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Posts posted by Convectuoso

  1. 6 hours ago, grogall said:

    Wow these where already being shown in 2017 when even Bandai was in there prototype stage with the DX series! and getting on to over eight years, that these have been teased here or there but still no concrete information on release??? Not sure what to make of the reliability! 🤔


    Project ZeroThree is not related to ThreeZero

  2. 17 hours ago, Spark-O-Matic said:

    Has there been any new info about her since last year?




    No. Probably won't ever get released, like the Tomahawk or the Regult Scout

  3. 12 hours ago, Anasazi37 said:

    This is a hard pass for me (not a Basara fan), but I'm happy to see that Bandai is giving some HMR love to valks that don't show up in SDFM, DYRL, Frontier, or Delta. I haven't given up hope that we'll get the rest of the Destroids and the Scout. At least the Macross HMR line is still alive....

    I'd love some HMRs from Frontier

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