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Posts posted by Mit

  1. I can say only one thing - "Sv-262 Draken III" one of the most beautiful and elegant war machines in the "Macross" universe ^_^...

    And some details about this miracle - the secrets of transformation!


  2. I, in these parts, often repeated assertion that the poor planetary colonies and expeditionary fleets can not afford to have a good military equipment and, at best, they get a monkey model of Space-UN.

    However, in the "Frontier", and now in the "Delta" demonstrates a completely different situation - military units of private military organization "Chaos" and the Knights of the border of the world have the latest fighting machines.

    However, regular troops NUNS do not even have to "VF-171EX Super Nightmare Plus" arms, not to mention the aircraft from VF-24 family.

    Strangely it all ...

  3. Per Macross Chronicle, this is kind of an Obi-Wan Kenobi "from a certain point of view" thing on D.D. and Nora's part.

    You see, D.D. and Nora are partisans opposed to the Unification Government, so they see the requirement that its member nations share technological advances derived from overtechnology with each other as the Unification Government stealing that technology from its creators. The technology was not truly stolen, it was simply shared with the other UN Government member nations.

    Macross Chronicle's coverage of the Anti-Unification Alliance's mecha clearly indicates that they were developed using data obtained from the UN Government's military programs. Some of that data and technology was acquired by through legitimate channels by defense contractors in nations that just happened to be in the Alliance's sphere of influence, but much of it was acquired through espionage or stolen by defectors. The Sv-51 is noted to have been developed quickly as the result of D.D. Ivanov himself handing over development data he stole from the VF-0 program when he defected to the Alliance forces, and the Octos is also mentioned as having been fast-tracked through development using data and technology stolen from the UN Government's Destroid program.

    It's rather unlikely that the engineers who defected from the UN Government to the various anti-government groups after the First Space War had any connection to the engineers who provided weapons to the Alliance "under the table" during the UN Wars. In all likelihood there is no actual direct connection between the old Sv-51/52 and the Sv-262.

    Interesting, but then the question arises as to the basis of the "stolen" technologies Anti-UN force able to develop a variational mecha almost faster than the United Nations?

    Incidentally, the "Macross" since crashed to Earth in 1980 on some island, right? But at that time there was a "Cold War" and when the island was under the control of the United States and / or their allies, Russia could not gain access to alien technology, regardless of the fact that the UN speaks of "international cooperation" ...

  4. http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/crossoverrp/images/5/5d/SV-51.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150715003649

    I have a question for the "theft of technology", or rather confusion around it.

    On the "Macross Mecha Manual" is written that "Armed with OverTechnology illicitly obtained from the U.N.G.'s military programs, the A.U.N. developed their own variable fighter designated the SV-51."

    But in the Anti-UN pilots dialogue set out opposite version:

    00: 23: 44.468 -> 00: 23: 46.219
    The new fighter UN forces ...

    00: 23: 46.720 -> 00: 23: 50.557
    This is just a modification of the system, which they stole from us.

    00: 23: 51.016 -> 00: 23: 52.309
    It is not an obstacle to us.

    00: 23: 53.143 -> 00: 23: 56.521
    According to the Joint Institute, they did not kidnap her.

    00: 23: 57.189 -> 00: 23: 59.649
    All technologies must meet the needs of national relations ...

    00: 23: 59.858 -> 00: 24: 02.444
    And be open to the public.

    00: 24: 04.529 -> 00: 24: 08.408
    If they believe in this nonsense, then you must show it to them. "

    So who, in the end, right?

  5. It was cool!

    New technical equipment for the VF-31 planes and units "Alpha" and "Gamma" in the battle ...

    An impressive battle between "chaos" and "Knights of the Wind", which Hayate spectacularly saved both her girlfriends ...

    Superbly opened mutual relations and motivation of characters, and thank God that there were no whining ... I mean, post-traumatic stress syndrome and other pacifism ...

