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Posts posted by MGREXX

  1. Man, I think Mospeada may beat out Macross for my favorite anime of all time. I just watched the series -- I had seen most of Robotech: The New Generation, but seeing Mospeada with the original (non-cheesy) dialogue and remastered footage made it many times better.

    This confirms why I don't like new anime...old shows like Mospeada just blow everything else out of the water. Man. The characters were great, the mechas were awesome,  the story was beautiful, and the dialog was natural and non-retarded.  Hell, the dialog was as intelligent as any American TV show I've seen recently. That's why I love old anime. It's not insulting.

    *Sigh* Now I'll have to find out how to get Love Live Alive. Any tips on that?


    Actually, Robotech version was good too. They didnt really change a lot from that. I hate Mint on both version though. Totally useless character. She's the freakin Jarjar of Mospeada.


    Useless, just like you in life, huh Exoidiot. :rolleyes::lol:

  2. That's because there are more Robotech fans than Macross fans out there. ;)  :D


    So true... the stupid always outnumber people with taste.



    Yes Exoidiot, you should know best.

    Exo: " I am not only the President, I am also a member of club $tupid" :lol::lol:

  3. hmmm.............seems that retailers are scared with this new law. I wonder why????? :rolleyes:

    Their consience seems to be kicking in or is it the guilt that they feel because they realize that the gig is up and they are going to have to start OBEYING the laws or paying the fines because they KNOW they have not not doing $hit all of these years and now it is going to bite them in their greedy a$$e$. Hmmmm.......... :p:p:p

    Gamespot article

  4. i can't quite put my finger on it,but i know something just isn't right with him..... :p


    So thats the Battroid mode whats it look like in Gerwalk mode :p

    I know that U.N Spacey had money problems but the budget cuts have gone to far now.


    That bored huh? :rolleyes:

  5. Oh my god.  I forgot that you are one of those metrosexulas, huh EXOidiot?

    Don't touch your kids, just expalin it to them and help them see the way.  DO not yell at them but make them understand the error of their ways.  Put them high on a pedistal and tell them that they will be loved by all as long as they get in touch with their inner feelings and love everybody. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

    The real world does not work like that unless you want to raise a kid with issues and false hopes of the real world.  You talk to them and expalin things to them but corporal punishment IS A MUST 5% of the time.  I have laid my hands on my son 4 times since he was born and he is almost 5.  I have a 14 month old and have slapped his hand once.  Verbal scloding only goes so far but a good spanking and hand slapping will go even further because physical punishment reinforces how important your message is that you are trying to get across, unlesss you use it as a means all of the time, then you are just wrong.  I say use the hand here and there on those rare and special occassions where it is necessary.....as long as you can control yourself and don't make it a habbit.  If you hit them too hard, too much or even leave a bruise, then you are going too far.

    It's just like when I went thru Basic training (1989).  The Drill sergeants could push us, shove us, get in our faces and even "smoke" us until we nearly passed out.  Right when I was getting ready to get out in 1993, the newbies that came in would tell us that they could not be touched, yelled at them up close or "smoke" them.  What kind of $hit was that.  I thank Bill Clinton for that one....damn liberals.

    What I am trying to say is that physical punishment is a necessary component of raising a child into a mature and responsible adult.  Treat them like royalty all of the time and you get messed up people like Exoidiot and AgentDumb. :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:



    lol... trying to make that EXOidiot and Agentdumb thing catch? haha... not as catchy as MCOCK and MGTROLL.

    Besides, passing the balme towards politicians for your inability to straighten out your kids at the expense of people's freedom to choose is one way to show how much of a pussy your are.

    Damn... CHILDBEATER... :rolleyes:


    You are so clueless that you don't even know what you are saying.

    I feel sorry for you.....you Metrosexual. :lol:


  6. How is that different?

    When I was a kid playing cops and robbers and war I was physically hitting, pushing, shooting with my gun... with video games kids are just sitting... pushing buttons... watching their button pushing unfold. Video games are interactive movies... the are very passive. All the emotion and pent up frustration you see kids emote when playing games is there because they are not PHYSICALLY doing the thing they see happening. And that is yet another part of the whole mysticism of video games... they allow kids to see, but not truly participate.

    Does anyone else remember that rush? That rush of jumping your friend from an ambush, knocking him down and wrestling his toy gun away from him? That surge of adrenaline from running through yards with your friends behind you in pursuit trying to "kill" you?

    Pretend play is all about doing the action and pretending the consequences. Video games are all about pretending the action AND the consequences. The physical activity is what separates them.

    Do you know how hard it is to actually shoot another human being? Do you know how it feels to really hold a pistol, aim, and fire it into living tissue? Hear the screams? See the blood? Few people know that... and video games and make believe don't prepare you for it in the least. To say that they do is a lie.


    When you "shot" him when pretending, did his head explode in a gush of blood? DId you hit him so hard that he coughed up blood and was black and blue?

    In games, this is done and more....BY US!!!

    We are in a virtual world where we do things that we can't or should not do.

    For some people, that line is blurred.....especially immature kids.

  7. Some of you are missing the point of video games when comparing them to movies and playing pretend. When you play cowboys and indians, you pretend and don't really imagine what happens when you shoot or stab somebody, since you are just having fun. When wathching a movie, it's just a passive event. You see what happens but you are just an observer.

