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Posts posted by Phren

  1. I think it's just a split from people who love fighters and squadrons and people who love bipedal mechs and those who like both. Gerwalk is like the orphan who instead of being half of both ends up not being either for a lot of people and ends up in neither camp. And some of the Valks just don't seem to be designed for it, Vf-1's looks great for it, others... not so much. I love how it's a nice medium speed 'skate' that's a nice mix of speed and maneuverability (and amazing 'changed my mind, backing away now!" options) It's the only thing that can use full force while traveling in reverse or forward alike.

    Personally, I find it iconic and really love it for vf-1's but when you start getting into some of the more advanced valks (vf-22, etc) it just looks like it was incuded for tradition, and not really desinged in.

  2. haha, such a nostalgia trip. Noticed some of those floating through the sale thread. A shame it didn't coincide with my winning the lottery. Though, I guess I have to play to win it.. the devil is always in the details. I remember going though the progress thread for the digi camo valk and being amazed. And always wanted a MMG.

  3. The enemy VF's in M7 (14's?) painted all purple - was gross - as well as the 19 kai and 11 customs are horrid - don;t get me started on the "clown" vf-1's. And while I love the 17 and the D model, I really, really hate the 17S head - like, really really.

    From other series, the destroids in general don't do anything for me for the most part, and I dislike the VF4 and I haven;t quite worked out how I feel about the SV-51 yet

  4. The only things I'm hoping for are a good shade of blue/purple - can't be too much of either. NICE engine detail, especially on those "petals" They look So cheap if not done well - and face/canopy 21 -> 22 conversion bits - I don't care weather they come as after-market add-ons, just don't make it impossible to remove the face and canopy in a peaceful manner..

    If I get all that I'm sold.

  5. are we gonna finally get an answer to what happened to Hikaru, Misa and Minmei? could it be... oh, i hope so...

    I almost wonder about that actually, taking mac2 and the top-gun PLUS out fo the equation,

    Macross 7 was following a story of Basara, etc alongside Max and Zero was about Shin alongside Roy, would be fitting and nice for a new group tagging alongside Hikaru and finding out how he tunred out. A nice space epic again wold be nice, with less weird island people and singing valk idol-squads..

    Plus a Hikaru Skull leader scheme on some modern valks through the big Y would be icing on the cake.

  6. the visor should be more -- and less /

    and I think it's not listed by the person who made/wore it, but his friends charging him $275 to forget he did so.

  7. Is there is a noticeable improvement from the 0A? If so, do you think they'll re-release the 0A with the changes made?

    I haven't made the jump to the Zeros yet, still looking for one without nightmarish structural flaws (IE, I'm sometimes clumsy). Off topic, but visually, what's the difference between the original 0A and the Shin0A? All I notice is the white line on the chest. - there aren't a lot of photos that I've seen, and most are with the ghost covering it up

  8. I'm not sure about it being re-released - the translation says it's a prototype and the store link says that there is no stock but mentions a 2 month wait.

    If it's not going to be pre-painted though it doesn't matter, I have NO ability to make it look good, and don;t know anyone who can.

    Darn it though.. I still want it! :lol:

    Maybe if it ever ends up as a recast or someone sells a complete one (yeah, right - and like I could afford that)

  9. I love my round bases, though! As long as you don;t do anything crazy with them, they look really nice for displaying the smaller pieces of your collection.

    Also I wondered if it might be possible to make/sell a "rod pack" with a few different sizes or sell the rods individually at the source so people could only have a base or two and still get the poses they want?

  10. I used to see the Bandai issues in the import ads in the back of Game magazines and such but were WAY out of my range.

    Years (like more then ten) later, I started having money and finally started looking into merchandise for Macross/ Robotech (admittedly it was under the "Robotech" banner) Then one day it hit me.. what's the one thing I've always wanted? My own Valkyrie! Models I can;t do, so I went and looked for toys.

    I saw a 1-a Hikkie reissue and a "Masterpiece" 1-S on display at the local rare toy dealer. Both were striking me as ugly, so I was deciding which one I thought was less ugly ad though.. "this CAN'T be all there is."

    Then it hit me. Between the time I was a child and now this thing called the Internet had been developed, so I spent five days becoming an instant expert on all things Macross/ Macross toy related and that landed me at Kevin's Valkyrie Exchange, (and eventually, Macross world) round the time the Yamato 1/48 was just coming out, I felt I was sufficiently educated and bought a super 1-J and a Roy 1-S as my first Macross toys.

    Somewhere along the way in my research I also came to really hate Harmony Gold and Toynami and became a card carrying member of the Macross purists. Well, that's my story, so here I am, lol

  11. I'm the same about only really wanting one myself, but I'm actually wondering if it will BE a repaint. I like the design of the 19, and unlike the VF-1, it isn't tied so much for me to the shows it was in or the roles it played.

  12. Well this thing finally landed and I thought, hey, there might be a slight chance that Yamato will possibly opt for releasing the same thing but with different colors! Crazy, I know. But the 19 already comes with three possible repaint options outside of the non-existent option of 19S/Kai Mac7 re-toolings.

    The 19A's slight head re-do I've always like, but the color never struck me as that appealing.

    Personally I'd like to see something stealth/ low vis (read: just make it look like a believable aircraft, not some enameled showboat), but since I haven't liked a low vis since the original 1A, I have to go with the blue supernova scheme. Is it just me or is there some real preference issues between the blue and orange schemes?

    Anyway just trying to see what others would want most.

  13. Ah! People who liked Robot Carnival. One of the things that showcases a lot of what drew me to watching anime in the first place, that as well an Angel's Egg, while never really appreciated by most, I really enjoyed those two. They had that unexplainable allure and slight mysteriousness that I ate up back then.

    For my own odd picks from less recent titles, I Really enjoyed Green Legend Ran, Genocyber, and E.Y.E.S of Mars, dispite all the crap they get for various reasons.

    Also Liked Video Girl AI and Narutaru, but not sure how old they are?

    Also didn't care much for Akira myself, if it makes Area88 feel any better

  14. I really like the blue trim on the wings and tail fins. The black nose is a nice touch too!

    Very nice, and I usually lament at someone painting up a low vis.. But I think I'd actually *rather* have one that looks like that.

    Your custom monitor height adjustment is pretty nice too, BTW :lol:

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