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Posts posted by polidread

  1. Same here. I stumbled onto Frontier while watching Gundam 00 because the same fansub group was subbing these 2 shows. I watched ep1 of Frontier and the introduction of the war with zentradi really intrigued me. I went to look up Macross on wiki and I was amazed at the history of this franchise. That was when I know I have to watch the original series. I wasn't even born when SDF macross was showing, so imagine my awe and surprise when I realized that it was one of the most beautiful stories ever told in the world of anime. It was totally awesome.

    I was still very young when Macross 7 was showing but of course I went finish the entire series after watching SDF Macross. Then I went on to Macross Plus and Macross Zero. After that I continued Frontier. I always used to think that gundam was THE mecha anime to watch but after discovering this old gem that is Macross, I couldn't believe how much I've been missing out. I'm really glad I get to watch these wonderful series.

    i Dont have Yoshinol to offer right now, but here, DRINK UP!


    welcome to the jungle...

    Its a disguised blessing that Macross comes out only every 5 years

    because Mr. Kawamori decided to stay within the same universe

    each consecutive series expands on the story universe.

    It's enough time for each new generation of Macross fan to absorb and be absorbed by the ever expanding Macross universe -

    when the next series comes along he has matured enough to be nostalgic of the time when he was the newbie -

    he is wide eyed in anticipating the arrival of the new series and just all-too eager to share this excitement with the new batch of wide-eyed Macross fan, too.

    more often than not, a Macross fan doesnt look down on the newbie, in fact he welcomes him.

    AND Welcome to the jungle !!!

  2. most likely he's doing the drawing in Illustrator, which is moving anchor points around to create shapes. You don't really need tremendous mouse control for that.

    I love the way Polidread is starting to mix the stroke width to mimmick the look and feel of inking, gives a real good sense of depth and dimension.

    I do use Adobe Illustrator, but not for the VFGirls - yet.

    I mainly use photoshop for coloring these days, but i still pencil and ink them on paper

    Thanks for taking note of my techniques.

    Hopefully ive made a clean enough job of inking that made you mistake it for Illustrator art? :p

    It may be a bit redundant, but I'd love to see Mylene "wearing her valk". (I think it'd work better than most, since that valk is feminine to start with). Could use a lot more of the valk parts than other drawings. Heck, could even give Mylene the same "hair" and glasses as her valk... :)

    I wonder how much more time is Graham going to take to put this on the main page.

    Polidread, your work is AMAZING, man! Any chance of seeing the old hand coluored Valkgirls remastered or anything? I'm still a fan of the Heartbreak Squadron VF-1, although she's a little bit to armoured for my taste :lol:

    Oooh, the request list keeps on growing longer, i wish the other guys who used to draw VFGirls can come and pitch in :p

    I am a very picky person when it comes to fan art, I bag on my best friends art and tell him "how much I like the red colors he uses" and I grimly say "if red is the color for failure", BUT from what I have been seeing YOU GUYS ARE FU@#$% GREAT, YOU GOT MY BLESSING

    I think Polidread is one of the top artist on this site. Lots of Talent and such. Nice work on all of the stuff you have provided so far.

    Thanks for the nice words, guys !

    Polidread, do you do actual valks or just valk girls?

    I can draw VFs too, it's just that the VFGirls are easier to draw & look more ridiculously fun.

  3. oh yeah! i remember seeing this way back in highschool with my buddies - we were all pumped to see a manga with 'adult' themes on screen

    we were all laughing out of the theater a bit disappointed but totally amused by the overly stylized choreography.

    Dacascos really looked the part of The Freeman !

    (to this day, i havent seen the Japanese live action of another Ikegami manga : Sanctuary, i wonder how the actors looked in that adaptation !)

  4. EDIT: imageshack ate my drawings, so i'll upload them directly here:

    Another VFGirl! long overdue, but i hope you like.


    and a variation for Macross World!


    Although my linework and inking isnt as detailed as the other VFGirls,

    in this one i paid more attention to the textures.

