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Posts posted by skullmilitia

  1. Yeah, I'm in agreement with David on this one, it's still the wrong color. Unless this is some special "Max custom".
    The original color with more saturation, not a deeper blue. Whatever, if it's not somewhat accurate before release I'll just

    not get it. At this point at 300$+ with shipping, it needs to be the right effing color.

  2. Agreed. And as mentioned, a DX Chogokin VF-1 would have to be amazing to induce me to re-re-re-collect the same model and simply box up all of the Yamato VF-1's in my collection (and all (3) of the Arcadia VF-1's they released remain in their boxes).

    And with that, who cares about a VF-1 in a VF-19 thread? Seriously.


    Discussion in a stale thread, as nothing new as been said, why's not to discuss the future seeing how we just got a shot in the dark, out of nowhere release.

  3. That's some unkind rounding. At 1/60 scale the V2 VF-25 would stand 24.16CM tall. The toy stands 24CM tall... so almost spot on 1/60. Similarly, fighter mode should be 31.2CM long and it pretty much nails it. So it's fair to say with exception of the Monster, the DX scale is 1/60, not 1/65ish.

    I always thought the VF-25's were slightly smaller, but that's why I included the "AFAIK" lol

    The bigger draw is, when the DX VF-1 line hits, how will Arcadia handle having a competitor selling the same thing for only 130$ with a stand.

    Competition is always good, I'm not sure Arcadia is strong enough for that. They'd have to rely on new molds, or at least never done before schemes.

  4. Ah, sorry... I misunderstood, then. I apologize.

    (I *DO* see it a lot, though... "Kawamori is a troll" is basically received wisdom at this point, regardless of fact.)

    I think that's just the dissatisfaction with open-ended story lines. I can see how people would say he is "trolling" by leaving it open.

    At the same time, it's just any good story, where the ultimate closure lies with the reader or viewer in this case. I for one think the end of the Frontier

    series is brilliant. It's not so much a love triangle, but the completing of the main characters soul, by the two love interests being the wings to him.

    enter another triangle shape. The ending which people complained about, because Alto didn't chose either girl. It was never about the girls, from the very first episode it was always about the sky, and taking flight. It was beautiful in it's execution. If it had been written by Christopher Nolan, it would have been "omg the greatest ever". Since it was animation, and therefor perceived to be of a less standard than film, I think it suffers in being a little bit to well done. People don't like anything but happy endings, and Frontier didn't end happy enough for some people, for a few it seems, it was complete closure.

    Now I say that as a bigger fan of Film, then Anime, there are very few Anime shows I like, because I appreciate the Artuer, which Kawamori definitely is.

    I think that some of what Kawamori does in his story writing, might actually be too much to understand for a casual animation viewer. Zero is another show that I think suffers from being to smart, too deep.. maybe even to early. Maybe i'm too deep, but I feel like most dislike towards these shows are from a misunderstanding of the core focus on the characters, and not the story, or the "continuity".

  5. I love it when people who profess to like a show hate on its creators...

    Wat? I'm saying it's pointless to look at current Anime's to judge what Kawamori will do. I am saying that he has

    proven himself to be a powerful writer in the field, which means he will do what he wants, even if it's outside of what

    might be "more popular". The Studio's will go with what he wants, even if elements extend beyond "popular" things.

    I said it in nothing but respect.

  6. This was a total "meh". Notably Nolan's least interesting movie to me.

    Throw away plot, lack luster point to the whole thing. It's also a cliche that again we are dealing with

    Beings that are just us
    far off in the future able to transcend the 5th dimension, like every current sci-fi show, movie, game on the market. Not to mention I'm more interested in Cooper's mission to bring back Brand, then what happened before it. It was a little to fantasy for me, I expected more realism.

    It was beautifully shot, as any Nolan film is, the actors were beyond amazing, lots of emotion, plenty of extremely tense moments/ on the edge of your seat. I'm not saying it was bad by any means, I guess I'm just underwhelmed by what I saw. Which is saying a lot about Nolan, Because this was my least favorite of his, but still better then 90% of the other movies I have seen.

    If you can understand that.

    I know a lot of people were confused by what was going on through the half way point of the film, but hang in there, it'll all make sense.
    kind of..

  7. We'll know more in 2 weeks.

    Also BlueFin posted pictures of upcoming releases, and showcased the Monster.

    I wonder if it's a sign of things changing. I've never seen bluefin post any Macross Tamashii

    Goods until now. Perhaps BW is saying FU to HG finally.

  8. Mine came today, nice and shiny and smooth... super stiff on the hips.

    I don't have pics because I can't find my camera. :/ But it's all good - except that one of the breastplate flaps is missing! That's not worth trying to exchange it in my opinion, but if anyone ends up with an extra, please think of me!

    which side is it? i might be able to help.

  9. I'll take hours of moe idols singing j-pop over fifteen minutes of boring, emotionless Sara singing French opera.

    This x 1000

    I wonder if Birler will play a part of Delta, I mean Frontier's entier underlying plot, was his attempt to use Vajra / Galaxy's network to find Minmay.

    It would seem only plausible that, as we dig further into the power of the Vajra's ability to go around fold faults, that we may end up reaching a conclusion on where the megaroad went. It's safe to say that LAI learned a lot about getting around fold faults, and well, we know that Vajra are able to leave the galaxy, where as Macross only exists in our own Galaxy.

    And that leads to where does Macross 30 play into how the new show will look?

  10. Also, the rear of the box, and the instructions both show the Ghost sets, I think it's a sign they are eventually coming.

    I think the RVF-171 came with the wings, because I've only seen two trays to a DX box, and the normal VF-171 requires 2, along with the RVF-25, so they will have to make a new tray to combine the two together.

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