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Posts posted by JGrizzle

  1. I am getting back into playing this game again, I have not played since I ordered it back when it came out years ago. I downloaded the DYRL Voxp mod which is great but I was wondering if anyone knew how to adjust the resolution settings, I would really enjoy widescreen if possible.

  2. Wow! I just had to post on this topic, it made me really think back about a lot of fond memories. I would have to say I came to understand Macross in late 1997 because of Robotech on Toonami. I did know about Macross before that..I guess early 90's because of dyrl and I had some catalog that sold random anime, and there was some cool pictures all over it some of which were macross. I grew up more of a Transformers fan in the 80's and my brothers were big Robotech fans..I guess since they were older and the kissie stuff was more their speed. With their love of Robotech came a few random toys which I never touched mainly for fear of death. I did happen to come by some when I was interested in my transformers again around the early 90's which prompted me to watch Robotech.Being the only thing I could find was DYRL which I just thought was the super rad Robotech movie. Now back to 97 cartoon network aired Robotech I sit down all excited then I said..."wait what? These are not the same people from clash of the something or others!" So I got my little fingers to working on my parents computer with our super cool internet and found out that the movie I watched was called Macross and that Macross had some pretty wicked toys. So I began scouring for ways to get toys and one thing led to another and I found a catalog that had tiny pictures of Macross toys at my local Grocery store. I ordered a Myria Bandai Variable Model Kit and two action figures that seemed like they took forever to come in. I guess I was content with what I had and my knowledge that I might not ever get to see the Macross tv series dubbed, so I just went on my happy little way. A few years rolled by and high school came around and let me mention I grew up in a small town in Louisiana called Farmerville. Anyway I was a prob. 11th grade then and I see this guy in a shirt...that has the U.N. Spacey logo and something that says Macross Plus?!?!? This is a school with barely 500 people and how did I not spot this guy? He begins to rant and rave about Macross plus and how its in English and I need to see it and blah blah blah and thats when I became hooked on it for good. Things went downhill after that I found Ebay and then fan sites..and ...oh..how different my life would be with out this..this...addiction!

  3. JGrizzle,

    Well mate....I almost always order from LAFtoys.com. Los is based out of Texas and it is actually about the same price if not cheaper to order from him instead of an overseas seller. Also...you will more than likely get your item faster....he always packs WONDERFULLY.....and he is VERY responsive to any concerns you may have. Check out this...You WILL NOT be dissapointed...



    Thanks for the info! I am going to order from here when they get more in, I cant wait!

  4. Dude you guys are awesome with the quick replies! I am looking around I think the 1/60 might be for me because I am wanting to start collecting the yamato valks. I also have a pretty decent collection of older bandai models etc. that I think they would go well with. What would be the best way to tell if it's a v2 from pictures or anything...or a good question to ask a seller? I will run out of steam on the questions soon I promise hehe. I want to shop around on pricing if I can help it just so I can get a Max soon for my next one...or maybe before the Roy, I guess whichever the best deal comes around.

  5. If you do order from HLJ, I suggest going for the SAL shipping. $20 for shipping from Japan to the west coast for me only took 10 days. $20 to Louisiana is way worth it considering the distance and maybe an extra week to get there. For me, I've never seen the point of paying double to get something in like 48 hours. I can always use the savings on my next purchase.

    Thats a pretty good point and since I am in Aviation and working on my flight instructor cert. I need to save all the money I can!

  6. Ah well thats good to know that they are pretty expensive to ship. I am in Louisiana so most things that I want do come at a pretty good price! I have some bandai model kits that I ordered a long time ago when I was in jr. high and those cost me a pretty penny back then. Thanks for the quick response!

  7. Hello all! I read most of the faqs and I also did some searches, but I figured I should just ask a question to save myself some time...eh I guess because I am to lazy to dig through a few pages of posts. I was looking at buying a Yamato valk and I would prefer a Roy with fast packs. I have no idea which one to get which issue or where to buy from. I really do not care if it's used as long as it's in good .So should I ask for a certain one in the wanted area, dig on ebay or look on some websites? I know most likely I will be hooked on buying them but I would very much like to start with my favorite characters valk! I guess I got the fever again since I decided to buy my Transformers Jetfire valk which I always always always wanted! Thanks for any info in advanced!

