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Posts posted by SDFcommander

  1. Maiden,

    I agree, your work is AWESOME! If Toynami could not find away to keep you around, it is truly is their loss. :angry:

    Work and the business of life have kept me away for a while but I still remember all the times I saw you and enjoyed our talks at Comic Con. I also appreciate you taking the time to sign my Masterpiece Collection toys. I was hoping to catch up with you at a future Comic Con and have you sign the rest of my Masterpiece toys. Oh well.

    I hope and pray you get snatched up by a company that really appreciates your talents so you can continue to share them with the rest of us! ;)

    Best wishes!

  2. That's seriously AWESOME, SDFCommander! the panel lining truly "mechanized" the fighters :)

    and after all the pics of Toynami's fighters, you've got to admit, despite the QC issues with the Alpha, Toynami's Alpha-Beta is the Best in the market thus far. (CM's offering's failed only in one department, and sadly in the department that matters the most: the connection :( )

    btw, the "21" sticker on the Beta's front missile cover/chest: does it only come in white? suppose to be black isnt it?

    Hey Thanks!

    And yeah, unfortunately on the sticker sheet it only came in white. :(

    You would think that it would be one of the main stickers to have in black since it was so prominent in the show. I thought the another bonus stickers were great, but some black "21" stickers would have been perfect. They do show up well on the blue. The "Mars Base 21" is the "Mars Base" sticker with a separate "21" sticker next to it.

    I too like the over all look of the Toynami Alpha Beta and I am still amazed the stand works so well. This thing is heavy. The stand, Alpha and Beta clock in at just under 3 pounds!


    I used Micron pens and a lot of patience. I used black .005 inch size for the finer lines and a black .01 inch for the thicher lines.

    And Kirik,

    That is a great idea. I am going to have to try that and you are right, this thing does take up a lot ot room.

  3. On mine, I had to separatate the foot thrusters further apart than the diagram shows in the instruction manual, but the legs are still connected to each other. Are you lowering the cockpit on the Beta? The text on the instructions doesn't include that step, but the picture indicates it, and your Alpha won't connect properly otherwise.

    Also, I know the painted yellow windows in the cockpit are going to rub against the metal feet of the Alpha. Just as a pre-caution, I placed blue masking tape on the inside thrusters of the Alpha where they come in contact with the Beta's cockpit to cut down on paint chipping on the yellow canopy.

    I have not posted to these forums in a few years but with the release of the Toynami Beta I could not resist.

    I just got mine from TMPanime and I had some time to add some panel lining as well as all the basic stickers as well as many of the extra Toynami provided. The official Mospeada line art from the other thread was really helpful. Although not all the labels were the same, it gave me great ideas.

    I'm still adding little touches here and there but here are some of my pictures.

    ***I did notice a mistake on Toynami's placement directions for the sticker sheet. If you re-number the 2 stickers for number "24" on the sticker sheet to "25" and "26" respectively and you re-number the 2 stickers for number "25" to "27" and "28" respectively you will be fine.

    The original numbering on the sticker sheet has two different stickers assigned to the same number and the placement of the "Danger" arrow and "Rescue" arrows are switched.









    All the pics can been seen here:


  4. bought it, watched it, and the movie was crap, I want my money back.  :angry:


    Are you serious! :( I thought it ROCKED!!! We are all entitled to our own opinions.

    I haven't posted in a while, but I had to chime in here on this. Just finished watching and :D:D:D

    First of all, this is not anime so you can't expect it to be.

    If you like super heroes/ comics this is a MUST!

    This is not the original Avengers, but the Ultimate Avengers which is a modern take on the classic Marvel heroes. If you are an Ultimate Avengers fan REJOICE!!!

    If you are familiar with the Avengers and are open to a retelling of the characters which retains the drama between the characters you must pick this up! They do a really good job of character development seeing how they are limited within the time restraints of a movie and not a whole series


    Nick Fury with Samuel L Jackson cool is SWEET! :D:D:D

    There is also a first look of UA 2. NICE!!! :D

    AND the animation is sharp, color full and well detailed and sound was very well done! If you have a nice system, it looks very NICE!

  5. Black Lion smaller than the Blue or Yellow? Huh :huh:

    I like the scale of the MPC Voltron. Some minor compliants, not with the scale but other little details are the solid red sticker on the Yellow Lion should be red with black vents and the wings on the Black Lion fold the wrong way, anyways, here is a screen shot I got from the show that is one of the few scenes where I actually see the lions in scale. Looks spot on with the MPC Voltron.


  6. Here are some of my updated Yellow Lion pics. I'm not fininshed, but this will give you a little idea of how a little panel lining really helps this MPC Voltron shine. The overall look on the legs is subtle but nice. I left one side plain so you can see the difference.



    I too would love to see a well done MPC Vehicle Voltron. Heck, I would love to see a weapons set like they did with the MPC VF-1 booster pack of bu this time with the lion weapons including all the shoulder monted cannons and Lion Swords.

  7. Does anyone wanna trade their 20th Anniversary Prime's black rifle for MY Materpiece Convoy grey rifle?

    OR do you guys know where I can find a black rifle?



