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Posts posted by VF22Red

  1. I tried the three sillouettes, and it was too cluttered. I am going to try a vertical design that features all three in the future.

    I can however make two additional back pieces with a single sillouette of each mode, that way which ever is your favorite, you can have on the back.

    If there is something specific you want to see let me know and I can see what I can do.


  2. FlyingPika, PM me your email addy and I'll be happy to send it.

    I am currently working on the t-shirt design and a bumper sticker. They are going to be variations of the box art.

    I am looking forward to seeing other Macrossworlders entries!

  3. I think possibly that the second link may be some sort of revamped Macross Plus or Macross Plus Game because those are two VF-19s with altered fastpacks and of course Sharon Apple herself.

  4. ChristopherB asked for this, I'm sorry it took me so long to post it. It is the information that is on the back of both boxes.

    This is the information from Macross Compendium. I don't know if there is more information available. If there is can someone please point me to it so I can have the correct information on the boxes.




  5. Hey all, it's me again. I spent all day today working on this design, I need some input though and you guys have been extremely helpful so far.

    Here are a few questions, do you think the silouettes with the logo make the design too busy and do you think that the black sides add or take away from the box design?

    As always any insight will be helpful and appreciated.



  6. ChristopherB,

    Shifting the VB6 isn't a problem at all, I'll have a new version up later today with that edit.

    Thanks for the imput, I am really happy that so many people have given insight and advise to help improve on the design, I really appreciate it. :D

    Again thanks,


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