    When you play games, YOU are the one doing the killing and seeing the result of your actions. For adults it's just fun but for some youth, it blurs the line and makes some of them feel empowered to do things that they might normally only think about because they are all ready somewhat disturbed.



  8. Yes... spanking and pulling their hair is the way to correct your kids. :rolleyes:  Kids with SHOULD be investigated, no matter what the parents say.  Geez, MGREXX, I didn't know you're such an advocate for beating kids... I should have known though.  You're posts are always so matter of fact, that if anyone argued with you, they surely got a beating especially if they were under the age of fifteen.


    Oh my god. I forgot that you are one of those metrosexulas, huh EXOidiot?

    Don't touch your kids, just expalin it to them and help them see the way. DO not yell at them but make them understand the error of their ways. Put them high on a pedistal and tell them that they will be loved by all as long as they get in touch with their inner feelings and love everybody. :lol::lol::lol:

    The real world does not work like that unless you want to raise a kid with issues and false hopes of the real world. You talk to them and expalin things to them but corporal punishment IS A MUST 5% of the time. I have laid my hands on my son 4 times since he was born and he is almost 5. I have a 14 month old and have slapped his hand once. Verbal scloding only goes so far but a good spanking and hand slapping will go even further because physical punishment reinforces how important your message is that you are trying to get across, unlesss you use it as a means all of the time, then you are just wrong. I say use the hand here and there on those rare and special occassions where it is necessary.....as long as you can control yourself and don't make it a habbit. If you hit them too hard, too much or even leave a bruise, then you are going too far.

    It's just like when I went thru Basic training (1989). The Drill sergeants could push us, shove us, get in our faces and even "smoke" us until we nearly passed out. Right when I was getting ready to get out in 1993, the newbies that came in would tell us that they could not be touched, yelled at them up close or "smoke" them. What kind of $hit was that. I thank Bill Clinton for that one....damn liberals.

    What I am trying to say is that physical punishment is a necessary component of raising a child into a mature and responsible adult. Treat them like royalty all of the time and you get messed up people like Exoidiot and AgentDumb. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

  9. Yes,

    Our society is all screwed up.

    Try and correct your kid in a store and see if the employees don't call the cops on you, if you spank them or pull their hair. I saw it happen.

    Argue with a teacher that you are not physically abusing your kids because the kid has bruises from playing outside (and lies to get back at the parent). It happened to my sister-in-law. Kids in this country have way to much power and know it. They don't respect their elders and think they know it all.

    Video games may not be the cause of our ill's but these games sure as hell don't help matters.

  10. I don't know how long this will be closed, or even erased... but the idea putting blame away for a kid's behavior from parent to a retailer is just plain wrong.

    If a parent cannot control a kid because they are misbehaving, being unruly, no form of discipline, getting in trouble by the law, blamming the gamming industry while still buying violent games for their perfect little angels, and not take personal responsibility should get off their high horse of morality imposed stupidity, get spaded or nutered, join a convent and have a pole stuck up their rear end and not have kids literally.

    BTW, I blame the gamming industry for replying into this post.


    You can't place 100% of the responsibility on the parents. That is ridiculous. Sure parent's should be ones keeping on top of things and police their own children but not all parents are created equally and retailers should bear some of the responsibility.

    The way I see it is that we have the ESRB and most retailers DO NOT repsect it. I have seen this first hand, so they should be fined for not follwoing the ESRB. The ESRB is not a governing body nor does it have any pull but does serve a need that parent's can use as a guide.

    Unfortunately, mmany parents still think that games are still Pacman and Mario titles and have no idea of the amount of violence and sex, that many games have. I still play games because I like them and how the industry has matured the field. yet, I also play them and keep up to date to see what my kids want to play and decide if it's suitable for them or not.

    Regardless, we need all the help we can get, especially in liberal states like California, New York, etc.... which are not family friendly. If kids want to play games, they will....by any means necessary, so road blocks like this new law, can only help. Hell, they should add to the law and include penalties for parent's who buy their kids inappropriate games and call it the "$tupid and/or non-caring parent's law".

  11. I'm sorry was there truth? If so , I must have missed it.  I was too busy trying to translate the following:
    I see that you haved improved on your intellectual capacity to argue in a mature and productive manner, so I will do the same:


    stop trying to change hiestory and try to give the 360 a boost


    Bill Gates sold his soul to SATAN and is the richest motherf*%&$%

    It's just much of the post doesn't match the very first sentence.


    I was in a hurry and you know what I meant.

    Btw, you should take your own advise:

    "It's just much of the post doesn't match the very first sentence."

    Try adding "that" in between "Just" and "much". Also, take out the word "very" out of your sentence since it's redundant. :rolleyes:

  12. California Governon Arnold "i'll be back" Schwarzenegger, has signed California bill AB1179 into law. The bill will take effect in January 2006:

    Gamespot article #1

    I say it's about time that retailers were made responsible for selling T and M rated games to kids who are not teens or 17.

    On a related note, this is the kind of stuff that happens (sometimes) when crazy kids get to play these games:

    Gamespot article #2

    They should have given this kid the f*&%^ng chair instead.

    Thought's on this new bill?

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