    I added metallic grains on her armor to further differentiate

    the textures between skin, cloth and metal.

  5. How would one with no skills go about learning to draw?

    i started out copying my favorite cartoons and comicbooks (ninja turtles and Jim Lee-1990's era Xmen and then some Ranma :p yeah, i might be that old already ).

    Eventually school made it mandatory for me to draw Real people - that's when i sort of learned real anatomy and tried out mixing real and cartoon anatomy to try and discover/find my own drawing style.

    if you go back to the beginning of this thread, you'll see how i improved my VFGirls style from way back in 2003/2004, when i was just coloring them with markers.

  6. :blink: Wow, awesome work Polidread, however I think Machida name is too macho for a VF-171 girl :huh:

    i think 'Machida' is the pilot's name, but if you directly call the VFGirl "Machida" that's when she'll be upset

    (maybe that's why she has an angry nerve on top of her head right there!)

    Polidread you need to do (Mac F Ep21 SPOILER)

    Klan as a Michael VF-25 FAST Pack girl


    Well...wouldnt that be redundant ? but lemme see what i can do about it :lol:

    Awesome work. Are you going to be doing a front view one? Wish I can draw like that. What's your technique or secret??

    Thanks ! my secret? i keep on practising, with some learning on the side.

    Polidread you are brilliant!

    hh first time i really seen the 171, coz i been dodging Mac F until i can view it good, it reminds me of the VF2JA from mac II.

    Thanks ! a few more til the final episode airs and maybe you can start watching !

    (im not sure what to really say, it took a VFGirl to finally force you to look at VF-171 ?! )

    I meant of the VF girl, polidread.

    Understood. im just teasing you. :p

    and attached below is what im currently working on...


    see you soon !

  7. You know...I never thought about that before. :lol: Poor fishy...

    Although I have to admit that I always felt bad for the Orguss-dinosaur-looking things on Rax. Gamlin, Mylene, and Basara work so hard not to hurt them, and then the planet just gets blown up.

    Tragic, huh...?

    like those poor fool zentraedis over at gallia4...

  8. No, it's actually like this....

    Shoji: whew. this is tough work. sad to kill of characters, but we have to. and for the next episode, we'll have to animate another SMS funeral, like the one we did for Raramia.

    Assistant: umm... boss, we didn't animate one for Raramia...

    Shoji: ... oh poo. i forgot???

    Assistant: yup. you were too hyped out about that scene where klan feeds pineapple salad to michael, that you completely forgot.

    Shoji: yeah, that was so funny. sigh. oh well, how do we fix this... I KNOW! let's pretend that Raramia isn't dead...

    Assistant: huh? but boss, we all saw her quedlun blow up; no way...

    Shoji (not listening): and then let's add a scene where she's dead on the floor due to the vajra attack! and michael would be crying about it and all that, not knowing that he's next...

    Assistant: boss, how the hell did she end up in this episode? she died way back in...

    Shoji (still not listening): ... and that way, come episode 21, we'll have a twin funeral for raramia and michael!! and klanklan would be doubly mad! i am a freakin genius!! no wonder those fans call me a a god, or something holy or something like that...

    Assistant: actually, that's the "Hory Froating Head", and i don't think that's meant to be...

    Shoji (in his own world by now): i AM a god!! yes! and next time, and for ep 22, we'll have megaroad 1 show up! but in ep 23, we'll reveal that it's not actually the megaroad 1, but one of those random megaroads that i've never talked about before.... and then we'll have klanklan eating all sorts of pineapple and steak, but she'll survive! this is so amazing!! can't wait for my next cameo...

    where the hell are you in the philppines, so i can go and strangle you myself ?!?!? XD

  9. back in Macross Zero, a lone Cheyenne Destroid was doing well defending the AsukaII from DD Ivanov, until he got doubleteamed by Nora and DD.

    they arent weak, most of them do their job well.

    the plot just needs them to explode in front of the camera most of the time - giving you the illusion that it's all they can do.

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