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Everything posted by thedarkmarine

  1. As good as Macross Plus is, like I said, tragedies are always better. Comedies are fire and forget. Fun whores that you just fling around. Tragedies stay with you. As the current ending, it is not tragic. Guld dies, but the ending is still happy. Isamu and Myung gets to live happily ever after. Guld's death, in a way, is a good thing. Gets to breath, "Phew, one finally died. The triangle is resolved." It's a happy death, I find. As for an important character dying, Isamu is a very important character to Myung. That settles that. If Isamu died, it would've put more emphesis on the importance of each character. You always find that something is needed most after you lose it. Maybe it's just me. I hated the ending to Equilibrium, and enjoyed things like 1984 and CB.
  2. True, Isamu is not the definition of the tragic hero. However, the relationship of the 3 characters had a tragic flaw from that incident onwards. Thus, the tragic character would more or less be the situation that these 3 make up, and Isamu's death would realize this tragic flaw, instead of finding a way around the flaw.
  3. That's the thing. I believe even more of an impact would be achieved if Isamu died. At the end, it could've gone either way, and the author just chose, "Suprise, it's happy!" Sorta sucks. I'm all for tragedies. They are almost always better.
  4. Seeing as how most tragidies are more powerful than comdies, I was wondering who would agree that Isamu also dying would be a better ending. The YF-19 destroyed along with Sharon, and blah blah blah.
  5. I saw pics of this model a while back. I still say, that's the most beautiful VF-21 ever, in all 3 modes. Only thing that bugs me is that double slit instead of just one slit. Oh well, this bird smokes Yamato's. I hope Yamata redesigns their toy before I die. I can't do paint worth dingo's kidneys.
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