    Convincingly demonstrated the causes of "haste" in the subjects of the Kingdom of the Wind ...


    By the way, where is the downright, religious attitude is to "wind" and not the "five elements" such as shamanism?

    And unlike that windemer are descendants of birds ...

    So what could be the reason?

  6. Well, a new episode has provided answers to some questions in the field of geography and history, which is partly clarified the causes and extent of the conflict ...

    In addition, we have demonstrated a new, and more specifically the old technologies that have passed their alternative way of development ...

    But most importantly, we have shown in detail the characters, thereby revealing their identity ...

    Very good episode :)
  7. I tend to equate this war to WW2 in that Germany started with a regional war, but it quickly escalated to a World War in Europe. In the first 3 years of WW2, Germany held the upper hand against superior numbers (I really don't believe Italy played any major role in the war in Europe except to maybe secure their own borders.)

    After their ally, Imperial Japan, attacked the US and drew the last hold out nation into the conflict it set up D-Day which began the momentum against them. Some argue that if Hitler wouldn't have made an enemy of the Soviet Union early on, that Germany would have successfully conquered Europe in the end.

    Yeah, that's what I had in mind - even if these "Knights of the Wind" it is possible to use a "syndrome", in the long term it has little capacity ...

    In the end, this phenomenon "Valkyrie" may have to fight, and that is when, for example, the impact of their songs will be broadcast over long distances and the area? Luxurious, but small units unable to cope with a large and a professional


    They can not be so stupid, that would not be understood

    Let's see, the YF21/VF22/S wasn't as simple a transformation as it seems (lots of doors and panels and foldy bits), the VF-2SS (if you look at the toy, uses way too much anime magic) and the VF-17/171 are also not simple.




    In any case, it is much easier than VF-19 or VF-24 family, not to mention such models as the VF-9 and VF-14...

    In the classical scheme of the machine body (in transformation mode "fighter") break in two along the central transverse axis so that the back half of the motors and the fins, which form the arms and legs in the modes "gerwalk" and "battroid", tilted downwardly and rearwardly, and the front, with the cockpit blister - down and forward, turning nose cone to the ground. From the center of the body extends head c anti-aircraft gun. An interesting detail: at the VF-1 anti-aircraft laser turret in aircraft configuration located under the floor and was sent forward, but all later "Valkyrie", "classic" scheme starting with VF-11, and then she was on the top and "looks" back. However, the VF-21 fixed head forms the middle part of the body, located behind the cab. Almost similarly, too, in principle, the "classic" is modified and gorgeous "invisible" fighterVF-17S / D Nightmare, but his transformation center as compared to the VF-21 significantly shifted to the fore and is still stationary section just with the cockpit (of which the top extends and takes place on the one hundred and eighty degrees - facing forward - the head with a pair or chevёrkoy guns), and down recline only nose fairing, opening strongly protruding from his chest formed "battroida" cylindrical section with hidden inside place the pilot and embedded in it at the sides by two powerful infrared (thermal) laser with a short, thick trunks ...

    As you can see from these examples, even on the basis of a simple circuit, you can create a variety of interesting and reliable option

  8. An interesting and beautiful episode in which we learn that:

    1) Freyja and her compatriots live about 30 years

    2) In addition to Ragna in this sector of space, there are several colonies UNS

    3) how the looks of transformation from the SV-262

    It is not clear why and what "The Kingdom of the Wind" has declared war on the "United Nations," because it is clearly inferior in resources and population, and it is unlikely that it has a technological advantage?


    P.S. I can not understand why over time the designers "Valkyries" is increasingly trying to use more and more ornate and complex variants of transformation? After all, it only leads to complexity and high cost of production ...

    What's wrong with a simple classical scheme and its variations like the YF-21 and VF-171, well, or "alternative" VF-2SS Valkyrie II?

