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Posts posted by laroy

  1. I saw one SMT 1/48 Y-Wing in Puzzle Zoo on 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica, CA. These guys always have rare things but sometimes the prices are sky high

    Thanks for the info friend, you wouldn't happen to know if they have a internet site would you?

  2. The individual OAV episodes are only available in Japan. The HK boots are also available, but I'm not sure if they cut out all the intros/endings/eyecatches.

    Thanks for the info, but that seems crazy since I have the VHS series, and have for a while now. What is up with that?

  3. {snip!} and are they still available?

    Depends where you look. HLJ only has one of the sets left but I've seen Hobbyfan carry all 3 from time to time, plus they sometimes popup on evilBay as well.

    Good luck. :)

    Thanks friend, I found the 2 sets that I wanted on Hobbyfan.

    Have a great day.

    La Roy

  4. i'd like to get one of the MG models. how are these kits?

    are these the best figures available for this series?

    They are great kits, I also like some others do not like the rubber/cloth. I bought gray materiel and fashioned for a more realistic look and easier to pose. Instead of painting after I put on the decals I sprayed clear gloss coat on.

  5. Actually one was made with a opening cockpit as well as a pilot to go in it. It was going to be the version 2 of the Pod I released frist. However that sculpt is gone along with the Masters for the frist Pod, Glaug Booster and a few other things. <_<

    But it will never see the light of day...or maybe it will. But not by me...


    Sorry Rob.

  6. I didn't think the fighter pod had a clear canopy - I figured it was a hatch with monitors inside, like the Glaug.

    But if you want to build a cockpit and have the hatch be open, basing it on the Glaug design is probably the way to go.

    Hi, I went and watch a few episodes, you guys are right, no clear canopy its a hatch. It would be cool to have a opening hatch though with detailed pilot and instrument panel, although again there was no pictures of the inside, it would be guess work.

    Thanks guys, La Roy

  7. As usual, I'm ignorant.  What's the Thunder Hammer?  Could someone post a pic or link? Please?  :huh:

      I can't vote till I see it. But I am leaning towrd the GBP...

    I had to go looking for it myself. Here you go:


    I did the same thing, always jumping the gun, thats why I have so damn many models now. I voted the GBP1, but I would also buy the Thunder Hammer.

  8. I was wandering if anyone has ordered from this place before? I ordered a few 1/200 kits about 2 weeks ago and paid by Paypal, but have recieved no kits or a email for shipping confirmation, nothing. (www.marcsmodels.com)

    Thanks for any info,

    La Roy

    Well, all did look bleak, but I had filed a complaint thru Paypal, Marc did respond after a few days, seems he was in Florida helping some family that had been victims of the hurricane. I did recieve the kits that I bought and paid for minus one that was not in stock, but I did recieve a refund for that one.

    I thank you all and wish all At MW a great evening.

    La Roy

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