ikenai borderline and throughout if you listen keenly. When Freyja's VA is the lead voice of the harmonization (Rune ga Pikatto Hikattarra), you can hear JUNNA raising her voice to match Freyja's VA octaves showing that she can also sing high pitched as well. This can best be heard during 1:05 - 1:16 of the full version of the song. Regardless of who is leading that harmonization both girls voice compliments each other exceptionally.

    ​For a complete harmonizing of all 5 girls voices Koi! Halation the War is the best. The full song shows their amazing ability to harmonize. As Kawamari stated, all the songs from Walkure are different, which so far has been true. Each song has different harmonizations. Bokura no Senjō shows JUNNA and Freyja's VA harmonize equally with no lead, Silent Hacker has Reina as the lead with Makina harmoizing with her, ジリティツク☆BEGINNER has Makina as the lead with Reina harmonizing with her etc.

    The only person missing a lead song is Kaname, and the last song axis is most likely (hopefully) hers.


  3. Observation to note this episode:

    1) While Heinz song was always described as sharp and sad, Freyja noted in this episode they lacked color. Is this because his heart is now conflicted after seeing what Keith showed him.

    2) The ruins affected the fold waves of the girls? But in what way? Freyja held her rune during this, Reina described it a heavy and sad. After replaying the scene I caught something interesting, Mikumo's hair reacted with it, their was a disturbance in her hair pattern.

    3) Our heroine finally has a solid reason for singing. Her songs now have person, they have an identity. Which nobody can take from her. I hope the people who were annoyed with how Mikumo finally understand that this was what Mikumo wanted for her.

    4) Mikumo didn't fully approve of Freyja when she was singing to cure the Var. She specifically reacted when Freyja was able to synchronize with Hayate. There is something more there.

    The Mikumo/Freyja saga ends. The last few minutes of the show is interesting. Freyja looks out into the galaxy, Mikumo appears but rather than asking aggressively why Freyja sings like she usually does, she asks calmly. Freyja finally answers Mikumo with her strong resolve, to which Mikumo acknowledges.

    I don't think we are done with Mikumo yet, but they do seem to be taking a break with her.

  4. You missed my point, as you did with Kalv's post. I'm not even going to bother to respond further.

    Which is why I asked what your point was. If somebody doesn't understand what you're saying, elaborate and emphasize your point, that's the point of discussion. I'm very interested and intrigued with what you're saying. As for Kalv's post he stated that the Idols from SDFM and Frontier were not apart of the focus of the story, and the story could have progressed without them. Which was inaccurate.

  5. I am still a bit ambivalent about Macross Delta right now.

    In a lot of ways, Macross Delta is more like Macross 7. With singing more integral to the story, literally, Var is counteracted by singing, and that's the focus, without Walkure, everything would be about firefighting. The setting is also different from the other series, all the other stories had everything revolved around a moving ship.

    The original series and frontier also focused on solo singers who happens to make a big difference almost as an aside. You could easily see both of those having no idols and still be very engaging series. The idols weren't the sole focus of the story, that they are essential to the story line is almost an after effect. (at least that's what I think) So, Frontier and the original series would be focused on single pop stars, like a Taylor Swift or a Taylor Dane.

    The other thing that I noticed is that as the Macross series expands, the in universe structure seem less and less obvious. I know the governmental structure of the original series, still somewhat sure about what it was in 7 and Frontier, but Delta seems to really muddy things up.

    I can't speak for Macross 7, but I can however defend Super Dimensional Fortress Macross and Macross Frontier. Singing is very much an integral part of the story, and without Lynn Minmay and Sheryl Nome/Ranka Lee, everything would be about firefighting. Throughout the episodes of Super Dimensional Fortress Macross, but specifically episode 27 Lynn Minmay's songs are used to counteract the main antagonists. Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee's songs were also used to counteract their antagonists as their songs slowed down/hindered their enemies and made it much easier for them to fight.

    As for the governmental structure, what exactly about it is muddy? Each of the new plants so far, Ragna and Voldor have their own unique political system. Just as how the SDFM fleet and Frontier fleet had their own unique political system.

  6. There is plenty of modern anime out there that isn't focused on "magical" idol jpop groups, so no, it has nothing to do with that. And please, don't move on to "you just don't understand it." That's always a losing argument.

    Fact is some of you guys like the idol group stuff, and some of us don't. And that's fine. But for the 100th time, please stop with the "but it's always been this way" nonsense.

    So is your issue Delta related to the fact that they focus on a J-pop idol group? Or the fact that they use advanced technology which makes them seem magical? Is it the atmosphere of the series thus far or is something different overall?

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