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Posts posted by JRock

  1. Uhh...what's choroq?

    WolfX, Choro Q is a toy line as big as hotwheels in japan. It is made by Takara (the people who make transformers too) Their whole line is based on Super Deformed Cars. Real cars. Like the WRC WRX you see in my picture. THey make really detailed cars. Down to badges and laser printed decals.

    Also, they're better known in the US as Penny Racers. I remember buying them for a dollar a pack at Woolworth's. (Remember when the packaging came with a real penny?) They were called that cause if you put a penny on the slot on the back of the car, it does wheelies, donuts, and other tricks.

  2. I dunno if you guys are aware of this. But Van Helsing sampled from Vampire Hunter D like P. Diddy sampled from Sting. Look at Van Helsing and compare him to D (Both versions). Stephen Sommers admitted that he's a fan of D and shewed the Anime to the costume designer and told her to make the outfits look like those in the Anime. Not to mention they raided Blade's warehouse for his weps.

  3. I too like George Perez's Supes style better. But I like his Wonder Womahn bettar! :p

    Don't get me wrong, BOB. He's the best at drawing the DC women. My point is I'm a fan of the way Superman was drawn in the 80's. And when you think of Supes comics in the 80's, you think of Crisis on Infinate Earths. You think of Perez.

  4. I played the JP TF game. The reason why it's not coming to the US cause Sony rejected it during its quality tests. Meaning it sucks worse than a three way with Manga and HG!! You are better off NOT playing it!

    As for the Australian/US production of TF Armada, it's pretty damn good. Too damn good to be a TF game. This'll surprise a lot of people.

  5. It's hard for me to find the Main robot in Abaranger without resorting to Ebay.

    However, I can still get the main robot from Hurricanger/PR Ninja Storm

    Is that the Sentai Version or the PR version?? you can get

    I saw the War Elephant from Hurricanranger on sale in LA it was a huge heavy bitch deffinately Diecast in that puppy and was never sold in the States.....

    Actually, both the Hurricanger and the Ninja Storm version.

    As for teamups, I KNOW Wild Force had one with Time Force (Gao Ranger vs. Time Ranger). And of course, there was Forever Red (PR equivalent of Gao Ranger vs. Super Sental with just about every Red Ranger from the then 10 years of Power Ranger shows). There was no Ninja Storm/Wild Force team up. Prolly cause NS was filmed in New Zealand and Wild Force was filmed in the US. Not to mention, Production companies were changing hands between the shows. I heard there was a Dino Thunder/ Ninja Storm team up since it's still being filmed in NZ, and the same production companies are available.

    I believe that the Sentai teamups are just one shots added for fun.

  6. and by the time Dekaranger comes out in the US it will only be a year old you still might be able to buy the Jap version for cheap.....

    Example is it hard to get Abaranger stuff a year later?

    It's hard for me to find the Main robot in Abaranger without resorting to Ebay.

    However, I can still get the main robot from Hurricanger/PR Ninja Storm

  7. dekarangerrobo.jpg

    Dude, I must have this DX Dekaranger Robo, but it's too freakin' expensive (Y6.800). Should I pool in some cash for it now, or wait until Bandai ships it next year as a Power Rangers Megazord?

    The new DX is pretty cool imho. I hated the dino zords of last year, but I really like the design of the Deka. Unfortunately, no diecast. My mini-review and pics are here:

    DX Dekaranger Robo mini-review

    No Diecast? Which means if the US toy safety commitee allows Bandai to add in the lights, this might be of the same quality. I can't see why not because as I mention earlier, Hasbro's version of Megatron from Transformers: Energon has lights and sounds while Takara's version does not.

    Stealth, does the robo have the gun that was stored on the right leg? And if it does, can you store it there? I thought that was a nifty design :)

  8. Not to mention, Bandai has to conform to US safety standards. That Robo might not have the light functions in the US version.

    That sure sucks out the fun of Dekaranger Robo... :(

    I said MIGHT. I remember one time Hasbro was unsure to add in the lights and electronics on their RID Prime and Magnus figures. Turns out they added them. Not to mention TF Energon Megatron XL has lights and sounds while Super Link Mini Megatron has none. It all depends if the US Toy safety commitee would allow that.

  9. Was this movie distributed by Universal outside of the US?

    yes many times other companies help with distrbution outside of the US or where the film was made. For instance: Le Pact de Loup [brotherhood of the wolves] was made by Studio Canal but to distribute in the US it was under Universal.

    Another example is Titanic. In North America only, it was distributed by Paramount. But for the rest of the world, 20th Century Fox handled the release.

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