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Posts posted by Strumvogel

  1. Well this announcement serves more as a casting/audition call than anything else really. I'm not expecting anymore details for another 2-3 months at least.

    Another leap forward into the future from the last series yet again. Considering the years I'm expecting some serious hyper-technology designs in the new valks. As much as I love the original Valk designs, in comparisons to our real world plane designs, the amount of years from the VF-1 to the new series it's equivalent from the flight of the Wright brothers to jet fighters.

    Of course this is Kawamori we're talking about here and he has stated he always wanted to continue to do something new to avoid getting stale, so I wouldn't put it past him.

  2. Can you link to an article?

    I can't sorry, I actually heard it here in these forums, so me being third party source and all that I can't really say how accurate that is. Just that I remember hearing about it here.

    Still since Tytania he hasn't done anything I could see in the anime industry so I can see how that'd just reinforce that idea. Pity since it wasn't a bad show, it wasn't great either so it pretty much forgotten these days. Especially since Ishiguro and Itano worked on it as well.

    Edit: While looking around for an article I found this interview from Japanator from two years ago... It's got nothing hinting about not working in the anime industry again but interesting and thought I'd bring it up again since I'm sure this would have turned up before.

    Two years on since that interview and I'm still waiting for the conclusion of Ecole De Ciel, Mikimoto....

  3. Re: Toshiro & Renato

    PSP/Vita/whatever, they looked so similar even if the specs and functions are different I just go ahead and lump them together.

    I tried using them once (actually to try one of the first Frontier games to appear on the handhelds, can't remember the name now) and to me the gameplay made little appeal to me due to the lack of control and quite frankly I don't want to play an action game thru a tinny-tiny eyestrain-o-vision screen. I feel robbed of detail and immersion. And it hurts physically using it for any prolonged period.

    Otherwise, if the quality of Macross games of recent memory had been any better I'd jumped onto the Macross 30 pre-orders back then. I'll just have to look of a regular edition is all, though I'd doubt I'd have gotten the CE version even then. It seem to be packed with things that those who actually loved the game would want rather than as a Macross collector would jumped at.

    edit: only just started the podcast now. bandwidth and firewalls had been stopping me all day from this show.

  4. Well I've yet to get the game, the only reason I haven't was because the last two, Macross M3 on the DC and the PS2 one was really, really bad, control and gameplay-wise.I do not count the Vita ones since not only do I not own or want to own a Vita, the lack of dual analog stick makes controlling the game even worse.

    Hell I only loved the VF-X ones because I can pretty much fly it like I'm playing Ace Combat. I rarely change from the fighter mode as the other modes feels clunky. The part you have to play in those modes were the worst.

    I'll look into getting a copy sometime soon.

  5. Great podcast guys. I had great fun with it and quite informative.

    A few things:

    First up, though not Macross related, there's actual a good reason that Captain Earth is on that late. Mainly that the energy they use to power their super robots are actually their adolescent libido, or at least are the catalyst for it.


    Now let us move on and not speak of it any more...

    Great trip report for the Mac II screening. Love the details, which brings me back to the previous podcast. I also loved the trip report by Renato, though I know Tochiro is trying to keep things on track on Macross related subject and an eye on the time, it's not really a trip report unless there's details about the area your're visiting so if you could next time just let them go on about things like that. After all otherwise no one would know of Whitey City(eheheh..) in Osaka... (Which incidently has a small but good food court in the underground basement area. Can be pricey though)

    And a great send off with the rendition of Angel Voice at the end. It's my favorite song from Mac7 and a lot of fun listening to you guys having fun with it. (I have fond memories realizing I'm slowly losing the power of comprehensible speech due to all the wonderful drinks I had at Fire BomBar while that song was playing)

    And god's speed you crazy big eyed hairy space rodent, god's speed. Have a save trip and all the best for the future.

    I really hope to hear you back with the podcast in the future in some form or another.

    Someone has to laugh at you know who's jokes.... (I'M JOKING)

  6. Maybe that's why so many are not satisfied with how the fate of the crew of the Megaroad was handled.....seeing Isamu doing what he seems to have always loved to do...flying...was cool.........they should have left it how it ended in Flashback 2012....no need to say that the UNS "lost contact" with them.....it's funny how fans care for fictional characters.....but I guess the way the story now goes....is kind of like a friend or family member gone missing and you never find out their fate......it would bother you....

    It is pretty much this as you stated regarding Megaroad.

    One thing they could have done was due to time dilation and the colony fleet somehow pushed so far no one can follow that they would instead get intermittent progress reports from them saying "All is fine. And look how well our family is doing now..." spaced into longer and longer time periods into the future well into the end of the franchise if need be. Or something like that.

    I'm sure fans would mostly be fine with this.

    Somehow someone had to get into a huff about being repeatedly asked about the fate of Megaroad and just said "They disappeared, no more contact. Canon"

  7. Strumvogel:

    I was there; it was the BD screening. We podcasted on it last weekend so once the editing is all done and the thing goes up you'll have all the details.

    Oh god no. If I was there, the temptation to just throw my hands up and walk out would have been too great. Just as well I guess.

