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Posts posted by Temucano

  1. That´s huge. A real Space Dimension Fortress.

    This gonna be expensive. Probably I will have to pay insurance. Imagine this: you are transforming your $500 toy and you break one of the AMRDs. I will have nighmares about that.

  2. This is the first Armored Trooper VOTOMS forum known by me. I don´t know if this is the first one, but I think it´s necessary. MS Gundam and Macross have a lot websites. So I created this forum. It´s BILINGUAL. Fell free to write in english. The idea is that people of the entire planet can participate.

    Please make questions or suggestions.

    The URL: www.redshoulders.tk

  3. I mean, SDF Macross and its sequels are placed in our century. For example, the zentradi will arrive next year and Planet Eden will be discovered and inhabited in 2013. Our technology can´t do that at this time. Obviously, it´s just an anime, but I just was thinking about it.

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