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Posts posted by jardann

  1. My prayers and thoughts are with you. Please always remember that your daughter will need your strength and love, and in turn will be your greatest source of strength and love.


  2. Thanks for the link to your other thread. I must've missed that one.

    I'm going to try out that technique on a AV-6B model I'm building. :blink:

    Once again I say Awesome job on these customs!

    You've got some serious talent!

  3. Getting OT here, but I used to visit my grandma in Searcy, not too far from you.

    When I was spending time there the comics/sci-fi/anime scene was practically nonexistant. I hope it's better for you now!

    Take care down there!

    BTW I'm from St. Louis.

  4. Thanks for the great pics of your model! :D

    This is a great job! You should be proud of this model.

    I don't think you need to be self-conscious about your work.

    We can all stand to improve our skills, and yours are already very good.

    I do see a couple of decals (on the arms) that look like they need to lay down better, and the landing lights on the legs may be wrong (picky). :p

    I like this model alot and the most important thing is that you have fun building it and looking at it now. You are having fun with your hobby aren't you?!?

    Keep up the good work and please post more examples of your work! :)

  5. Hey Skull Leader,

    Where are you in beautiful Arkansas?

    I used to spend my summers down there with Grandma. :D

    I remember the heat, whew! :huh:

    The fresh air was great though! :)

    And you've gotta love that southern drawl all the girls have down there as well. ;)

  6. The effect looks pretty nice in the comparison pics, but doesn't the graphite wear off onto your hands if you touch it? :blink:

    As for watercolor, I would think that the plastic would resist the watercolor, and it would just pool up into spots. No even coverage. I'd like to hear if anyonehas tried it though.

  7. I must agree with Master Cheng!

    That Y-Wing is fantastic! :lol:

    Is that a kit or a scratchbuild? What scale?

    Please post some more Pics.

    Oh yeah, in keeping with the thread topic:

    I haven't done much modeling in a while so I have a 1/72 Hasegawa EA-6B that I'm working on to get ready to start some valks.

    I plan on posting some pics and step by steps(don't know how detailed I can get :rolleyes: ) as I progress.

    I'm new to the forums, but you guys have inspired me! :D

  8. Does anyone know where I can get some 1/72 low-vis Macross decals?

    The UN Spacy kite symbol would be most important, but I would like numbers and lettering also.

    Anyone have some they would be willing to part with? I could pay a reasonale amount.

    Thanks for any help! :)

  9. I think these look great for their small size and price.

    If you get them for under $10 you really can't go wrong. :) Then you don't have to worry about them breaking if you play with them or customize them because they are so cheap. ;) If I buy something from HLJ I always add a couple of these to my order because they are so cheap and small. They're definetely not top notch quality, but the price point more than makes up for it.

    By the way, does anybody have any pics of customized Banprestos?

    I'd love to see some, or does that belong in another thread?

  10. I have boxes (LARGE boxes) :rolleyes: of old models that my wife doesn't know about.

    I keep them for spare parts or to customize/experiment on. I plan on trying to do some battle damaged or disassembled maintenance type settings with some of them. If the paint finish is the big problem with an old model's appearance, I use a product called Greased Lightning (biodegradeable degreaser) to strip the paint and give it another try.

    Sometimes I give them to my son. He is just starting to build models, but he loves to play with them! So while he destroys the old ones, I work on the newer, better models.

    Several 1/170 battloids have met disastrous deaths at the hands of a six year old and his gundams! :p

  11. That paint scheme looks great! You really nailed the red color.

    You are turning into a prolific modeler and if you can do that with an old kit you should be proud.

    Keep up the good work, we all enjoy seeing your examples.

    Thanks for sharing!

  12. Hello everyone,

    New poster here. If this project continues, I am very interested in one of the kits.

    I hope everything works out for this. I will keep my eyes open for more details.

    This is one of my most anticipated projects. Can't wait to get one!

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