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Matt Random

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Posts posted by Matt Random

  1. The VF-4G has been a constant companion on my little makeshift desk during this whole work from home period. Too bad my VT-1 is stuck at the office.

  2. 59 minutes ago, Slave IV said:

    Well, it seems to be sold out already so that’s not a great sign for tonight. 

    I'm sure the first posted preorder would sell out no matter what the valkyrie or store. I'm sure this'll be easier than preorders for new items, but who knows if it'll be easy.

    It would be nice to know if the finish is matte. I agree that the photos look like it which makes them look really nice.

  3. I got the same dubious answer from NY when I inquired about the DC Strike Packs that I should have had back in December if NY had their act together. The only difference is that the reply I got had 'ems' as opposed to 'sal'. Funny how things from Amazon Japan don't seem to be affected by this. And for China I still get shipping notices, but it just takes a long time to go from that first notice (label creation) to actually being scanned by the carrier. It seems to me that NY hasn't even created the shipping labels.

  4. 16 minutes ago, 505thAirborne said:

    For those who want the remaining Destroids released, my fingers are crossed for you!

    Those who want more Enemy Mecha, my fingers are crossed! 

    As for me, I want to see Macross Plus & Macross Zero become a reality. B))

    Me too. I just want VFs from across the saga.

  5. The 4G has been wonderful in it's role of work at home desk toy. Such a solid piece. Looks great in all modes and really fun to transform. Makes me miss my HM-R Ostrich that is stuck in the office all the more.

    I'd love to see a newly designed HM-R YF-19 with the same level of perfect transformation as the VF-1 & VF-4.

  6. Being stuck at home got the best of me and I ended up ordering the VF-4G from AMZ JP. Unfortunately, the VF-4 won't have a friend to play with since my only other HMR is stuck at the office.

  7. Again, I'm not trying to dissuade anyone from getting YetiStands. I'm not saying it is a bad product or implying it is inferior.

    I'm just relating my heart stopping experience. In fact, after putting the gerwalk on the Bandai stand I decided to skip the stand and not push my luck for the time being.

  8. 6 hours ago, sqidd said:

    Everything produced has a failure rate. You unfortunately became part of the 1/2%.

    One failed elbow does not make the entire product line "junk".

    If your brand new car has to go in for a warranty claim do you swear off buying a car from that company ever again? If so you will probably end up buying one car from each manufacturer over your lifetime.

    I don't think I said it was junk. I just said I'm not trusting my stuff to it after this. This stuff is too expensive and too hard to replace. So I've decided that for me the safer route is best. Probably not use any stands except for maybe fighter mode. I've been collecting for over 25 years now and this first time I've had something plunge to the floor. Even having lived in earthquake country for 18 years. Silly me should have closed the cabinet door immediately, but my intention was to go back to it to tweak the missiles sitting around the base of the stand after I cleaned up my mess. 

    This is not my first Yeti. I have an Alpha that is fine once you get all the balancing and tightening correct. I don't have any elbows in that setup - just three straight joints and generally configured with all the weight directly above the base joint in the center of the stand. The Beta has the base joint toward the back which means that it has to support the weight in a different way that I had always wondered about. That's why I went with the Alpha the first time around. The cool etched kite is why I decided to give the Beta a try.

    And yes, if my brand new car had a catastrophic failure that resulted in me crashing - yes, I would swear off the brand. Just like if I ever had any appliances and electronics that caught fire. Unfortunately, with something like a YetiStand most every failure can be catastrophic since each part is essential to the whole. And yes, it is not a life threatening failure, but it can be a costly one. 

    I do have to commend Bandai on the durability. I had the strike packs and missiles on it with the gun+strap in hand. Nothing seemed to break. Things popped off, but they all came off in the ways intended. I would be absolutely !$&%! if the valkyrie had broken. Thankfully it seems OK so this is just a lesson learned.