    You can always get a MPC Ultra Magnus and switch the guns.

    Convoy's grey gun looks better on Magnus and of coarse Magnus' black gun looks like it belongs on Convoy. I think this was a treat for fans after they realised they packed the wrong color gun with Convoy. The only thing is that the gun is completely black and does not have the blue high lights that MPC Prime's gun had.

    I think the price of MPC Magnus has also come down.

  8. Has anyone ordered from these guys? I saw that too, but it seemed a little bit too good to be true so I went with a trusted e retailer.

    I just got the MPC Voltron and I'm loving it! I could not wait to add some panel lining and some paint here and there. Here are some quick shots:



  9. Hayao Kakizaki,

    I said this in the other thread, but Fantastic job on the sticker application! I know that Yamato stickers although pre-cut have to be trimmed down A LOT. I can appreciate the time it took! You must have pulled an all nighter.

    Again, good show! ;)

  10. Very nice job Hayao Kakizaki. Nice decals!!! Are those water slide or the stickers that came with the armor? I can't wait to do the same thing to mine when it comes in.  :)  :)  :)


    this is original sticker come with the box, this sticker is good enough~!(except you want custom decal) :)


    Those stock sticker work for me! :D Good job! I know it took some time and the end result is NICE!!!

  11. Cool >EXO<

    How did your friend get it so fast? Did it come with any decal? How is the elbow joint in the Green and Red lions? Does it pivot so you can have the lions bend in different directions?

    How are the Yellow and Blue lions attached? Is there a door under the tails for the attachment to Black Lion?

    Any mention of an appendix for Lion Weapons or an upcoming MPC Vehicle Voltorn in the manual?

  12. Hang in there Arbalest,

    You have to have a pretty thick skin if you were found out about Macross via ROBOTECH like me, but you can learn a lot if you stick around.

    One huge thing is the Yamato 1/48 VF-1 series. You have Master Grade detail and poseability and toy quality and durability PLUS the GBP armor just came out as seen in the other thread. I think this is what you were looking for. Plus you have guys with some real talent around here that can add some much desired little details to the 1/48 to really make it shine.

    Detailed Yamato 1/48 VF-1J in GBP Armor

  13. Graham,

    Oh that was funny...what, we were talking about the Alpha right? :rolleyes:

    Anybody here getting one?  It's pretty pricey for me to take a risk on!  :)


    I'm getting one. It is already pre-ordered and I'm waiting for it to arrive at my door. I'm going to panel line it up and maybe add some decals. I'm still deciding. Voltron was list some kind of mystical quality to him so I'm not sure "Danger" or "No Step" decals would apply...then again, the lions would need maintenance so a few nicely placed stickers could give it more of a real world feel.

    I feel sorry for that kid that when to see Yellow Lion and got blasted to toast because there was no "Danger" sticker by the cannon on Yellow Lion's back :lol:

  14. That new Prime is looking sweet! Does anyone know if this Hybrid Prime is in the same scale as the other Hybrid Cybertron Prime?

    Has anyone seen the new re-issue purple Galvatron?

    It's about time they got the color right. It only took 20 years. Now this is how Galvatron should have looked!


    It even comes with the Matrix chain that Galvatron wore inside Unicron!

    Here are some bigger pictures Purple Galvatron

    Does anyone know if Hasbro will have these? That would be cool if it has sound bites from TF the Movie with phrases from Lenard Nemoy.

    How big is Galvatron when compared to MPC Prime?

  15. beautiful!



    FANTASTIC!!! In your minds you can imagine what captain america's conversion kit could look, but there is nothing like actually seeing the finished product! ;)

    Amazing job DatterBoy. And you say this is your first 1/48 custom? Wow! A true testament of a culmination of your skills and captain america's conversion kit building skills. All of a sudden I find myself looking for some extra money to find to get another 1/48 and to buy a kit from captain america myself.

    That is a perfect show piece. I think cap will be selling even more kits now B))

    DatterBoy, looking forward to those fighter pics!

  16. So how much does he charge to CA?

    Especially since there are so many CA residents here, I'd like to know before ordering....

    Is shipping for one, okheck two or even three high? List prices if possible. Thanks!


    The good and bad is that you pay now. Good in that if you have the money, you know you won't spend it on anything else and you lock in the cheap price.

    The bad is that if you don't have the money readily available (like me) and are looking forward to saving up for it when it comes out...well, things can be a little difficult. :(

    It looks like shipping to CA is about $30.00. Keep in mind this is direct from Hong Kong and it looks like the GBP is pretty big so I guess this is pretty reasonable. One thing if for sure, you will get it pretty quick after it is released.

  17. I believe toy-wave had a preorder of USD 69 + shipping...dunno if Ken still hasnt updated his price  :ph34r:

    EDITED oh, hes updated it to USD 80


    That is an INCREDIBLE price!

    How is toy-wave? Has anyone ordered from him?

    I hope he's good because I just put in my pre-order. :ph34r:


    No need to worry about Toy-Wave. He's a great dealer.


    Thanks Valk-1S :)

    I can't wait to dress up my 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru Ichijo :D

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