  9. The third episode turned out excellent!

    - The characters are revealed, landscape striking beauty
    - Animals cute beyond belief
    - The relationship between the Mirage / Hayate / Freya developing very interesting
    - Dogfight over and over throughout the magnificence demonstrated tremendous opportunities "Valkyrie" fighters

    In general, a lot of positive emotions :)

  10. Just in looking at the pictures, it begs the question: where are the tanks that appeared in some of the Macross games? E.g. the hovering tanks used by the opponents in Macross Digital Mission VF-X or the tank that the VB-6 steps on in the intro anime for VF-X2?

    Well, the fact is that in this "record" is about transformable tanks in the "UN Spacy" army and only

  11. 5) Civic models





    The successes of robotics in the military sphere, determined the promotion of "variational mecha" in the civilian sector.

    At first, it was only about the use of refurbished VT firefighters and rescuers, but later widely used civil engineering "Hardworking", and then the immense popularity gained sports models involved in the race for survival and gladiator fights.

    For special category include homemade VT made by enthusiasts for original designs


    Well, ladies and gentlemen, all for today. In the next lecture, I will tell you about the features of the combat employment of "variational tanks" ...

  12. 4) 2050s / Currently
    Urbanization colonized planets and the emergence of "space city" in a new class of ships "Macross" has led to the need for combat vehicles are not capable of causing considerable damage to environment.



    What requirements have led to the development of a new generation of "variational tanks" adapted for close combat. New body structure has provided a wide range of movement, the standardization of the protection system on the basis of "point barrier" gave a powerful defense, in addition to the classic weapons and shields, as well as supporting "pack" "VT-45 Ymir" is equipped with a boomerang shaped blades fit for both melee and for throwing, a plus to this on his hands installed power knuckles.

    In general, the VT is designed for rapid onset and the imposition of a fight at close range, but do not regard it as highly specialized. On the contrary, he retained all of the best combat and technical capabilities of its predecessors, adding to them the melee, in addition, for it developed a unique system of "surfer", allowing yourself to descend into the atmosphere of planets.

    The approach to the development of the new machine in the spirit of "hero-defender" and led to a new design in the style of tech-knight.

  13. 3) 2030 and / 2050s - while updating the concept of "land-based aircraft equipment" related to the active colonization of the planets and space exploration, as well as separatist incidents and activities of criminal organizations



    Expansion possessions of mankind has led to the need for their protection. However, the establishment of permanent military bases «UN Spacy» required considerable financial and technical resources, as a result it was decided to establish local units Planetary Defense, equipped with an inexpensive and easy technique, whose main task was to either repel or hold out until the arrival of military rapid reaction force.

    The result of this approach to the design was the creation of a small and flexible VT, transformed in three wheeled "motorcycle" and the unusual robot. The most recognizable features of "VT-29 Troll" became "headlessness" and "reverse" scheme transformation.

    However, the standard arsenal is impressive - automatic gun or laser gun and rocket launcher, in addition to this user models may have different equipment options.

    The latter statement is true for the equipment - a modular system makes it easy to adapt
    mecha for natural conditions of any planet.

    Later, these bike were taken in as police mecha.



    By 2030 th there was a need in newness of BT suitable for landing and infiltration operations.

    The brainchild of this concept was the "VT-31 Jotun." Assault combat vehicle, designed for lightning-fast counter-attacks and repression, as well as special operations.

    The overall appearance was made in terms of "threatening" design in respect of the suppression factor. In practical terms, declined to swivel turret, replacing it with a number of separate mounting points for arms and equipment that reduce the size and increase the possibility of fire in different directions.

    In addition, the added for mecha masking functionality and standard "Pack" system, as well as the possibility of autonomous action in outer space of colonies orbiting bases and asteroid stations.

    Another important innovation was the presence of a removable compartment for carrying eight Special Forces soldiers.

