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Everything posted by key

  1. key

    PIC of SDF wanted

    haha,the more the better,each pic will help
  2. key

    PIC of SDF wanted

    so cool……………………………………………………oh thanks AlphaHX you really help me a lot
  3. key

    PIC of SDF wanted

    thankyou haha,all the pic I got from internet. I want to build a model of sdf-1 but there less information about this ship ,so I need help exactly the pic in detail.
  4. Have anyone got any pic of SDF-1? Here's my collection,if pic in detail will be fine,Thank you.
  5. key


    Thanks zeo-mare The Blus is not correct.Far from the movie. But I love this sky blue as well .So................... The colour I used is GUNZE MR. COLOUR No.34 SKY BLUE Here's the pic
  6. key


    Hello Everyone It's my first time to send pics here. And it's also my first model of macross.
  7. Welcome to Macrossworld. Interesting your first post is about a SHE model. Heres some links to help you. Scale comparison compared to the Yamato: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/_...e_vs_yamato.htm MW's Model Site: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...she_75_yf21.htm Thank you AlphaHX. Great links.lots of pics But it's difficult for me to get any models been sold by members here. So I only can see the pics as a hobby.
  8. How about the scale. Could you send a picture?
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