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  1. Thanks a lot for your thoughts. You guys rock. I have not been able to track down a 1/48 Blue Super Max, so it looks like I'm gonna get the Focker reissue. Not that I'm not a Focker fan, I just think Max is cool as hell. Anyone with a hot alien wife gets a thumbs up in my book. I still have not seen a pic of the Blue or Red models with panel lines done. That is the first thing I am going to do after I get the Focker reissue. I have decided to use pencil first and see if I like the results. Jason
  2. Ok this may be a little off topic here, but I have seen pics here showing nice panel lines done for the mostly white models (Roy's). I really like how those likes (especially on the wings, chest, and back) accentuate the model. It seems that the pen color used for the lines is grey. However, since I am in the market for Max's Blue (or possibly Myria's Red) models I would like to know if anyone has done any panel line work on them and if so what pen color they used. Of course, pics would be appreciated. Also, let me know if this has been covered before. I searched for "panel lines" but didn't see an answer to this question. Thanks again, Jason
  3. Hey, everybody has to be a N00B sometime! Thanks a lot for your replies. I am a big Max fan myself, but that piece seems to be the hardest to find. I have seen a few of the Fokker reissues available, but I really want the 1/48 Super Max. One thing seems certain. There will be one more Yamato collector in this world here in a few weeks. That would be me! Thanks again, Jason P.S. Does anybody have some detailed pics of the 1/48 Maximilian Jenius version??
  4. I am new to the world of high end collector's toys, and a recent purchase has not made a good first impression. I bought a Masterpiece Series Max Sterling (Toyami) piece last week and was very disappointed by it. Not only are some of the pieces assembled poorly, but the model has several smudges in the paint and several fingerprint marks, in glue, apparently where the builder has too much glue on his/her fingers during assembly. Ok, so I wasted $50 on that. No big nightmare. However, I am still very much interested in buying a high quality collectors piece from the Robotech series. I am not afraid of spending money for a good product. What I am worried about is wasting money on a crappy piece. Thus started my search for a better alternative. I have looked all over the net for reviews and information related to the Yamato and Bandai toys and I found the reviews here to be the best I could find. As of now, I am interested in either the 1/48 Fokker reissue or the 1/48 Super Max (the all blue Maximilian Jenius version). I have seen pics of the Fokker piece, but not anything that might tell if it is any different from the other 1/48 figures. I have not seen much on the 1/48 Super Max or pictures of it other than on vendor's websites. Here are my questions. In general, are the Yamato toys worth the money? Does anyone have the 1/48 Maximilian Jenius version and can voice an opinion of it? Also, where can I get these toys and who are the best vendors? I don't know which vendors are reliable and which one are not. Finally, if I was to get a faulty/poorly made product, do I have any means of getting it fixed or am I just SOL? Thanks for any help you can provide, Jason
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