    Also, this model was the first "Thurs" equipped "pin point barrier" system

  14. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v662/SKGundam/Mon-SoonoType20vehicle.jpg~original


    "VT-07 Thurs" the first production combat vehicle of the series "variation of tanks." Robust wheel base allows you to move at high speed and considerable distance, saving legs resource, and a simple transformation scheme of the two regimes allow the elimination of additional equipment and special equipment for transportation of mecha, as well as apply hand-like robot manipulators for non-core tasks, replacing, if necessary, engineering equipment.

    The possibility to change the height of the profile and the benefits of anthropomorphic design played a positive role in the flexibility of tactical use of VT, for example, they could keep shooting from the corner or under the cover of a low building. A good armor scheme on the basis of "movable frame" and divided the internal volume provided high survivability of the combat vehicle and the catapult was provided for the pilot.

    A large number of diverse arms mounted with the calculation of the maximum power of the fire at liberty "hands", combined with the latest computer systems allowed one pilot to fire at several targets in different directions, including back. System equipment weapons and equipment had a modular basis and makes it easy to re-equip VT under any specific task. In addition to the built-in weapons and had attachments for manipulators in the form of assault rifles and grenades.

    This model was equipped with a "brass knuckles" for the melee.

    First, they had a gas turbine unit as a motor, but by 2010 it was replaced by a thermo-nuclear reactor, which allowed re-equip them the energy conversion armor and beam weapons.

    Actually, all of these advantages and the successes in the battles with the military robots "Destroyers" series led to the adoption of into service as the main combat unit.

    During the "First Space" was held the first modernization is to complete the sealing of machines, replacement of solid fuel engines on fusion accelerators and equipping their limbs magnetic mount that allowed to exploit these bottles as mobile turrets, ambushes among the debris and asteroids, the protection of internal compartments "Fortress", and even attack enemy ships. In addition, the period also include the first recording of "armor" for VT of armored mounted modules and additional weapons.

    It is a great service these machines proved their necessity, which provided not only the resumption of production, but also the beginning of works on modernization of the series.

  15. http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b95/dandaman61/E7MAHQ/New%20Wave/Mon-soonoPv.jpg~original


    Test samples of serial combat models have a number of specific design features - asymmetry of the body, the one-eyed sensor unit, the cockpit in the chest and unusual shape turrets.

    All these features have been associated with the search for optimal solutions in power plants, reservations, sensor systems and weapons. In fact, this series of bellows not find two similar machines. However, there is a common feature - a small solid-fuel motors acting compensators in the transformation - induced increase in the number of armor, weapons and equipment, and thus the increase in weight of the machine.

    Optimize the use of these tactics and "variational tanks", for example, after data collection in the tests and analyze, designers came to the conclusion that the creation of a common platform for the weapons to be more effective than the creation of highly specialized machinery.

    Incidentally, an interesting story associated with the occurrence of the code name for them - being, in many respects, "Valkyrie`s" antipodes, they have made a lasting impression on "VF" project manager and that, being a fan of Norse mythology, he decided to name it in honor of the mighty giants - "Thurs". At the time of launch in mass production is the informal name has stuck and came in the name of the production model.

    In field trials, these "variational tanks" for the first time took part in the actual fighting, and very successfully.

  16. 1) 2000s / 2010s were a time of variational design concepts and technology development of entire series of unique and unusual prototypes, designed to define the limits of the effective use and application of the new tactics of combat vehicles.



    The first samples were more like a tank with legs than real "transformers", but a reliable wheel undercarriage and the highest throughput, unique maneuverability, excellent stability and equipment of heavy weapons, combined with a fairly simple operation and the use of "over technology" made them an excellent and inexpensive alternative to conventional tanks.

    The chassis of the mecha-tanks, consisting of a combination of wheels on the foam rubber and mechanical legs allowed this type of combat vehicles to develop a high speed, and even buoyancy, keeping mobility even in case of damage of one of the "legs", as well as to use a very unusual tactical techniques to example, jumping or movement in the side.

