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Dies Irae

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Posts posted by Dies Irae

  1. 5."Seyla" is a ritualistic clan word meaning "unity", but what is the origin of the word?

    Seyla comes from the bible, it means pause and contimplate, basically its an early form on 'Amen'. The explaintion about the wolf warroir who saved the ilKhan is considered non-cannon


    Something that Robert Thurston wrote for B-tech, "non-canon"????

    That's about like saying the bible had nothing to do with God....


  2. 5."Seyla" is a ritualistic clan word meaning "unity", but what is the origin of the word?

    Seyla comes from the bible, it means pause and contimplate, basically its an early form on 'Amen'. The explaintion about the wolf warroir who saved the ilKhan is considered non-cannon


    Something that Robert Thurston wrote for B-tech, "non-canon"????

    That's about like saying the bible had nothing to do with God....

  3. Ok, there are a select number of members who are fans of battletech/mechwarrior so I got some trivia quizzes lined up. Questions will be drawn from game/story events, not game rules or technical stats (with the exception of mech names). Unfortunately it requires more of a working knowledge of the stories as told in the novels, but you might get by with just some game knowledge on a few questions. Winner gets a cookie and recognition and a chance to be in my NEXT quiz, 5 questions and we'll start off easy... so here we go!

    1. Davis Carlisle Clay (of the Gray Death Legion) was born on what world?

    2. In the original SNES Mechwarrior game (which had damn little to do with the series itself) featured a mech that would later be seen in a technical readout, which mech was it? Another appeared in a technical readout under the same name, but was a completely different mech... brownie points if you know this one too

    3. What is the phrase painted on the side of Eridani Light-Horse commander Edwin Amis' mech? (This particular mech is a Cyclops)

    4. Kell Hounds/Crescent Hawk commander Jason Youngblood (hero of the early IBM-PC Battletech games) was mentioned in only one book. What book was it and what battle did he participate in during that book?

    5. What is the name of the new regiment awarded to Highlander Loren Jaffray after his defeat of the Smoke Jaguar "Tau" galaxy on the planet of Wayside V?

    I... don't... know...

    *Weeps Bitterly*


    Now, for your agony, I present you with the complete Battletech Animated Series. This forumer is not responsible for any psychological scarring that may occur from watching said series.


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