  8. Shipping included?

    If so thats a pretty good deal taking into account that they go for about 200 plus 50 shipping usually.

    Got my super stealth set for 200 shipped from Japan to Canada, very nice deal.

    Well with shipping I think it was 214, so if the same set went up on ebay it would probobly go for about 250 thats including shipping?

  9. After about two years of thinking about it I decided to join the club and buy a yamato vf-1s. Now I found a fokker vf-1s with the superstrike armor set for 200.00. Is that a good deal or is there a cheaper set I should look for? I also have a jetfire which I would like to clean up and repaint does anyone have any tips for that? It's pretty much a takatoku so I figured that would not be a out of place question to ask while I was at it.

  10. booo mustang? what about GTO?...I guess mustang won because it is the poor mans muscle car.


    The GTO's not exactly expensive, either (starting at under $32,000). And muscle cars weren't exactly for the rich and famous to begin with.


    oh no I know that, they were mainly grocery getters and such. What I meant by the poor mans muscle car was that it was easy to afford so more people had them thus making them more popular.

  11. I am looking into selling my 77 silver car and maybe my truck to buy a Delorean  :D I am in college so it's sort of hard to find the time even if I can afford it.


    Why in God's name would you want a Delorean? Those cars are utter crap.


    Well I am a big fan of Pontiacs and Delorean created the GTO, Trans Am and of course the Delorean. I am not a fan of the engines...but I sort of like the stainless steel body and the gullwing doors. I would most likely transplant a different powerplant into it if I did get one. I have just been a sucker for those cars ever since I can remember and I would enjoy having one a whole bunch.

  12. Smokey and the Bandit!

    Does anyone here have any movie/tv show replica cars? K.I.T.T. from Knight Rider, General Lee, A-Team van?


    I am looking into selling my 77 silver car and maybe my truck to buy a Delorean :D I am in college so it's sort of hard to find the time even if I can afford it.

  13. I am fond of older cars, I have 4 right now only one completely restored and one that is partially (in need of a new paint job and some body work). I only have pictures of two of them on my laptop so I should have avoided talking about them but I might as well anyway. The two I have pictures of is a 77 hardtop Trans Am with a Poncho 400 and the other is a 78 T-Top Trans am with a Poncho 400 Ported 6x heads mild cam and a holley 750dp and soon to have a r4 tranny. The two other cars I have no pictures of is a 78 t-top Formula Firebird Black and gold with a 400 and a 1950 Plymouth Deluxe 2door with a flathead 6.




    And just for those who notice...yes the rest are with a different camera.




    I have more pictures on my facebook...just look for Jesse Grier if any of you are interested.

  14. Insanity is what I should call my work on the sdf-1. Making the thing fly is one thing...but this thing is huge for something that flys. I am still working on it but I am just trying to get the flight model correct I do not want a fake half functional ship.

  15. argh that is a bummer but in a way cannot blame them ya know  :angry: I have been looking for weeks for a torrent with macross games...well I guess if I find one or if anybody else they could post it here...or would that be against the rules, I forgot about those  :lol:


    well I found a torrent for vfx-2...but it does not seem to ever want to download :-\ I really do not want to pay to import the psone macross games and they not be the least bit enjoyable :-\

  16. The first game was alright, but they may as well have stopped beating around the bush and called it a Gundam game.  Your home/ship is the Ra Calium, complete with captain Bright Noa.  And it seems like if you add all the mecha from all the other shows combined, you'd probably fall short of the number of mecha from various Gundam shows.


    How does the game control...flow and such is it like a free roam third person game...maybe like some of the Gundam games or macross ps2 game?

  17. hmm I might need to import that one...but I am not sure hehe wish I could play it or read a review or something :-\ how was the first game would it be worth the shipping? Should I try to find a iso of it just to try it out?...doubt I could do that but guess I need to run on good opinions.

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