    The uninhabited gun turret such hybrids has a modular structure that allows, in accordance with the combat mission, it is easy to replace the weapons and equipment, and is controlled by a helmet-mounted sight.

    The crew, thanks to automation driven to two people, located in the body in a special armored compartment, provide them with additional protection.

    These mek-tanks entered history as the "Quad." Although the "Quad" quickly become obsolete, they are proof, if the viability of the idea of changeable "combat walkers." I emphasize that a similar system of four pillars used on variable submarines "Oсtos".



    Further development of the class "variational tanks" was due to the full development of variable machine capable of switching between a tank and robot forms, combining their best features.

    At a certain stage, designers are faced with the problem of choosing the optimal configuration variants, resulting in, a number of quite interesting model, but in the end settled on the most simple and effective system.

    Given the many advantages mek over the classic machine and already existing strengths in bipedal technology, the developers decided to make a "foot" basis of the wheel bearing, and "hands" additional armor on the body in the mode of the tank and the suspension of arms in the form of robots, built weapons established in the form of a rotary turrets and scabbard on his shoulder, and the cockpit placed in the "head".

    In fact, it was no longer a hybrid tank and robot, but a meha with an alternative travel mode. Which, incidentally, played a positive role in the melee range.

    In addition, the prototype implemented well proven self-healing traffic control technology - its essence lies in the fact that the on-board computer can determine the damage received by the various elements of the design mechanism and correct operation of the remaining elements of the whole so as to completely restore control. Also in this mecha it has perfected a system of automated fire control and distribution of defeats the purpose.

    Although the prototype and was, in fact, just a demonstrator concept, but a good combination of "over technology" and the simple constructive solutions allow to use it as laboratory and training machines.

  17. History variational tanks
    Recording a lecture delivered by Major (Retired) «UN spacy» Vladimir Bachmeier for the cadets of the Military Academy "Sun Tzu" in the year 02/18/2055


    Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. Today's lecture on military affairs will be devoted to the history of the development of "land" part of our forces, more precisely, "transforming tanks." These combat vehicles have come a long way from the first prototypes to the latest modern models, has repeatedly proved its indispensability and efficiency even in the current era of space wars. But first things first…

    The collapse of the alien spaceship, codenamed «SDF-1", in the South Ataria at the end of the 20th century completely changed the human`s idea of ​​the universe. The undisputed fact of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, no less than human inclined to fight and great technology, whose level in many times surpasses our best achievements, opened the way to the real space exploration.

    However, the temptation to use the newly acquired power to gain absolute power over the world proved too much - the last superpower and its allies have tried to monopolize the treasures of "Star Wanderer".

    In contrast this dictation, was created by "Alliance" of states, seeking to change the status quo and achieve real "United Nations".

    This confrontation has become the source of a string of local conflicts and regional wars. But the war is not in vain called "the engine of progress" and "Unification War" have contributed to the rapid adaptation of aliens "over technology" in various fields, in particular on military equipment. In addition to the rapid modernization of weapons and protection systems as well as power plants of traditional military hardware, appeared and a new class of combat vehicles.

    At first, it was a reworking of alien combat exoskeletons in combat robots that are suitable for use in human beings. Although these works were successfully completed, any applied research questions, such as transport, the tactics they use and pilot training... An original solution to the problems was the amazing "transformation technology" found in «SDF-1" and allowed to combine the best qualities of classic military and robotics.

    Why such an unusual approach led in the case of fighter you know from previous lectures, and now look at the evolution of armored vehicles.
  18. All of this back and forth is ultimately leading to something, right?

    How to say?
    At first I just wanted to know the opinion of fans of "Macross" about this idea - I, for example, during the first viewing of the original "Macross" puzzled the presence of very good mek, transforming into a fighter, and a crowd of assorted piece of iron instead of transformable tanks ... we receive some "asymmetry", perhaps?

    However, "Seto and Co" decided to convince me that "this can not be, because it can not be, ever," though their arguments contradict themselves ...

