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Posts posted by olivers

  1. The quality looks a bit lacking considering the £1750 asking price. Hell if anyone wants a commision I'm sure I could come up with something similar for a lot cheaper.

    I would want opening cockpit with full detail. Opening arms and manouvering thrusters on the legs/backpack.

    At least a year ago I remember a scratchbuild of a Zeta/Sentinal/??? at about 1/35 scale. It showed a gundam in trememndous detail and had loads of pilots/mechanics in spacesuits flying around it. Not sure if anyone has the links/pics of it as I would prefer that to the above Gundam.

    I did find this however: http://www.hobbyfan.com/product_info.php?products_id=2608

    Still more detail than the above.

    However Gundam vs the nice girl. No contest :)

    edit: It is the model on the cover of this book:


  2. I use Tamiya tape, comes in 6/10/18mm then Mr Masking Sol Neo and that works fine. It is a sort of latex you paint on then peel off later (like copydex if you know what that is).

    I have heard that the earlier version Mr Masking did pull paint off as do some of the other variaties of masking film. The Mr Masking Neo seems fine to me.

  3. MechTech and Sar, thansk for that. I checked out Maplins at the weekend and they wanted £10 for a litre which I thought was a bit too expensive. I looked in Stapels but no joy. I will check out Lloyds pharmacy in the next day or so, there is one round the corner which is good.

    I know what you mean about modelling in winter, I do loads in my shed and you can't work when it is too cold or too warm. It leaves you a few months of the year. And this year we had the humidity a few weeks ago too.

  4. On prop forums I go to they use the plastic skeleton and expandable foam to rough out the shape, cover it in epoxy resin or Bondo then take a fibreglass mould from it.



    Car Bog??=Australia

    If you go to an automotive shop (Halfords in the UK) it is advertised as car body filler. You get a tub of putty then a tube of hardener.

  5. Nice scratchbuild.

    From the pics I can't tell what plastic you are using to model. The planking looks to be styrene. What are the ribs and the structure of the model made of, looks like thick styrene or possibly foam PVC (love that stuff).

    Lastly have you got a good supplier for plastics, I've used a few places but can never get it as cheap as it seems to be in the US.

  6. There are several available depending on what you are after.

    This is Animation: Patlabor 2 is good (hard to get)

    P-pack pictures of patlabor. About A5 size, very good as a summary of all episodes, movies, labors and good pictures. (still available online, ebay?)

    Few Hobby Japan magazines and 3 specials. 1 is easy to get and 2 are impossible. More on the models of patlabor.

  7. The progress pics looks superb.

    I was looking at the picture with the size of the tachikoma and I think it's showing it as way too small. I was basing my one on the pic in the GITS:SAC visual book. I've attached a scan but this shows it as just under 8' tall (about 2.4m) rather than 6'4" as that pic shows.

    At 1/6 your looking at about 15" tall which is too big IMHO.


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