    Looking forward to the trip report and the podcast.

  8. Now, now. At least the music's good.

    In other minor news, I've still yet to hear back from my friend who went to the outdoor DYRL screening at Ishinomori Manga Museum about which version of the movie they aired. Attendance to the Macross museum isn't high from the sounds of things. He got one of the limited 500 pins they made for visitors and he doesn't think they'll move them all from the number of people he saw when he was there.

  9. His is the only bad reaction I have seen to 2199, my own personal opinion is that it is better then the original in every way.

    For Macross, I just want to see a new series, remake, new, whatever, it is all good.

    Well the fact he was around to watch the original series so as become quite attached to it may have something to do with it. I think one of his complaints was that 2199 veered slightly from the original story or something in the later stages. I'll have to ask him again sometime when I next get into contact with him.

    I used to think it was about the quality of the DYRL BD format release...

    The remaster was quite uneven throughout the movie and what was done wasn't the best work one could have done as mentioned by Mr March and others.

    It's all primarily due to the big wigs in charge wanting to clean up and sanitize the whole thing to appeal to the new Macross Frontier/7 fans, which is why there's the text at the start which explains the setting of the movie and the censorship. Then had the gall to charge an ungodly amount for the limited editions without even including the untouched movie version, for you know, the actual original fans who would actually shell out that amount of money for it.

    So people paid full price for a half baked product in the end. Hence the rage.

    Oh yeah, btw, the new Frontier and 7 fans they're aiming for? They didn't care. And especially now since they may have heard how little effort the put into making the rerelease. *golf claps*

  10. Saddens me to hear that, but I'm going give it a good try and watch it all the way through.

    Oh, and none of us are letting the DYRL re-release and/or blu-ray incident go. Not ever. Represent brotha!

    Oh it's still good according to him, just not as good as the first 6 episodes seem to promise.

    I do wonder if those responsible for the DYRL debacle ever took note of the backlash and would help them plan future products better.

    Oh who the hell am I kidding, of course not. They're always insulated from their own bad decision, letting the creators take all the blame. If anything they'll take away from this all the wrong lessons. *grrrr*

  11. You're always welcome to the party, you old-timer :)

    I agree that a remake would be quite a bit of fun. The Yamato 2199 has turned out incredibly well. I've not gone through enough of it. I really must devote some time to watching it through because it's such a great production. After the next update to my website I'll have time...

    I have a friend who's a long time fan of the Yamato series and he also quite liked it although he also added that the first 6 episodes of 2199 was great but it then didn't follow through with the promising start and seemed that from then on to be dictated and made by committee. By which he meant by those out of the production company, ie. sponsors and business people holding the purse strings.

    Felt compromised as a result.

    Just a result of doing business these days I guess.

    It's pretty much why I remain cautious for the new series, or any remake of Macross really.

    That and the DYRL re-release incident. No, I'm not letting that go.

  12. It will have to exist as a side story though, which is what the MS IGLOO series pretty much are.

    All I care for is a good story above all else. Frontier is fine but is too much of a "best of" re-tread. M7 can be a bit of a hit-an-miss series but for it's length, understandable. Zero is just plain "huh?" in the end.

  13. Seems like the biggest mistake they made is that throwing them all into a black hole and hoped that'll end any calls for a sequel or resolution for the characters as time goes on.

    They could have all died in there and people just don't like that idea, especially since people have became so invested in their story during the original series. I think if they could have crafted something that they all just lived out their lives in uneventful peace afterwards until the next generations took over, people may be more receptive to it.

    But no, black hole and a giant question mark.

  14. I think it'd be nice to have a serious female valk pilot. M2 had many problems, but Sylvie was cool. Klan was pretty badass, but that was undercut by the Loli aspect of her character.

    It'd be refreshing, whether she's part of the triangle or not.

    Actually that's a great idea: How about a main female character pilot this time around (no, Alto does not count). That'd shake things up a little.

    Hell we haven't had a female ace since, I dunno. Mac II I guess?

    I'm continuing to set my sights low so as not to be disappointed.

  15. Mikimoto doesn't want to deal with working in an anime anymore if past rumors were true. It's a pity but understandable. Until he needs the cash I guess.

    The two main things I ask for in a new Macross series is :

    1) No Idols. Sick of em. You can have a singer or singers and have it as an integral part of the show but no idols. That part industry is shady as hell anyway.

    2) Good story. You have all the slap bang visuals and mecha fights but if you screw up the story the whole thing just turn into a mundane exercise in not trying to not get bored with the whole thing altogether.

    And now we play the waiting game for more news.

  16. Just when I had given hope for another series in whatever format for another 3-4 years at least this news comes thru.

    I wonder if they'd be doing a full season or just the safer just 1-cour which is now the standard for the industry these days. I also hope they handle the pacing better this time around. Frontier started out great but then started to drag as it was approaching the finish line for, I don't know, reasons. They really fumbled the writing there when they really didn't need to. Great finish though.

    At the very least this means the forum will be pick up pace again.

    And Gubaba, I can understand your predicament. Japan is a great place but if you're not planning to set up roots, well... You're at least still young so you're still fine.

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