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Posts posted by Gabriel

  1. Come on Fanboys! Give us reasons for the giant turkey legs! Using Anime Friend as an excuse is a cop out.

    Takes swig from mysterious giant wine bottle..............

    Looks like a hunk of meat on a stick to me, not a turkeyleg. Quamzin's looks like something stuck on a fork.

  2. If something takes 20 episodes just to start up, then that's a good sign that it just might be a big waste of time.

    My thoughts exactly. The original Macross series hooked me in the first five minutes, same with Macross Plus. I think this was mainly because they both had a couple often-overlooked things I like to call Story and Character.

  3. Couple of questions...

    1. Why did the ASS-1 crash on the Earth in the first place? I know it was a supervision army ship, but what made it crash? Was it crippled? Abandoned? Dropped here on purpose as some sort of galactic prank? I've never come across much info about the circumstances that led it to Earth. Hopefully some exists.

    2. What exactly are the reaction weapons described in the TV show? Are they just another name for nukes, or something else?


  4. Saw the first ep the other day. I can tolerate J-Pop cuteness when its balanced with a serious and edgy plot, but that seemed to in rather short supply. A lot of things were simply ridiculous. Too much cheese, not enough meat.

    I'll probably watch a few more, but the first didn't exactly pique my interest.

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