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Posts posted by Marso

  1. Yesterday, I bought the illustrated storybook and noticed that Jar-Jar Binks is nowhere to be found. Is he absolutely nowhere in the movie at all? If so, that's the best news I've heard about Episode III.

    I just finished the novel, and saw no sign of Binks.

    Go back and read again where Bail joins Padme when Palpatine is about to declare the empire. It notes that Jar Jar is there on the platform with Padme, looking worried. I'm prety sure this is the only place he appears in the novel and the movie. Almost a cameo, and no spoken lines I'm aware of.

  2. Okay I'm confused.  I always heard that Vader fell in to Lava but think about it.  Lava!  Ever watch those science shows on the stuff?  You fall in you're dead.

    Depneds on what kind of lava. Lava can be "cool" enough to walk on, yet it will still burn the crap out of you. However, it now seems that Annie falls down a slope near a lava flow and winds up in burning hot sand.

    And Palps.  He looks fine day day leaving the senate.  When he comes back the next day looking like chalk colored crap and no one cares?

    Actually he blames it on the Jedi and their "wicked sorcery." Thus justifying their extermination.

    He can blame his deformation on the attack on his person by the Jedi. If y'all have seen the picture of that Eastern European leader that the Russians recently tried to poison, it's actually an uncannily similar look. The guy used to look perfectly normal and now his face is all wrinkled, puffy, and sort of pock-marked and mangled looking.

    Strange how life can imitate art, eh?

  3. Quin was an interesting character, but as time goes on his misguided search for the second Sith is getting a little dull. Since we all know who the second Sith really is, Vos' antics are taking a cool character and making him look like a total dupe. Dooku is playing him like a violin, and I'm pretty sure he'll either get it before ROTS or they'll keep him around to use as a character in the post-ROTJ comics. What his role would be there remains to be seen, but there is little doubt that Vader and Sidious would have him on the run pretty quick. In the meantime, he needs to pick a side once and for all.

    I'm sort of hoping that Aayla survives ROTS, but based on what we've seen in the trailer, it appears unlikely.

  4. You'd think his helmet would atleast go SPLAT in red due to the fact that an opened wound or what not in space would cause your blood to boil and explode...

    I think its the extreme temperatures in space that causes blood to boil. this is all speculation of course but it seems to me if the cockpit were pressurized the air would escape through the bullet hole in the canopy and since his space suit is assumably temperature regulated it would happen just like it was shown.

    It's not so much boiling as nitrogen bubbling out of solution due to lack of external pressure. It's actually those shows where people do go SPLAT which are less realistic - I'm talking willing suspension of disbelief, of course! :blink:

    If they'd wanted to be really realistic, they'd have showed Chuckle's cockpit and helmet visor frosting over almost immediately. As big a whole as got punched in his flight suit, with zero external pressure, he wouldn't have even gotten out that 'Oh Frak!' before he was unconscious.

    But it was a good TV death. Adieu, Chuckles!

  5. I know that there are some XWA OPT files for Macross ships, most notably the SDF-1 and various incarnations of the VF-1, but try as I might I cannot find any sort of YF-19 OPT file.

    Does anyone out there know if anyone has ever done one? And if so, a link to where it can be downloaded?


  6. You are right, but in the Macross universe we commonly see Valks falling over and engaging in hand to hand fighting in Battroid mode without suffering any sort of damage at all. With those kind of materials, the airframes themselves might be able to stand the stresses, although the pilots certainly couldn't.

  7. Tomcat bubbas forced themselves into early retirement.  The plane took a lot of man hours to fly and maintain (much more than hornets...super or not), and their percentage of "full mission capable" birds was abysmmal.  However, despite that fact, tomcats fulfullled an important role and so were planned to be phased out gradually as the E/F's came on line.

    Well, there were a few tomcat pilots that figured since the plane was being retired anyway, they might as well try to break a few.  In case you're wondering, the operational G, airspeed, etc limits are lower than the actual limits of the airframe.  This is to reduce the stress placed on the airframe over the lifetime of the aircraft.  Well, these pilots went out and did some dangerous, stupid stuff and really did break a few aircraft (and a few flight rules as well).

    These incidents embarrassed the navy and cost it quite a bit of money.  Since the Navy always considered Tomcat aircrew to be kind of "uncontrollable prima donnas" (and they kind of are), the powers that be figured it would be cheaper in the long run to simply retire the Tomcat as soon as possible...even if all the E/F's weren't ready.

    Do you have a link to a story or info on this? I'm a former Naval Aviator (P-3 pilot, not jets) and I never heard anything about this. I'd like to see more.


    well Legios is a E-2 pilot, least thats what I remember him telling me(if i named the wrong plane forgive me it has been a while), so with that in mind operating in tandem with the Tomcats and coordianting them, I am sure he knows what he is talking about.

    I wasn't trying to imply he didn't. It was simply a request for more info.

  8. Tomcat bubbas forced themselves into early retirement. The plane took a lot of man hours to fly and maintain (much more than hornets...super or not), and their percentage of "full mission capable" birds was abysmmal. However, despite that fact, tomcats fulfullled an important role and so were planned to be phased out gradually as the E/F's came on line.

    Well, there were a few tomcat pilots that figured since the plane was being retired anyway, they might as well try to break a few. In case you're wondering, the operational G, airspeed, etc limits are lower than the actual limits of the airframe. This is to reduce the stress placed on the airframe over the lifetime of the aircraft. Well, these pilots went out and did some dangerous, stupid stuff and really did break a few aircraft (and a few flight rules as well).

    These incidents embarrassed the navy and cost it quite a bit of money. Since the Navy always considered Tomcat aircrew to be kind of "uncontrollable prima donnas" (and they kind of are), the powers that be figured it would be cheaper in the long run to simply retire the Tomcat as soon as possible...even if all the E/F's weren't ready.

    Do you have a link to a story or info on this? I'm a former Naval Aviator (P-3 pilot, not jets) and I never heard anything about this. I'd like to see more.


  9. I love them both but to me the movie has a better look and the storyline seems tightened up. There's a lot of stuff in the OVA, particularly with regards to Guld and whatever his mental malfunction is that just doesn't wash with someone who has to pass a flight physical, especially with regards to a Brain-Controlled aircraft!! Could there have been a worse choice based on the OVA?

    In the movie, though, they make it seem like Isamu's presence is dredging up old crap in his brain.

    Like I said, love 'em both but the movie gets an extra thumb's up.

  10. Okay, I obtained ep 4 (couldn't get 3) and was much more impressed than I was with 1 and 2. The only problem is that what I got didn't have any subs, so I understood only the gist of what was happening.

    Can anyone supply me with the following info:

    1. Basic synopsis thru ep-4

    2. Release date of OVA 3 & 4 in US

    3. Release date of ep 5?

    Thanks, if anyone knows.

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