    And in the end, everything depends on what Kavomiri simply like airplanes, the rest of the military equipment just for what would have been something explode on the screen ...

    So I think of a kind of "alternative history", in which the variation tanks will replace the "Destroyers" :) I'll try to sketch a fanfic ...

    Such is the result of a dispute - a small, but still achieving

  19. the Destroids aboard City-7 were units that had been retired by the military and subsequently sold off to civilians for conversion into heavy construction or mining equipment (or in some cases, given to retiring soldiers as part of their pension).

    The Monster in City-7 was problematic because it was crewed by elderly retired soldiers and couldn't actually hit the enemy fighters that it was shooting at... so it was destroying buildings in the city instead.

    Okay, the removal of the old fighting vehicles with weapons and their subsequent alteration in the civil construction machinery can be called a stroke of genius in terms of saving :)

    But, do not provide them with adequate substitute for military service it is idiocy :(

    As a result, "City 7" nothing defend and have to withdraw, "Valkyrie" from the front line -_-

    The police patroids were not designed for combat against military-grade equipment... they were only built for the preservation of the public order. Once they were forced to fight against military hardware they were wiped out easily by Valkyries.

    Once again, the idea is not to recast "Patrol" in combat vehicles, and in the creation on their base of small transformable fighting vehicles - on the similarity of "VM 9 Silverback" from one fanfic




    Color version with explanations and notations


    A few things about this...

    1. Al Shahal's garrison wasn't particularly large.

    2. They were facing a technologically superior enemy in orbit.

    3. The Al Shahal garrison's forces were reduced by the outbreak of Var syndrome among their soldiers on the surface and divided because they were also trying to subdue those soldiers who went on a rampage because of Var syndrome.

    Several objections:

    1) detachment of the attackers were even less

    2) an opponent whose "Valkyrie" have been at the technological level "VF-27" and "VF-171EX Nightmare Plus" stood on the garrison weapons - it is not called an overwhelming difference

    3) would have ground troops inadequate equipment and training then would not have to recall "Valkyrie" from the front line

    The Octos units were disabled or destroyed just as easily, if not more so... considering Roy is able to blow their limbs off or even destroy them with the VF-0's coaxial lasers, the lightest weapon it has.


    1) "VF-0D" was not able to destroy the "Octos" shooting of "GPU-9" with an extremely close range, he could not even seriously damage it

    2) "VF-0S" was not cool their laser guns armor "Octos" case, but only to shoot off his leg hit the joint and destroy rocket launchers

    In turn, "Octos" easily destroyed "Destroyers" from the shore detachment... Here are just a "Macross Zero" has been used successfully on the coast and in the interior of the island

    They weren't really forced to use the VA-3M... it was just the most appropriate unit for the job considering they needed to hunt an enemy submarine from the air and destroy it underwater.

    That is, not every "Valkyrie" can operate effectively under water?

    Then I do not care how much they can dive...

    No, it just prevented the Loto from being able to fight against modern mobile suits on an even footing. The last thing an infiltration unit wants is to be completely screwed if they don't kill the enemy with their first shot.

    As far as replacing the Loto's reactor and giving it energy conversion armor... you'd just be creating something inferior to, and more expensive than, a Cheyenne II or Super Defender destroid.

    Only two of them. And, not from return fire from normal MS, but from personal models against which in battle can only survive mecha level "Delta Plus" and "Unicorn". But the usual MS destroyed by "Lotto" was no less than 8 with no losses from the Federal forces even after they were discovered and fired...

    "D-50C Lotto" little more than a brand new "Cheyenne II", but no worse than armed and can engage in melee combat. Also, this can serve as transport for the fighters.

    Plus, his transformation of the system is quite simple and does not require any highly complex action...

    MAHQ's stats are often inaccurate...

