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Posts posted by richardthebrave

  1. I gotta see pix, but from you just described, I'll probably pay about 30 shipped. Post pix if you can.


    hmm here are the pics, i just used a phonecam to take the images. i dont have my digital cam yet (my sis borrowed it).

    the thumbnails are clickable. click to see the bigger image. :D






    what do you guys think? should i offer around 30-40 USD?

  2. Hi guys, I've been recently scouting toys and I came across a vf-1s joke machine super valkyrie. the thing is im not so sure how much i would offer since this is the first time ive encountered someone selling his JM. :D

    so if any of you guys can help me make an estimate of how much to offer, please post your comments here.

    the things i have observed are the ff:

    1. the jm is mostly colored dull-white (i guess its about to start yellowing)

    2. the leg armors are missing, the rest of the armors and boosters are present.

    3. minmay and the gun are accounted for.

    4. jm has complete stickers and are already attached to the valk.

    5. no box, styro, or manual

    6. the wheels are A-OK

    7. joints, 75% are pretty tight.

    got any suggestions on how much should i offer? thanks! B))

  3. congrats pare!

    i'll be in the philippines this september thru mid october. will there be any other conventions being held during that time?

    AH......good ol' Mega Mall. B))


    last year we were clamoring for a december 2004 toycon after the 3rd toycon event was done. but sadly, it wasnt able to push through. im not so sure for this coming december 2005 though.

    as far as i know, this is the one and only toy convention here in the philippines. as for other conventions that are anime related, they already had the Anime Xplosion event but as the title implies, its more of the anime itself and the characters. not much toys on exhibit.

    yeah good ol megamall is waiting for ya! :lol:

  4. Hi people!

    Just to let you know, we are having our 4th Toy Convention in Megamall, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila. It'll be on June 26 Sunday (Philippine time)

    This is a strictly one day event. B))

    Hope those who are overseas and those who havent been back to the Philippines for such a long time can drop by.

    If you have questions, please post your questions here. :D

    Oh yeah, you may visit this site for more details: toycon philippines


    See you at the toycon!!! Chii is waiting hehehehe


  5. Awaiting your email, bariaburu. ;)

    Meantime, more pics here.


    that asuka toy review makes me cry..waaaahhhhh

    Bariaburu, can i still post an order for the Asuka fig? :(

    Very sorry, but these were all preorders. Each and every one has a home waiting for it.

    Also, I finally figured out what the problem with my computer was. The modem died. I have a new one being sent by my ISP which should arrive in 2 days or so. Untill then I will be using internet cafe access so please be patient.

    Oh i see.

    Since those are preorders, in case you order again for another set please let me know.

    i really need to buy it......


  6. Hi guys,im looking for some spare 1/55 strike valkyrie armor. 2 of my strike valks now need armor and was wondering if any of you have some for sale.

    hope you guys can help. ill take either the minty-mint kind (dark gray-green) or the one with the discoloration (red armor)

    thanks everyone! :D

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