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Posts posted by IAD

  1. Look what arrived today!

    Unfortunately, I'm on the week before finals here... But, very soon. (Tragically, probably not quite soon enough for the WF... Not with shipping, and what-not.)

    But, the light at the end of the tunnel... :D



  2. Gotcha. Like I said, it's all about motors. If I had them, I could have the thing flight-ready in a day or two.

    I'm keeping tabs on when the motors will be in stock, so we won't waste any time, once they're available... Other than that, all the gear is installed.

    What's the date of the WF this year?


  3. ...It also explains why the radar functions under water and why the VF-0 and SV-51 can detect each other while all other radar systems are useless against their stealth abilities...

    But is there a single example where the SVs/VFs actually FOUND each other via radar, OT or otherwise?

    I mean, most of the time, they were just doing visual acquisition... You know, your wingman's ship blows up, and... Whaddya know, you've got enemy fighters in the area.

    Or else they were detected because of external factors... Non-stealthy refueling aircraft, Protoculture-signature-emitting mecha parts, etc.

    And, is the active stealth all that good to begin with? I mean, Shin locks Nora up with an F-14, for goodness sake. (Unless he had slaved the gun reticule to an passive IR system, or something. But that means the IR sig. isn't suppressed, which makes it unstealthy again. :rolleyes: )


  4. Sean:

    I've just heard from the motor company... Another 4 weeks, estimated. They aren't bluffing, though. They've got one type back in production, and they're filling backlog. So...

    Still, this is getting sort of crazy, do you still want wait, or should I start looking at different motors?


  5. Is a VF-0S close enough?

    Here's how I would do it...

    Elevon mix on the wings, V-tail mix on the vertical stabilizers, elevon-mixed thrust-vector, and wing-sweep tied to pitch, for some center-of-gravity shifting, plus the being able to replicate the wing-sweep changes you see when Roy dives after the gunpod. ;)

    Probably overkill, really. The elevon mix on the wing's control surfaces might very possibly be enough for decent pitch control, especially if the wings were fixed in the furthest-aft sweep position.


  6. Hehe! That, and a less mystical-magical sort of conclusion... I'm sorry, but symbolic or not, feathers do NOT come out of the exhaust of a shot-up VF-0. (Or maybe Shin ingested a bird? :p)

    I'm not sure I'm going to adhere to the smaller-faster = better rule... At long range, it probably wouldn't make much difference, and at close range, I think the M-0 aircraft were already at a point where the limiting factor was the pilot, not the machine.

    Then again, it's clear that real life fails to apply a lot in anime/cartoons... For instance, the Shin/Nora/Roy/D.D. chase, where nobody managed to get a guns solution, even though they were flying roughly in a straight line? ;)


  7. Motors should be shipped in 1.5 weeks, give or take a bit. The manufacturer had a tooling failure that took a while to get sorted out.

    In the mean time, I have come to the conclusion(s) that while the SV-51 is one of the all-time great variable fighter designs, the end of M-0 is definitely NOT satisfying... Nor are various other bits and pieces in the storyline.

    What they needed was more battles, less talking! (More SV/VF screen-time, to be exact. ;))


  8. Well, I guess it depends on which side they put the ball part of the ball joint. If the socket is part of the body, then they shouldn't need much room at all. But, based on the evidence at hand, it looks like the socket went on the intake side.


  9. Sure, once I start building. (What forum though? Maybe I should just etch the Macross logo on one of the rails, to make it Macross-related? :D)

    To tide you over, here's a screen-shot of the CAD work:

    That's the 'standard' sized (36" long) SV on the table, to give and idea of just how large this thing will be.



  10. Ah, perfect! Thanks MechTech!

    Actually, the CNC YF-19 deal feel through... The guy's pretty busy, it would seem. However, as I mentioned in the Yamato SV-51 thread, I am actually working on designing/building a 72" x 48" x 10" CNC mill. (Don't worry, Sean, your SV is still top priority. As soon as those motors get here, that is. :mad: )

    Anyway, the mill is designed to be accurate down to 0.001", with a 1HP spindle motor, so milling foam airframes should be a piece of cake. It should even be able to do pine, which might be better for a master. Either way, once I have that in operation... I shall take over the world! :lol: [evil laugh]

    I've even built a 3D scanner, large enough to pull a point-cloud off pretty much an 1/72 model out there...


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