    On the "Mecha Talk - the official forum of www.MAHQ.net" is a separate issue which was discussed about mek of "the Eureka 7", and where the data lined after translation sources...

    Still, even if we were to assume the numbers provided indicate that some of these LFOs/KLFs are capable of 200-300km/h in vehicle mode, they're cars... which means those speeds will be unattainable over rough terrain. Also they're not capable of fighting in their vehicle mode... which makes those numbers effectively meaningless.

    And what prevents to do off-road version with a rotary turret? That's right, nothing ... By the way, the "Mont Soono" just turning the turret
    and with the way that many mecha are shown to be able to defeat an Itano Circus by shooting down a few missiles and letting the explosions set the other missiles off. It's as much a trademark of Macross as the Itano Circus itself.
    In conjunction with the tactics of anti-tank ambushes will be very effective
  20. ...Other motivations included concerns over the leadership of the UN Government, the distribution of overtechnology to member states (or, as noted by Nora in Zero, the "forced" sharing of technological advances), and the expected assortment of political, ideological, ethnic, and religious quibbles.

    Is there, at least, a rough list of the participating countries of the coalitions?

    The other four big military actions of the UN Wars were the hijacking of the Oberth-class destroyer Tsiolkovsky in September 2005 and its subsequent use to destroy the UN fleet returning Mars Base personnel to Earth (and the destruction of the Tsiolkovsky by Bruno J. Global's destroyer Goddard), the November 2005 destruction of the Grand Cannon II construction site by the Anti-UN Alliance Army, the October 2006 destruction of St. Petersburg, Russia, by an Anti-UN Alliance reaction missile attack, and the 2008 Mayan Island incident depicted in Macross Zero.

    And what was the strategic sense in most of these operations? In terms of...

    1) what practical benefit from an attack on the Mars mission?

    2) what the hell to destroy the weapon against the aliens?

    3) why destroy one of the cities of his allies?

    Politically and militarily, the former Eastern Bloc (Warsaw Pact) states had a huge influence on the Anti-Unification Alliance... though the resistance to the idea of the UN Government prompted formerly pro-American nations to also side with the Alliance.

    Eastern Europe - is Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East German, Hungarian People's Republic, Poland and Romania, but without Russia they simply will not have the financial and technical capabilities to develop such weapons ... Participation as Russia marks the beginning of full-scale "World War III"

    And why West Germany and France, even Israel, to break off relations with the US UN?

    By the way, and on which side has been China?

    The UN Wars officially ended in January 2007 with the Russians backing out of the alliance

    It turns out that to leave the "Alliance" Russia forced her own allies by attacking St. Petersburg?

    Too much weirdness:(

  21. The only Destroids seen aboard City-7 were retired models from the First Space War that had been converted into various kinds of heavy equipment for task like mining and construction. (With the sole exception of a single Mk.II Monster destroid that caused very significant collateral damage attempting to fire on enemy Valkyries.)

    Because it was a habitat ship, City-7 didn't have a dedicated defense force permanently stationed aboard... it was dependent upon the Valkyries carried by the Battle-7 and other ships of the fleet for protection. Mayor Milia addressed this during the war by having Gamlin Kizaki's Diamond Force placed under her command.

    That is, the "Destroyer" is too strong, and "Valkyrie" should be removed from the front line?

    It turns out that the idea - to make a relatively small "Variable Combat Car", suitable for dense urban areas with sufficiently powerful weapons to critical damage the enemy "VF`s" - suggests itself...

    Nothing I can find in official material on the City-7 Patroids suggest that they were inexpensive... and we never see them in any large numbers, which suggest they may actually be quite pricey despite their extremely limited capabilities and poor combat performance.

    Or maybe vice versa ... If we make assumptions, the police simply could not afford to have expensive equipment ... And what about the amounts - "VAPC / VSPC-07 Odonata (Variable Air Patrol Craft / Variable Space Patrol Craft)" in frame was enough

    True, but few and far between are the foes who hide in the water... the defenses of emigrant planets and Earth are focused around protecting against attacks from space and preventing enemies from reaching the surface.

