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Posts posted by superobotaisen

  1. really ,even thr ps3 browser load this

    To me Ranka is the best heal singer because lots of ennemies almost stop move or shoot when she sing. after sheryl is not bad,Minmay is decent too but at low level the heal power is low,Mylene was not a good healer his heal power look like lower than other at same level

  2. this race is not easy,you have to found the best road to not lose time,stay in fighter mode exept shoot the "canyon's in gearwalk",and change batloid when you are on top on the column to take them enought fast

    it is really the only little hard one,even the 2 other 10th was easy

    you can not change difficulty after begin choice,game was easy in hard,i rarely use the items

    But in ultimate there is challenge

  3. the bandits for VF25 armored are in a stage of the map

    in end afer you unlock all bad guy pilots and other caracters like Basara ,you unlock there custom unit too

    you will unlock too all custom valk rank 1,so it can be more easy to build rank 2 you have from quest :to buit directly the vf27 custom you need near 160 part of eatch(can be hard in 50) ,after unlock rank 1 by finish the game you need just someting like 60 of eatch

    after unlock red Queadluun custom wen can see 3 empty slots by left,1 is for the green unit from a zentrady bad guy you battle few time with another guy,still 2 empty box near this one

  4. i finally finish the game in hard with all golg medals,all guild missions and the 100 stones in.....85h

    i do not anderstand a world of jp,,to item quest if there is not spot in map :

    -you have maybe already the item the storage or you need items from yellow spot,there is 2 missions from SDF08 ask item you can eventually gain when you destroy cocoon second one ask 30(not the one you gain a lot..)

    the only missions that take me time was few destroy missions, some targets apear in random in smal number,

    if you found one you can eventually enter a base and back to make reapear,but with random spot it can even not work,

    if you really do not found try eventually cave or stages,(and back regulary in can give 1chest with good items to build units)

    i remenber a quest in desert :take me 20mn to kill 9/10...i take me 1h to found a last!

  5. no to the F25 armor quest i have kill enemies in a dongeon

    but i have another red lv 38 quest to kill 15 enemies to have VF19F in reward in chapter 7,i search more than 1h and do not found,maybe it was bandit??,i everitime kill them when i come in map,i wonde if there will have other in chapter 8/9,i have take time to do all quest it would be frustring if i can not do just this one
  6. in shop


    -buy go in ship stockage

    sell (your inventary)

    sell item from ship stockage

    i am now in chapter 4 ,it s the second map,you can back in first map to make guild mission,there was even new one and finally gain 2 rank2 valk likeVF0D you can now boost them with little more than 100000pt...

    ooo save rdgulary i have just lost 2h of play because a loading freeze (only the first in 30h)

  7. the third weapon is not always haed laser

    with strike pack it is beam ,with double strike pack the double beam,and with VF1S "skull squadron custom " you shoot a nuclear missile

    with mico missile ammo go fast,maybe because i play in hard i have to shoot more

    so far in chapter 3 i have VF1A ,VF1 J, VF1A,J,S SKull squadon custom ,with them we can use POWER,STRIKE or Double Strike pack

  8. you can play with your us account even with dlc from jp one

    i have unlocked in another race blue-print for VF1A "skull squadron custom ",there is 3 color red,blue,green and his Special attack you see the 3 shoot in same time

    Can you say me what is the Red guild mission lv 22?it is for this moment the only i do not found

  9. i have begin the game too,i do not anderstand 1 world of japanese(even kana) and i have never play psp games anyway but i have manage to andestand the 3 forms contols

    i have a question :is there a way to change/swap target locked?,i have just found i can select nearest one with R3

    i would be vey helped too if someone can translate the upgrade/stat menu

    I have move in the map,but it's dangerous with lots of enemies,i encounter lv 15 they make big domage in my non upgraded VF0S...
  10. The only psn content that are iplocked are movies or oav,i remember that one bonus oav with a gundam was locked

    As far the few dlc i have with jp games work perfectly in an EU PS3 system (another century episode R ,hokuto musou etc..),you can purchase some dlc too if you purchase psn card before,(you just need create a "fake" jp account)

    And you can play in your normal account with every dlc too

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