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Posts posted by jaylive

  1. has anyone tried HO scale buildings in a diorama with hmr? im wondering if thats the right size. i think the tamashii stuff may be too small as they're godzilla scaled and hes way bigger than a vf... ?

  2. Who f'n cares? What idiot would buy that Monster when you've already got a perfectly fine Hi-Metal R one?

    ...and Kevin McKeever is blowing smoke out of his arse. Sorry jaylive but ya sound like a bit of a moron.

    no reason to be a c.u.n.t about it. i am just reporting what was said. if yoi dont like it go somewhere else.
  3. i had a missing part issue with the gundam metal build red frame flight unit and bandai delivered with the part no problem. take a pic of your reciept with a pic of what's missing and email it to the website on the box. it took a month or so bit i am complete now. dont worry.

  4. So I hadn't seen anyone else attempt this yet on the HM-Rs so I decided to give it a shot.. I gloss coated the big wings just in case, but in hindsight you don't even have to do that. The plastic is plenty glossy just slap some dark dirt wash on, let it dry and wipe it off. Gonna do the rest of my 1A this week hopefully!

    was this for panel lines? looks cool if so. how do you plan on doing the rest of the figure?

  5. Rather then advertising and wasting energy with two pilot types Bandai should address the glaring oversight of missing side covers in their HMR line!

    They have already amended the gaps around the head with the later releases - why stop there now.

    maybe one of the board's resident genius guys can make an easy cool fix for that and put it up on shapeways?

  6. i also got a few extra 1a's so i could use one inside the armored parts and not cover up that beautiful hikaru 1j.

  7. guys. whats the difference between the hikaru release, and the hikaru that was used as the armored vf-1? they look the same to me. i know theres a difference, or else whats the point of this release lol

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