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Posts posted by lancalot

  1. yeah i didn't even bother testing it on so i didn't notice that !! fuken dik!!!! no snap on my either.... there you go another piece of junk , they can't even get that right!

    that a cool link thanks.... very usefully ....

  2. wow something unexpected happen....a reflective face shield arrived today.....!!!!????? not the part i wanted...i need a red hood visor cause that the cracked one..... but on the package it described as a helmet visor .... so they gotten it wrong again....but i just have given up now anyways.... at least i got a reflective face shield now...

  3. Same here, hey stop answering my e-mails, i filed a paypal complain but they somehow wanted me to return the "incomplete item" with proof of delivery and the complained expired.

    They promised me a blue max helmet and a replacement visor, I only got the blue max helmet at least.

    YEah in the same boat as well.... still waiting for a visor ...but i just gave up on that now as my one was not that bad...just a little crack .... also took that deal and got a max helmet as well...at least that arrive in good condition....

  4. Did anyone get their replacement parts?

    Masei pretty much just ignores every email or attempt to contact them.

    still waiting for mine as well... :angry: .they keep apologizing stating that the factory got it wrong with the replacement and they waiting for the next batch now...

  5. hi there. nubcakes to the boards :) was gifted a 1/60 yamato valk recently and i am hooked. i now own two, but sadly one of them does not have the optional parts. i did a bit of googling to see if i could find them separate, but it doesn't appear to be the case. do i need to up my googling skills or does yamato not sell these separately? i also pinged EXO on shapeways, as he seems to have made the parts on his own. sadly they appear to be out of production :-(

    any information would appreciated!


    hi there ..... you have to be more specific which model and parts of 1/60 yamato line you're talking about as they release alot :)

  6. Getting 6 armored parts for Ozma and Alto now must be super tough.

    they usually preorder it first ....

    Since most Valkyries come in 3 modes, just wondering if there's any hardcore folks here who purchase most 1/48 & 1/60 Chogokin Valkyries in set of 3's?

    I would imagine Transformer fans won't do this but Macross fans might simply because they look great in all modes.

    there quite a few on here that does buy 3 or more of each.... i usually get 2 of each , same with my masterpiece transformers :)

  7. Hey Lance, I wonder if you could have used a teeny weeny bit of grease of Vasoline to help them slide in? after painting was done of course..

    yeah i keep that in mind next time ...but it usually an awkward placement that the problem , just don't have proper grip or access to push it in ...that why you always slip off

  8. Hahaha awesome! Those are kinda hard to come by these days? Wonder if lance glued a lot of stuff on that particular build? Is the posability the same as the regular toys?

    most of the kit is snap fitted or screwed into place....only very few places that needed to be glued, 3-4 places as i remember....the hardest part of the kit would have to be putting the pins in.... they are a nightmare to do....

  9. On the custom 1J -- Looks amazing.

    But the panel line right behind the face visor needs just a touch of clean up to make it as thin and precise as the rest of the body.

    ( ducks as tomatoes are hurled his way . . . )

    Its awesome as-is though too, obviously . . .

    lol...that actually the top clear coat lacquer that making it bleed out , it melt the enamel paint.... i decided to use that cuase it a figure and would be pose alot with so lacquer coat is tough for that ...

  10. thanks everyone for the kind words :)

    Absolutely beautiful. The red is fantastic. What kind of paint was used?

    used enamel tamiya red for the paint

    I can only get so hard!

    Excellent work Lancealot!

    Need to get myself a valk and one of the heads to give this a go.

    How do you protect the paintwork? I expect it will wear really badly when it is transformed.

    i put a clear satin coat on top...lots of it...lol... and i also tested the figure for rubbing points and file it down so it wouldn't rub anymore... mainly the blast shield ...had to repaint that a few time ... but it should be good to transform without any wear if done properly

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