    I didn't post this to try to keep people from buying YetiStand nor do I intend to post anything in that thread. I posted more to share my frightening experience of seeing what looked like a shattered DX that proved to be more durable than I expected when I first started looking at the scene. YetiStands make for beautiful displays. Maybe just some cautious advice to sit your new Yeti configuration on the floor or the middle of a table for a day or so to ensure that everything is stable. It does tend to take a couple of tries to get the tightness correct and a fall of a few inches is better than falling a few feet.

  9. After an hour of putting together my new YetiStand I put my Strike VF-1S gerwalk mode on it. I then went to clean up my mess only to have my VF-1 take a 3.5' plunge to the floor!  It hadn't been on the shelf for more than 2 minutes when the elbow joint snapped cleanly in half.

    The thing went to pieces. Missiles, gun, leg armor and even the unattached legs themselves littered the debris field. Thankfully it doesn't look like anything got broken - at least nothing that I've found yet.

    As much as I like the look of YetiStands I will no longer be using it after this. The included stand may be ugly, but it is stable and durable.

  10. I'm done now that I picked up a Strike Pack set from Amazon.

    I'll have an extra set to put up for sale once NY ships my 12/2019 order in 4/2020. Unless they come up with a creative way to delay it even further.

  11. 5 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    Since it's just a friendly debate. I want to ask since I didn't have any Yamato 1/48 VF-1's. When Yamato released their 1/48 VF-1's almost 20 years ago, did people already mentioned that it has overall poor quality? And did the discoloration happened immediately like Bandai's DX VF-25 v1? Bandai got released their DX VF-1 recently so comparing both companies regarding quality now wouldn't matter anymore, right?

    Problems I had with the 1/48s were a pinkie that broke off almost immediately (hated those tiny skeletal poseable hands, but I hate swapping hands even more), a foot that was installed backwards and the cover of the missile section of the FAST Packs constantly falling off.

    I don't recall any yellowing on the 1/48s I had, but the v1 1/160s I still had at the time had yellowed. The only v1 I still have has literally crumbled in the box. I worry a lot about the longevity of my collection since it seems like this stuff just isn't built to last. Not a great thought given the price of all this stuff.

  12. The Yamato 1/48 looks good in fighter mode except for the low hanging arms. I never liked that aspect of it. Nor did I like the skinny biceps or tiny skeletal poseable hands of the battroid. Although, I have to say that the Low Vis VF-1A was a highpoint. Great looking color scheme, white gunpod and a beautiful pilot figure! I regret very few of the many things I sold over the years, but that is certainly one of them.

    Never was much of a fan of the 1/60 for multiple reasons, but was happy to see that they were finally printing at least some of the markings.

  13. IMO, the fins and nosecone are quite a sacrifice for an accessory that won't be installed on most copies. I would have preferred securely pegged removable parts such that you don't notice the feature unless you are consulting the the GBP accessory manual.

    Thankfully the nosecone on my S is much tighter than my J. Fins are still just as floppy and I agree that the joint is ugly on the S.

  14. Thanks for the tips. The console on mine is loose so I'll check the seating the next time I get it out of battroid mode. I'll also try squishing the pilot a bit more since I do see the red color on the very top of his helmet smooshed against the canopy. I really only notice the fit in pictures and when I close the canopy since it lacks that satisfying thunk of the 1J going closed.

    I do definitely prefer the size of the DYRL pilot over the tiny TV pilot.

  15. A few pictures of mine for fun. Has anyone else noticed the canopy being a bit open? Seems like the pilot is a bit too large - I see that his helmet is smooshed against the inside of the canopy. I noticed the wonky leg fin in gerwalk mode when I was processing the picture.








  16. 5 hours ago, jeniusornome said:

    You guys ever have a situation where you order something, it takes so long you kind of lose interest in it, forget about it, and then it shows up at your door one day like a surprise?


    think of these SSP delays like that - you’re buying your future self a surprise April Fool’s present. :)

    Lose interest in it - yes. Forget about it - never!

    Got myself a TF MP Hound to fill the SSP shaped hole in my heart.

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