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Posts posted by JRock

  1. I heard that was an April Fool's joke.

    Y'know how in the Dekaranger episode the Gokaiger, when changed into the Dekaranger replicas, fought a bit, well, Wire-Fuey?

    Good reason for that. Koichi Sakamoto directed that episode. He's also directing some of the fights in the show (And the reason why you easily saw DragonRanger and TyranoRanger in the epic fight). You will see Power Ranger influences throughout the series and the toys.

    Sorry Super Sentai purists.

  2. The Last Dragon


    Only the Strong


    The Phantom

    Dude, Where's My Car

    American Pie (1-Wedding)

    Harold and Kumar


    Booty Call

    Friday (All the movies)

    The Punisher (2004)


    Black Scorpion

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Movie (I know Imma get flamed for it, but Kristy Swanson did Buffy better than SMG.).

    Four Brothers (But this was actually good!!)


  3. There actually was a Minmay cosplayer at the panel. Lone Wolf made it his duty to take pics of her!

    To me, the con sucked. There were literally three panels I was genuinely interested in. It was more disorganized than it should be and the Dealer's room was dissapointing. Only thing that made it memorable were the people I met (valkyrietestpilot knows who I'm talking about!).

  4. I have the original AnimEigo release with the hologram. I was one of the many who pre-ordered way before they came out. Needless to say, I won't be purchasing this set.


    My sentiments echoes Duke's.

    But I will say one thing.

    One part of me is glad to own the original set. Another part of me feels jipped to pay $250 for it.

  5. Well folks, I never thought Bandai would release it here, but they actually did. The Deluxe Delta Megazord (DX Dekaranger Robo) is now available at Toys 'R' Us for $39.99.

    Should I feel cheated for spending $85 for the import? Maybe...

    To tell you the truth, I would feel jipped. Got an email from a friend who owns both, and he said he would have waited out if he found out earlier that the US version will have the lights and sounds of the JP version.

    And why wouldn't you think Bandai wouldn't release the DX Delta Squad Megazord? Bandai has always released the DX versions of the main giant robots (Megazords) to the US. I'm more suprised that they kept the lights and sounds than them actually releasing it.

    I'm gettin this today. No doubt. And if you find a page that compares the two versions, please let us know A7.

  6. I have a question. Did anybody hear of any rumors about ADV planning to buy HG? Some kid at an anime forum was talking bout ADV trying to get the rights to Macross 7. I told them the reasons why that wouldn't happen (BW, Music rights), and he said flat out, and I quote "You did hear that ADV plans to buy out Harmony Gold next year"

    I asked him for a credible link (No fansite bullcrap), and I'll be waiting for his response. But since if there ever were news about it, I would be hearing it here. And I haven't so this is why I am asking you guys.

    Did anybody hear anything regarding ADV planning to buy Harmony Gold?

  7. Why would you put the original opening on a disc without the audio?  That's just stupid.

    Your guess is as good as mine. Although the song itself sounds lame, the opening sequence just isn't funny without it.

    The reason why is because ADV was unable to obtain the rights to the original theme songs. The songs on the DVD were made just for the DVD release by the Japanese company.

  8. I've seen it in motion at a friend's house. Looks good. Too bad I can't play FPS to save my life

    PS: Halo 3 will appear on the Next Xbox console, as Bungie chucked its Xbox developer's kits shortly after completing Halo 2.

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