    As we can see in the "Delta", orbital defense weakly helps against a well-prepared enemy, so that the ground defense can`t be reject...

    The Octos was nowhere near as fast or capable as a Destroid or Valkyrie on uneven terrain and would be much more prone to sinking into the ground and getting stuck because its incredibly small footprint and heavy weight give it a far greater ground pressure than any of its potential foes.

    Here are just a "Macross Zero" has been used successfully on the coast and in the interior of the island...It is ironic, given how easy it is "Cheyennes" died under fire "Octos" in "Macross Zero"

    lso, leakage? The reason explicitly given in Macross Zero for the VF-0 not being able to operate underwater was that the fighter's main power system was its conventional jet turbine engines... engines which don't work underwater. They had to use battery power to operate underwater, and that limited their operating time. VF's with thermonuclear reaction turbine engines don't have that issue since oxygen isn't required for them to run.

    That's just even "VF-X2" for special operations in the water is forced to use "VA-3" ...

    To be honest, it is not considered to be "Zero", the only "Valkyrie", the sample in water at least a short time was a high-tech "VF-27"

    Yes, and the D-50C Loto paid for that carrying capacity, transformation, and small size by using a much less powerful reactor, being able to carry far less fuel, having a much less sophisticated AMBAC system, and reducing overall performance. It was not as heavily armed, as heavily armored, as fast, or as agile as a conventional mobile suit.

    That does not prevent him from effectively destroy enemy units and to carry out operations of penetration ...

    If we compare the "Loto" to "VF-1", then at the height of "D-50C" even inferior to "Valkyrie" and only slightly higher than its weight ... replace the reactor and add energy conversion armor and ready variational "Destroyer": )

    The Terminus series LFOs from Eureka Seven are not an example of typical LFO performance... they were a series of unstable and unnecessarily finicky super-prototypes that were beyond the abilities of all but the best pilots. That's why the Monsoono series was adopted by the military instead. Also, the data I can find gives that 300km/h speed as its maximum speed in flight.

    Unfortunately, accurate data on the characteristics of other "KLF" can not be found, however, even if the rate of "Mon-Soono" on the floor hundreds of kilometers per hour less than the slowest of the "Terminus" (260 km per hour), it is still It is faster than the "Destroyers" with very good arms

    By the way, even on the "MAHQ.net" speed of "Terminus" to 260-300 km per hour is specified for "vehicle mode" ...

    I'm sorry, but you're wrong

    The problem with this line of reasoning is that even if they were far enough away that the pressure wouldn't kill them, they'd still be shooting at an extremely high-mobility target perfectly capable of intercepting the missiles... assuming said missiles actually had the stopping power to hurt the mecha.

    The concept of "itano circus" is familiar to you?
  22. I was referring to the Tomahawk. And it's 112 miles per hour (that's 180 kilometers per hour).

    I admit fault ... By the way, and what you are not satisfied with the metric system? - It seems to be used worldwide

    1) Did you watch the show? Cuz they were driving those things on the hull of a space ship near the end, in space.

    The use of rocket engines is a huge fuel consumption in operations on planets such as the Moon or Mars...

    There's nothing that says they can't use the other weapons in Sniping Clapper-mode. Only that it would be firing in the wrong direction.

    A very controversial feature, from the point of view of usefulness

    But they can jump in Walker-Cannon mode. They're not sitting ducks in that mode. They can move around by jumping.

    Yeah, nice to get a target

    Did you watch the show? Cuz you would have seen it when one deployed the big gun and another used the little gun in Battle-Sniper mode

    If you do not remember about the fact that this support service in robot mode


    Worked well for the Armies of the Southern Cross...within their show...on ground engagements.

    Interesting, what was the size of bribes to the military officials that they have adopted the armored vehicle with an unprotected cockpit?

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