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Posts posted by NBasara

  1. On ‎1‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 9:24 AM, HardlyNever said:


    A lot going on here... feel like there is too much to say anything...

    But I think it qualifies for this thread, because of the VF-1J on the packaging.

    FYI it is "fake" (someone intentionally made it to be ridiculous).  But I think it is still funny.

    I love the Optimus Primal body. AND the "I Have Mondays" quote. Priceless!

  2. It may have something to do with the fact that this series was originally only intended to be 13 episodes long... as confirmed in the liner notes for BD volume 2.

    Suddenly it makes so much sense. When I watched episode 13, it felt like I was watching a final episode(the ship action, Freyja jumping off the ship to get her song through, Hayate defeating Keith, etc.). With a few changes, I would have liked it as a final episode.

    It's disappointing to find out that producers would sacrifice an already complete storyline and add subpar episodes just because the ratings were good. I understand that this probably happens all the time, but if you have some idea that you might be extended(you really thought you were going to make a 13 episode Macross tv series?), then have a better idea of what the continuation will be. The episodes since episode 13 have been painful to watch. I can't imagine anything other than a train wreck happening at this point.

    Well, if Basara appeared in the last episode, my mind could be persuaded.

  3. Yeah, I like to think the elderly Monster crew in M7 is this group we see in Love Drifts Away too. I always wondered how they could still have such a huge thing. It would have been a pain and expensive to maintain, especially for some guys in an elderly home. Plus it still had live ammo!

    I also wonder if the Skull Squadron member(I think at the beginning of Romanesque?) was Millard from Macross Plus. I think there's a profile out there somewhere that says he was a member of Skull Squadron at some point.

  4. Yeah, I like to think the elderly Monster crew in M7 is this group we see in Love Drifts Away too. I always wondered how they could still have such a huge thing. It would have been a pain and expensive to maintain, especially for some guys in an elderly home. Plus it still had live ammo!

  5. 2067 would mean Mirage would have been born in 2049. Being Meltrandi, I wouldn't be surprised if Milia could still have children then. But it might make more sense that she's a grandchild. No matter what, Max's descendants are all females!

    It would be nice to hear what happened to Macross 7 even if Basara never returned to it. I'm sure we won't though.....

  6. My first exposure to Macross was through HG. Not as Robotech, but as Macross, the home video release that had the first 3 episodes of SDFM. Rick Yamada/Ichijo Hikaru, Lisa Hayase?/Hayase Misa. I can still remember the theme song, "Soldier of warlords from deep space, MACROSS! Hurled through the night to this new place, MACROSS!, etc." Robotech came next. My first time watching DYRL was Clash of the Bionoids. Eventually, I got to watch the Japanese version of everything. Buying Macross II as an OVA in Japan. Got the Manga Entertainment release of Plus, watched 7 through a Japanese tv rental store in the area. I would wait every month for the next 4 episodes to be put on tape and available and took that home and copied it. Still have those tapes along with the Japanese CM's. It's amazing how far we've come in terms of being able to watch newer versions of Macross. I'll always be a fan of the franchise.

  7. Question: When ordering from nippon-yasan.com, what shipping should did you all use(those who ordered from them? Granted Fed-Ex is better but how about others like EMS? Just wonder if there will be problems using other shipping methods.carriers. I was looking at Economic Registered - Delivery within 2-3 weeks with tracking number + insurance as I can handle the wait.

    Here is the list of Shipping methods:

    Carrier Information Price
    Fedex Priority Service Fedex: Delivery within 2-3 days (with Tracking Number) $103.89
    Fedex Economy Service Fedex: Delivery within 3-4 days (with Tracking Number) $46.40
    EMS (Express) EXPRESS: Delivery within 3-4 days with tracking number + insurance $33.66
    Air Mail Registered By Airplane Registered - Delivery within 8-10 days with tracking number + insurance $26.68
    Air Mail By Airplane - Delivery within 8-10 days without tracking number and without insurance $23.23
    Eco - SAL Registered Economic Registered - Delivery within 2-3 weeks with tracking number + insurance $19.27
    Eco - SAL Economic - Delivery within 2-3 weeks without tracking number and without insurance $15.82
    Ferry Boat - Delivery about 3 month with tracking number + insurance $19.78

    I used Eco - SAL Registered Economic Registered for my Ozma. Ordered on 11/26, received on 12/11 by USPS.

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